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Graphics and Page Design by PHA / 2003.
     Gallery # 1 - Superman 1
   1. Supergirl # 1 - Supergirl Soaring
   2. 3D - Animated S-Logo - Gold
   3. Spinning Tiny Superman
   4. Flying Superman: Sky Background
  5. Superman Montage # 1
  6. Superman: Walking
  7. Superman Montage # 2
  8. Superman Montage # 3
  9. This is a Job For Superman...
10. DC Comics Bullet Logo: Spin
11. Supergirl # 1 - Supergirl Soaring
12. Superman: Morphing Spin Logo
13. Superman: Morphs from 40's-90's
14. S-Logo - Spin - Red on Black Bg.
16. Superman : Animated Icon  *
17. S-Logo - Morphs # 2
21. Superbaby : Taking Flight
22. Superman Flying : Right-Blue Bg
23. Superman Flying : Tiny
24. Superman Flying : w / Logo.
25. Superman Flying: John Byrne Art
26. Superman: Walking
27. S-Logo - Spin - Animated Series
28. S-Logo - Blinking Button - Small
29. Superman : Firing Heat Vision *
30. Superman Montage # 4 - G. Reeves
31. X-ray Glasses
32. Clark Caught Changing
33. 60th Anniversary - Alex Ross
34. Live Wire : Glowing
35. You'll Believe a Man Can Fly  *
36. My 1st Animated Link Button *
15. S-Logo - Spin - Red on White Bg.
18. S-Logo - Spin - Large - Clear Bg.
19. S-Logo - Counter-Spin - Large
20. S-Logo - Spin - Large # 3 - Clear
     Gallery # 2 - Spider-Man
163. Supermen of the 20th Century
164. Alex Ross Sketchbook
165. S-Logo - Blink Button - Large
166. How Superman Shaves
167. Superman : 3D Imaging Sequence
168. Superman Flying : Right At You # 1
169. Superman : Funny Cartoon Sequence
170. Superboy # 1
171. Superboy # 2 ( with Krypto )
172. Supergirl # 2 w/ Linda Danvers
173. Superman : Fighting Stance # 1
174. Superman : Hovering # 1- wind
178. Superman : Man of Steel - Stance
179. Superman : Smiley
181. Superman : Serial to Cereal
182. Superman : Flying # 6
180. Superman : Fighting Stance # 2
183. Clark Morphs to Superman
December 18th, 2002 : There are currently 126 Animated Spider-Man Gifs spread out over eleven pages.  For the complete list, go to the seperate Spider-Man Animation Index. Click Here to go there now.
     Gallery # 3 - Superman 2
     Gallery # 4 - DC Comics Super-Heroes
     Gallery # 6 - Marvel Comics Super-Heroes
     Gallery # 5 - Looney Tunes
     Gallery # 7 - The Uncanny X-Men
     Gallery # 8 - Continuity Comics Heroes
     Gallery # 9 - The Simpsons
     Gallery # 10 - Southpark
     Gallery # 11 - The Batman
     Gallery # 12 - The Tick
     Gallery # 16 - Vampirella
     Gallery # 17 - Animated AIM Icons
198. Aquaman Gallery Link
199. Batman Gallery Link
200. Black Canary Gallery Link
201. Flash Gallery Link
202. Green Arrow Gallery Link
203. Green Lantern Gallery Link
204. Justice League Gallery Link
205. Lobo Gallery Link
206. Martian Manhunter Gallery Link
207. Superman Gallery # 1 Link
208. Superman Gallery # 2 Link
209. Superman Gallery # 3 Link
216. Captain Marvel Family
215. Blue Beetle
222. The Warlord - Mike Grell Tribute
223. Spin "WB" Logo
224. The Animaniacs
225. Bugs Bunny # 1 : Dancing
227. Bugs Bunny # 3 : What's Up Doc ?
228. Daffy Duck # 1 : Painting
229. Daffy Duck # 2 : Duck Dodgers
230. Marvin The Martian # 1 : Marv 3D
235. The Road Runner
236. Sylvester # 1 : The Rose
237. Sylvester # 2 : Tweety Chase
238. Tasmanian Devil # 1 - Spin
239. Tasmanian Devil # 2 - Spin
241. Tweety Bird : Flying/Hovering
240. Tasmanian Devil # 3 - Spin
231. Marvin The Martian # 2 : Walking
232. Michigan J. Frog
233. Pinky : Painting
234. Pinky & The Brain
242. Wile E. Coyote
243. Sylvester # 3 : with Son
226. Bugs Bunny # 2 : Carrot Time
244. That's All Folks - Cast
Page 1
184. Kingdon Come Tribute Gif *
249. Silver Surfer # 1 - Large
250. Captain America # 1 - Flag Wave
251. Iron Man # 1 - Flys Towards You
253. The Hulk # 1 - Mean Green
254. The Hulk # 2 - Banner changes to..
255. Silver Surfer # 2 - Small
256. X-Men # 1 : Jean Gray
258. The Hulk # 3 - Hard Landing
259. Thor # 3 - Stance
260. X-Men # 2 - Animated Series Logo
261. X-Men # 3 - Prof. Xavier # 1
262. X-Men # 4 - Movie Montage # 1
264. Spider-Man : Wallcrawling 3D
263. X-Men # 5 - Logo - Spin - Gold
257. Thor # 1 - Hammer Throw by GAZ
252. Iron Man # 2 - Hovering
Page 2
265. Fantastic Four - Logo 2
266. Fantastic Four - Logo 3 - flames
267. Fantastic Four - Logo 4 - spin
269. Fantastic Four - Invisible Woman
270. Captain America # 2 - thumbs up
273. Nick Fury - Smoking
274. Captain America # 4 - Shield Spin
275. Captain America # 5 - Stance
276. Captain America # 6 - Shield Whoosh
277. Spider-Man - Marvel Banner
272. Captain America # 3 - Shield Up
268. Fantastic Four - The Thing
Page 3
279. Thanos # 1 - Stance
280. Lady Death
281. Silver Surfer # 3 - Ron Lim Art
283. Captain America # 7 - kneeling
292. In Progress
286. War Machine - Power Up
287. Doctor Doom # 3 - Stance
288. Captain America # 8 - Shield Whoosh
291. In Progress
282. The Hulk # 4 - Fighting Stance
Page 4
293. Iron Man # 3 - Re-charge
294. Iron Man # 4 - Fighting Stance
295. Iron Man # 5 - Power Up
297. Nova - Taking Flight
304. DareDevil #2 - In Progress
300. Doctor Doom # 4
301. Thanos # 3 - Powering Up
302. Captain America # 8 - Shield Whoosh
303. DareDevil #1 - In Progress
296. The Punisher - Fighting Stance
September 12th, 2002 : There are currently 165 Animated X-Men Gifs spread out over thirteen pages. For the complete list, go to the seperate X-Men Animation Index. Click Here to go there now.
472. Bucky O'Hare Teaser
473. Continuity Studios Anim. Logo
475. Crazyman - Laughing
477. Megalith - Flexing
478. Vampire Queen Video # 1
479. Bucky O'Hare
480. Guyman Black
474. Armour - Gleaming
476. HellHart - Casting
481. Vampire Queen Video # 2
482. Lisa - Walking with Sax
483. Homer - Tripping
485. Homer - Mowing Lawn
499. Homer - Drinking # 1 - on couch
500. Mr. Burns - Montage
484. Itchy and Scratchy
486. Grandpa - Spitting Teeth
501. Homer - Homer's Brain
487. Homer - Dancin in 3D
488. Moe - Wiping out a glass
490. Bart - Skateboarding
502. Maggie - # 2
503. Marge - Dancing
504. Bart - Whistling
505. Homer - Drooling
489. Bart - Spray Painting
491. Bart - Mooning
506. Lisa - # 2 - Smiling
492. Bart - Dancing
493. Bart - as Bartman
495. Homer - Touching
507. Lisa - # 3 - Lisa Playing Sax
508. Homer - Homer 3D # 2
509. Ned
510. Homer - Drinking # 2
494. Maggie - Crawling
496. Homer - Grinning and hiding
511. Grandpa - Snoring & Rocking
516. Cartman # 1
517. Kenny # 1
519. Stan # 1
518. Kyle and Ike
520. Kyle's Mom
521. The Clone
522. Chef # 1
524. Saddam
523. Cartman # 2
525. Mr. Garrison & Mr. Hat
526. Kenny Meets Godzilla
527. Kenny # 3 - Kenny Pissed
528. Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo
529. Cartman # 3 - German Dance
530. Kenny Meets O.J. Simpson
531. Satan
532. Cartman # 4 - Cart-Moon
533. Kenny Meets The Titanic
534. Kyle's Mom # 2
535. Kenny Meets Happy Gilmore
536. Kenny Meets Saddam Hussein
537. Kyle # 2
538. South Park - Faces
539. Kenny in the Grab-O-Lux
540. Chef # 2 - Singing
541. New - In Progress
542. Bat-Logo - Gold - Spin
543. Batman w / Logo Flash in b.g.
545. Batman / Superman
544. Batman & Robin
546. Batman : Lightning Flash in b.g.
547. Batman : Movie Collage # 1
548. Batman : 30's - 90's Morph
550. Batman vs. Thug - Fight
549. Batman : Movie Collage # 2
551. The Joker # 1 - Walking
552. Harley Quinn
553. Arkham Asylum - Lightning & Rain
554. The Joker # 2 - Laughing
557. Batman : Animated Series - Spin Logo
558. The Penguin - Waddling
559. Batman : Cool Background
560. Batman Walking 3D
561. Batman : Jab
562. The Joker # 3 - Card
563. The Riddler - Walking
564. Batman : Walking Left
565. Bat-Wing over the Moon
566. Batman Logo - Black & White
567. Yvonne Craig Morphs into Batgirl
568. Bat-Logo - Blue & Red - Glowing
569. Bat-Logo - Gold # 2 - Spin - Small
555. Batman : Running At You
556. Spanish Comic Covers Montage
570. Batman : The Killing Joke - Flash
571. Batman Lines
578. The Tick - Alarm Clock
579. The Tick - Leaps Across City
592. The Tick - Thats Keen !
593. Der Fleydermaus # 1
786. Vampirella - Sitting atop own Logo, hair blowing in breeze.
580. The Tick - Alarm Clock
594. El Seed
186. Superman : Flying Right At You # 2*
187. Superman : Shield Morphs to Chris *
185. Superman : Morphing Logo
188. Superman : Pose - Cape Fluttering *
189. Superman : George & Chris *
175. Superman : Super-Sunrise *
176. Superman : Hovering # 2- glow
177. Superman : Hovering # 3- sky
190. Superman : That Ole Green Glow
191. Superman : Shield - Backlit*
192. Superman : Shield - Fade *
193. Superman : Logo - Break Apart
194. Superman : Border Patrol #1 - Right *
195. Superman : Border Patrol #2 - Down *
196. Superman : Border Patrol #3 - Left *
581. The Tick - Big Grin
582. The Tick - Little Wooden Boy
583. The Tick - Googly Eyes
595. The Tick - Waving
596. The Bee Twins
597. The Tick & Mr. Mental
210. Sandman / Vertigo Gallery Link
211. Wonder Woman Gallery Link
212. The Atom - Shrinking
213. Blackhawk
214. Black Lightning
218. Earth "S" Heroes
219. Hawk & Dove - Clashing Swords
220. Raven - Phasing In
221. Starfire - Flying Loop-de-loops
217. DC Spin Logo
584. The Tick - Moon Over The City
585. American Maid # 1 - Smile
586. Arthur # 1 - Grinning
587. The Tick - Scared
588. American Maid # 2 - comin at ya !
589. The Tick - oooooOOO Neat !
598. American Maid # 3 - Alley Ooop
599. The Tick and Arthur
600. The Tick - In A Spin
601. The Mad Bomber # 1
602. The Tick - Spooooon !
603. Sewer Urchin
248. In Progress
245. In Progress
246. In Progress
247. In Progress
278. Fantastic Four - In Progress
271. The Human Torch
285. Doctor Doom # 2 - Walk Backwards
284. Doctor Doom # 1 - Laughing
290. In Progress
289. In Progress
299. Thanos # 2 - Teleporting
298. U.S. Agent - Fighting Stance
306. DareDevil #4 - In Progress
305. DareDevil #3 - In Progress
497. Homer - WooHoo-ing
498. Homer - Munching
512. New - In Progress
513. New - In Progress
514. New - In Progress
515. New - In Progress
572. Batman : In Progress
575. Batman : In Progress
576. Batman : In Progress
577. Batman : In Progress
573. Batman : In Progress
574. Batman : In Progress
590. The Tick - Animated Logo
591. The Tick - Loco ?
604. The Tick - In Progress
605. The Tick - In Progress
     Gallery # 13 - Star Trek
     Gallery # 14 - Babylon 5
December 24th, 2002 : There will soon be 120 Animated Star Trek gifs spread out over ten pages. For the complete list, go to the seperate Star Trek Animation Index. Click Here to go there now.
197. Superman : Border Patrol #4 - Up *
726. B-5 - Station & Epsilon 3 - Spinning
729. B-5 - Cmdr. Susan Ivanova
727. B-5 - WhiteStar - Spinning - 3D
728. B-5 - Ships of Babylon 5
738. B-5 - Command Staff
739. B-5 - Vir / Londo
741. B-5 - Shadows Ani. Button
740. B-5 - Sheridan / Delenn Button
     Gallery # 15 - Stars & Planets
758. 3-D Moon ( stylized )
761. Twinkling Stars # 1
759. Shooting Star - Right
760. Black Hole
772. Shooting Star - Left
775. Moon - Phases
774. Nova Burst
764. Star # 1 - Teal
762. Venus
763. The Sun ( Sol )
778. Z Planet w Orbiting moon
776. Earth - small
777. Star Sparkle #2
773. Pulsar
765. Mars - shadows crossing
768. Saturn
766. Moon Orbiting the Earth
767. Jupiter
771. Neptune
769. Tiny Pulsing Star - White
770. Sparkling Star - Teal
779. In Progress
782. In Progress
780. In Progress
781. In Progress
785. In Progress
783. In Progress
784. In Progress
742. B-5 - Londo / G'Kar Ani. Button
745. B-5 - Icon # 1 - Sheridan & Delenn
743. B-5 - Animated Logo # 2
744. B-5 - Station Specs.  ( in progress )
730. B-5 - Spinning Logo
731. B-5 - Babylon 5 / TNT Logo
733. B-5 - Timeline
732. B-5 - Star Fury - Turning - 3D
734. B-5 - Space Battles
735. B-5 - Station Sequence
737. B-5 - Shadow Ships # 1
736. B-5 - Jump Gate
746. B-5 - Icon # 2 - G'Kar
749. B-5 - Icon # 5 - Steven Franklin
747. B-5 - Icon # 3 - Ivanova - 1
748. B-5 - Icon # 4 - Lyta Alexander
750. B-5 - Icon # 6 - Ivanova - 2
752. B-5 - Icon # 8 - Lennier
753. B-5 - Icon # 9 - Garibaldi
751. B-5 - Icon # 7 - Londo Molari
755. B-5 - Icon #11 - Talia Winters
754. B-5 - Icon #10 - Jeffrey Sinclair
757. B-5 - Icon #14 - Vorlons
756. B-5 - Icon #13 - Bester ( PSI Cop )
787. to 1003. My animated buddy icons cover 9 separate pages with 24 icons per page. They range from Super-Heroes, to Animated TV Characters, to Films and much more.
Welcome.. To view any of the animations listed on this page, all you have to do is to click on the section head title where the gif is listed, or the icon next to it.. Eventually, I plan on linking each one individually. ( with over 1,100 animations on the may take awhile. Please be patient. )
If you've created a gif that you'd like to see included in this site, please email me via the link provided at the bottom of the page. you WILL be credited where the gif appears.

                                                                            Enjoy, all..  Pete.  Jan. 1st / 2003.
Click me to go to my 1st page
All the NEW Superman gifs are here !
Click here to go to my Animations Index
Respect My Authoritor then click me to go to my page !
            MAJOR Update: February 10th, 2003 - Just completed 9 new galleries with over 100 brand new, animated gifs. scroll down below gallery # 17 ( animated icons ) to check out the new Superman  3 - Aquaman - Black Canary - Catwoman - The Flash - Green Arrow - Green Lantern - Justice League - and the new Wonder Woman Galleries.
     Gallery # 18 - Aquaman
1004. Aquaman - Swimming
1007. BC - Standing in front of Anim Logo
1009. BC - A Wink & a Sigh
1005. Aquaman - Then & Now
1012. Black Canary - Backlit Logo
1013. BC - Lit by the JLA Logo
1014. Black Canary - Too Sexy
1008. Black Canary - Stance
1010. BC - The Canary Cry
1015. Black Canary - The Canary Rides
1006. Aquaman - Bursting out of the Sea - in progress
     Gallery # 19 - Black Canary
1011. BC - Burning up an old Costume
1016. The ORIGINAL Birds Of Prey
1017. Animated Kitten runs across screen
1019. Catwoman - Attacks ( live on page )
1022. Catwoman - Attacks # 2
1023. Catwoman - Cracks the Whip # 1
1024. Catwoman - Waiting - tap tap..
1018. Cat Eyes Flashing x 2
1020. Catwoman - Walking
     Gallery # 20 - Catwoman / Batman II
1021. Catwoman - Original B.O.P. # 2
     Gallery # 21 - The Flash
1044. Flash III - Running - Clear Bg.
1045. Flash III - Running - Black Bg.
1046. Flash II - Cosmic Treadmill
1043. Flash III - Running at You - w. logo
1047. Flash - Lightning Logo - Spin
1048. Flash II - Running
     Gallery # 22 - Green Arrow
     Gallery # 23 - Green Lantern
     Gallery # 24 - Justice League
     Gallery # 26 - Superman 3
1050. Green Arrow # 1 - Current Series
1049. GL /GA - Neal Adams Tribute
1054. GL /GA - Ring & Arrow
1053. Green Arrow - Close-up - Grell Art
1057. Hal Jordan - Fires ! - large
1060. Kyle Rayner - flies at you
1063. Green Lantern - Animated Logo
1065. GL Oath - Animated
1066. Hal Jordan - Fires ! - small
1058. Green Flame
1061. Animated Power Battery # 1
1067. John Stewart - Power Beam - white
1062. John Stewart - Power beam - black bg
1068. Animated Power Battery # 2
1071. Justice League - Animated Logo
1073. The Atom # 1 ( Ray Palmer )
1081. The Flash # 1
1082. The Flash # 2
1083. Green Arrow # 1
1072. Aquaman # 1
1074. Batman - Stance
1084. Green Arrow # 2
1075. Black Canary # 1
1087. HawkWoman # 1 - flying
1076. Black Canary # 2
1078. Blue Beetle # 1
1077. Black Lightning # 1
1079. Catwoman # 1
1080. Captain Marvel # 1 ( Shazam ! )
1088. Hawkman # 1 - flying
1089. Huntress # 1 - snow day
1090. JLA - Team Fades In - Alex Ross
1091. JLA - Collage
1092. Martian Manhunter - link to new gal.
1093. Troia # 1
1094. Supergirl - Burning
1095. Superman - Adams Tribute
1096. Wonder Woman - New
1097. Zatanna - Hats Off To You..
1098. GL /GA Tribute..
1099. Lobo # 1 - Guitar Riff
1100. Lobo # 2 - Flips The Bird
1109. Superman - Mini-gif - Hovering
1111. Superboy       "        # 2
1117. Supergirl # 5 - Burning Hot !
1124. Superman - A Light Workout
1125. Smallville - Cast Collage
1110. Superboy ( Kon-el ) # 1
1112. Superboy # 3 - The Saddam Stomp
1126. George Reeves - Flag Waving
1114. Supergirl # 3 - classic pose
1127. Super-Too-Much-Coffee-Man
1115. Superman - Bursting Free
1116. Supergirl # 4 - Hovering
1128. Superman Email
1129. Empire State Building Fly-By ****
1130. Superman # 12 - cover animated
1131. Superman - Classic Pose (Byrne Art)
     Gallery # 27 - Wonder Woman
1139. W.W. # 1 - Mini-Gif - Flying
1141. W.W. # 3 - Bar Bending
1146. W.W. # 7 - Fighting Stance
1147. W.W. #  8 - Front & Back Poses..
1148. W.W. #  9 - Hold That Flight !
1140. W.W. # 2 - Spin Change # 1
1142. W.W. # 4 - Flying to You
1149. W.W. # 10 - Lasers & Bracelets
1143. W.W. # 5 - Bullets & Bracelets
1150. Donna Troy # 1 - Troia
1144. W.W. # 6 - Hey ! that feels like...
1145. The Cheetah # 1
1151. W.W. # 11 - Wonderland
1152. W.W. # 12 - Spin Change # 2
1153. Donna Troy - Thru The Years
1154. W.W. # 13 - Spin Logo
1027. Catwoman - MEOW !
1028. Bane / 3-D ( rotates )
1029. Batgirl on Cycle / 3-D
1025. Catwoman - The Whip # 2
1026. Catwoman - Toys with her prey..
1030. Robin - Runs
1032. Harley & Ivy - Holiday
1035. Batman - Stance
1036. Batman - New 3-D Logo
1037. Batman : Vehicles
1031. Batgirl - Cape Flair
1033. Nightwing # 1 - Running at you
1034. The Huntress - Close-up
1040. Robin - Swinging
1041. Batman - mini-gif
1042. Robin - mini-gif
1038. Batman : Animated Series - walks
1039. Robin - Walks
1052. Green Arrow II - Fires Arrows - Grell
1051. Green Arrow - Animated Logo
1056. Green Arrow II - Shoots
1055. GL / GA - psychadelic
1059. Green Lantern - Attack In Space
1064. Green Lantern - Blink Button
1069. Kyle Rayner - Power Ring Shield
1070. 3-D Power Battery - Rotates
1085. Green Lantern # 1
1086. Green Lantern # 2
1101. Booster Gold - In Flight
1102. Starman # 1
     Gallery # 25 - Martian Manhunter
1103. Mars - Animated ( planet ) ( live )
1104. Martian Manhunter # 1 - in flight
1105. Martian Manhunter # 2 - Classic Pose
1106. MM. # 3 - J'onn Morphs
1107. MM. # 4 - In Flight # 2
1108. MM. # 5 - In Mars Shadow
1118. Superman - Neal Adams Tribute
1119. Superman & Supergirl ( Crisis #7 )
1120. Superman - Heat Vision # 2
1121. Superman - close up on the shield
1122. Superman # 14 - 1942
1123. Superman Blue - Powers Up
1113. Superman - Daily Planet Fly-by
1132. Steel # 1 - Hammerstrike
1133. Steel # 2 - Animated Logo
1134. Steel # 3 - On The Run
1135. Superman - Flying Into The Sunset
1136. Supergirl - Current Costume
1137. Superman - Breaking Through
1138. Superman # 233 - Animated Cover
1155. The NEW Wondergirl (in progress)
1156. W.W. # 14 - Fighting Stance 2
            MAJOR Update: March 25th, 2003 - Just completed 1 new gallery ( Martian Manhunter ) : see Gallery # 25.  I've also added over 60 new animations to the following galleries.  DC Comics - Black Canary - Catwoman - Flash - Green Arrow - Green Lantern - Justice League - Superman Gallery # 3 and Wonder Woman. Also click the home button at the bottom of this page to see a new gif I made in Support of the troops fighting in Iraq.
     Gallery # 28 - Lobo
1161. Lobo - X-Mas Card ( The Finger )
1164. Lobo's Fishies - In Progress
1162. Lobo - Strong Punch
1165. Lobo - Fighting Stance
     Gallery # 29 - Sandman / Vertigo
1167. Sandman # 1
1171. Black Orchid - In Progress
1168. Death # 1 - In Progress
1172. Swamp Thing # 1 -Tribute To Bernie
1163. Lobo - Riding - In Progress
1166. Lobo - Riffing On Guitar
1169. Sandman # 2
1173. Swamp Thing # 2 - The Rosegarden
1170. Hellblazer - In Progress
1174. Swamp Thing # 3 - Hide and Seek
1157. W.W. # 15 - WW Running
1158. W.W. # 16 - Adam Hughes Tribute
1159. W.W. # 17 - In Progress
1160. Donna Troy  3 - In Progress
            Update: August 12th, 2003 - Just completed 2 news galleries : Check em out,
              # 1 is The Lobo Gallery.  # 2 is The Sandman / Vertigo Gallery . Also new are
              additions in most of the DC Comic Galleries..
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