Button Origin : Load Files at Source.
Button Destination: Load Files at Destination.
Button Copy: Copy Files from Source to Destination .
Make a RAW copy from bit to bit. Exact.
Button Go out: Exit the SGC Application.
Button Save: Save all the parameters of the
Application SGC.
Button Load: Load all the parameters of the
Application previously saved in SGC.
Borra Origen
Button Delete Origin: Delete selected file of the
Origin (If there is no Selected it eliminates all the
files of the Origin).
Borra Destino
Button Delete Target: Delete File selected of the
Destination (If there is no Selected eliminate all files
of the Destination).
Copia Mirror Estática
Button Static Mirror Copy: Makes continuous copy
of Files in loop.
Copia Simple
check Simple Copy Box: Copy or Encrypt or Decode
only the selected File (only 1). The Selected File.
check Box Notify: Notify each completion of
copy .In encryption with CLK makes an attack
command of the files to be encoded one by one .
(As It use command is not in use in systems of
64 bits , it only works in older systems of 32 bits with
command aplication in use.
Mirror Continuo
Check Box Mirror Cointinuo: On makes copies
continually. In encryption with CLK makes a
call to the system with loose Threads all at once
and It does not wait for the completion of each one.
throws them all at once.
Box Origen
box Source File Area: file box Origin.
Box Destino
box Destination File Area: file box Destination.
Seleccionar Llave
Entrance Text Select Key: Select File
for encode as confirmation key 23 alone
When The Clk Check box is not selected
Encrypt With Clk5!!!: When this is selected
it becomes the key confirmation file 23
of the CLK.
Seleccionar Llave
Button Select Key: Select the Text of the
Entrance Text Select Key
Entrance Integer Deviation: Enter a sum of
deviation in all coding and subtraction in
decoding . It needs to be adjusted
equal in encoding and decoding
Encriptar Copiando
Button Encrypt Copying: Encrypt Destination
copying from Origin to Destination .
Decodificar Copiando
Button Decode Copying: Decoding Destiny
copying from Origin to Destination .
Encriptar Origen
Button Encrypt Origin: Encrypt only Origin
Decodificar Origen
Button Decode Origin: Decode Only Origin
Encriptar Destino
Button Encrypt Destination: Encrypts only
Decodificar Destino
Button Decode Destination: Decoding Destiny Only.
Button Clk5: Show the clk program in the console
selected in the parameters window.
Fichero Claves Clk5
Entrance Code Book Text: code book of keys selected.
Seleccionar Clave
Button Select(Codebook): Choose Book of Keys.
Numº Clave
Entrance Integer Key Number: Select number of the
Key from the book of Keys .
Button Parameters: Shows the Parameters window.
Encriptar con CLK5!!!
check Box Encrypt With Clk5!!!: Encrypt with CLK
of otherwise it only encrypts with the file
confirmation CLK confirmation key 23.
Pantalla Parametros
Screen Parameters : Collect the parameters of
personalization by CLK.
Box Text Path CLK in MSDOS Command:
In The Parameters screen, select the route
from the clk6.exe executable file to execute program.
Button Route clk5.exe: In The Parameters screen,
Select the file clk6.exe your path in MSDOS