CLK 4.0 (Console)
Console for
32 Bits (WIN 95/98/NT/XP)
Encryption algorithm: CLK®
Encryption procedure: CLK®
Encryption and decryption speed (with 2
GHz processor): 265 Kb./sec.
1- This program encrypts and encodes any type of file regardless of its extension and gives as The result is an unreadable file, which can be decoded and decrypted with the corresponding master key.
2- The program creates or reads a book (or base of data) of master keys, each master key is composed of 12 keys individual (10 text keys with a maximum length of 64 characters, and 2 numeric keys: an integer and a signed double number). Through these keys the program encodes and decodes, having activated before a master key from a code book.
3- The way to encrypt this program completely innovative and the latest keys close what is encoded, in such a way so that it is practically impossible to decrypt without having the original key; In addition, this program can encode something that has already been encoded as many times as possible. times you want, which multiplies security.
4- Includes a file to be selected by the user (confirmation file), which is not recorded in the key file and which becomes key 23 of CLK algorithms 4.0 . IMPORTANT: If you have encrypted with the key 23, the file selected has to be the same and unmodified that applies to decrypt. It is the user's responsibility to remember this file and its name, as well as that it is available through CLK 4.0 for decryption correct, since the program does not record any data referring to this file. This feature is optional. the program asks if you want to apply key 23 (confirmation file) both when encrypting and decrypting.
This program also has a utility for delete files permanently and
without leaving traces called "eraser universal eraser".
The universal eraser overwrites the disk with zeros, everything the
physical content of a selected file, then truncates it, leaving it in
a single byte containing a zero and subsequently deletes it from the
The program contains two menus that activated with the CAPITAL letter of the menu + ENTER : One main and one secondary that is activated when using the option C (Keys).
1- Main menu:
- Claves : (C) Go to the secondary menu keys
- Ccodificar (O) Encode, with the activated master key, a file. (NOTE: The name and extension of the file resulting encoding must be assigned by the user).
- Decodificar (D) Decode, with the key activated master, a file. (NOTE: The name and extension of the file resulting from decoding must be assigned by the user).
- Ver ckave ; (V) Shows on the screen the master key activated.
- Imprimir : (I) Create a text file with the master key activated and if the file exists it adds it to the end of the file.
- Borrador universal: (B) Overwrite with zeros on the disk, all the physical content of a selected file, which truncates it leaving it in a single byte and subsequently deletes it from the system.
- Salir : (S) Exits the
2- Key secondary menu: ( comes from the
main menu “Keys” in which a file is opened or created code book
- Fichero: (F) Allows select a new keybook, if it exists it opens it if it does not create it. (NOTE: If a new key file is created, it will not be saved to disk until that a master key has been registered.)
- Altas: (A) Register a new composite master key by twelve individual keys.
- Bajas: (B) Delete a master key
- Modificar: (M) Modify a master key
- Listados : (L) List master keys from a code book file
- Busqueda: (B) Search all master keys in the book open key.
- sFlecion elejida : (E) Select one master key within the open keybook and activates it for encryption or decode with it in the main menu.
- Salir: (S) Exits the
secondary menu and goes to the main menu.
Finally, the program will ask if wants to apply confirmation key 23 and requests a file to process it; both when encoding and decoding. Remember that if you have encrypted with the key 23, the file selected that applies to decrypt has to be the same and without Modify. It is the user's responsibility to remember this file and its name, as well as that it is available through CLK 4.0 for decryption correct, since the program does not record any data referring to this file.