Omnivore Teeth

Omnivores are animals which eat both plants and meat. The term "plant" in this case is used to cover vegetables, roots, fruit etc. Omnivores usually have canine teeth, these can be long and defined as in the badger, or they might be short and somewhat stumpy as found in most humans.

The premolars of omnivores vary in shape according to which order the animal belongs. Probably the most disntiquishing feature in the Omnivore mouth are the molars. These teeth usually have more flattened crowns.

badger molar

badger (Meles meles)molar

The badger molar is rather flat in appearance with a broad surface. The pig molar below has seen little use due to the young age of the animal. The picture below shows two pig molars. An adult pig would have three molars, but in this young animal the third molar has yet to grow. Notice the difference beteen the first and second molar. The first molar has obviously seen some use as wear to the surface is becoming apparent. The second molar shows no such wear. In time the second would wear down with use giving the curved surface of the tooth a more flattened appearance, similar to that of the first molar. For an example of human molars, take a look at your own in a mirror. You will probably notice that your molars also have this flattened surface unlike carnivores who have more prominent rises on theirs.

pig molar

pig (Sus scrofa) molars


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