Nothing for Granted A Sonic the Hedgehog story by Kris Kelley This story is protected by copyright laws. Feel free to distribute this story, but the authors do not allow any unauthorized alteration of the story or distribution for profit. Author's salted mixed ramblings: Okay, so I lied. I managed to come up with an idea for another Sonic story, so "On My Mother's Grave" isn't my final one. Hope you like this one. Hiyas go to... well, everybody. So many names to list, I couldn't possibly remember them all. A special hello to all the FurTooniacs. As usual, comments and suggestions can be sent to: All the characters depicted herein are the creation and property of Kris Kelley, except for the following: Sonic, Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor, Cat, Dr. Robotnik, and Snively: created and owned by Service and Games (SEGA) and/or Archie Publications and/or DiC. Todd: created and owned by Craig Fox. Night time had come, and with it a cold, harsh rain. He slowly walked on, unable to see where he was going, not really even caring. His group, the group he had promised that he would protect, was gone, fallen victim to an ambush by one of Robotnik's patrols only days before. Now, the only thing that he could still claim his own was his vest, a vest which stated that he was an expert in Quandolo, one of Mobius's oldest martial arts. He knew many martial arts, actually, and had earned many praises for his skill. But that was all in the past. The vest was in tatters, now. Having had almost no food or water since the attack, so was he. He never thought that he would just give up. He had vowed that as long as he was alive, he would do everything he could to keep his group together, to somehow help them survive in the desolate world that Mobius had become. But what can you do when there is nobody to protect anymore? His friends were now either dead or roboticized. Maybe it was time to stop running. When he walked to the top of the hill, the last thing he expected to see was lights in the distance. There was a city here! In all the years on the run, he had steered clear of the cities. They were Robotnik's territory now, each one having been turned into a technological fortress, run by robots that had once been inhabitants of Mobius. Now, however, he saw this city as his goal. He would simply walk up to the first Swat-Bot he saw, and surrender. Surrender, and it would all finally be over. He never made it to his goal. Near the city limits, his legs gave out from under him, and he collapsed, unconscious. * * * Alison turned off the light, ready for bed. She looked out her window, which had a wide view of the land south of Nilreb. Not that there was really all that much to see. Every time she looked out, she saw the same expanse of plains, stretching almost to the horizon, broken only by a chain of low mountains far off in the distance. Now, however, it was impossible to see even that much, obscured by the darkness and the rain. She was just about to turn around and climb into bed when a lightning bolt illuminated the area for a brief time, and something caught her eye. Oh gods, she thought. There's somebody out there! Soon she was dressed and out of the house. When she got there, she realized that the figure was a wolf and he looked badly wounded. The fact that he was a wolf, however, was enough to put him in grave danger. Mustering all her strength, she managed to pick up the wolf in her arms and carry him to her house, and safety. * * * He woke up fully expecting to be in a prison cell. What he was not expecting was to wake up in a warm bed with his wounds bandaged. He sat up in surprise, but his sore muscles made him regret it, and he lay back down again, growling softly at the pain. "Hey..." He quickly turned to the direction of the voice, and again was struck by the pain. "Oh! Who's there?" "It's okay," the female voice said. "You're safe for now. Just try to get some rest. You almost died out there." As she spoke, she came over, and he could now see her face. When he did, he gasped, eyes open wide. "I know," she said, understanding his reaction. "Don't hold it against me, okay?" "But... you're human!" Alison nodded. "Yes, I am." "I thought there were no humans left." "No, we're still here, actually, thanks to our 'great leader' Dr. Robotnik." These last words were heavy with sarcasm. "I don't understand. He didn't just roboticize all of the humans as well? I had been told many times that he had." "Who can understand anything that maniac does? Here, I'll try to explain it. All the humans were forced to come here to live right after Robotnik overthrew King Acorn. He claimed it was part of his plan to make Mobius a better place to live, but we all know better. We've heard about what he's been doing to anybody who isn't a human." "And yet he claims to have roboticized you all? Why?" Alison shrugged. "Ego? Who knows? And he actually has roboticized quite a few. That's his standard punishment for any crime. Or rather, anything he says is a crime." "Such as harboring a wolf?" "Well, yes, but I don't care. I just can't stand around and watch him hurt people like that, human or otherwise. I do what I can to help." "You must be careful. If he found out you were doing this..." Alison nodded, shivering a little. "I know, and he's caught people in the past, but... I would rather have that fear than feel guilty for the rest of my life." The wolf nodded. "You are a brave girl." Alison shrugged. "You get some rest, okay? You need it." She turned and walked towards the door. "Hey, wait. I don't even know your name." Alison turned and smiled. "Alison. What's yours?" "Sebastian." She opened the door. "Get some sleep, Sebastian. I'll be back soon with some food." She stepped out and closed the door. Sebastian turned on his side, slowly, his muscles still aching. Soon, he was asleep again, breathing peacefully, something he hadn't been able to do for a long time. * * * Days went by, and Sebastian's morale improved. Sebastian learned that Alison owned and managed a restaurant by day ("The food isn't that great, but it's a pleasant place for people to meet, when the Swat-Bots aren't patrolling through it, of course.") while usually staying at home or helping people ("like you, Sebastian") at night. "Have there been many others?" Sebastian asked. "A few, though not as many as there used to be. They usually don't stay long, since the risk of getting caught is pretty high if you don't keep moving." "Yes, I know all about that." Alison learned that Sebastian had trained in martial arts in the hope of becoming an instructor ("Standing up and fighting for yourself was something I always believed in, and I wanted to show others how they could do so.") when the coup hit. Then, he and a group of others fled and were always on the move, trying to stay alive and safe from Robotnik and his army of robots. "We were doing okay, until a few days ago. Somehow, we just walked right into a Swat-Bot patrol. I managed to get away, but..." He shook his head. "But I was the only one." "I'm sorry." Sebastian nodded. "Well, for days I just wandered around. Then I saw this city off in the distance and I thought that maybe I should just give myself up. I couldn't keep running anymore." "I hope you still don't feel that way!" "No. No, I don't think so." "Good! I wouldn't want all my efforts to go to waste." "I just wished I could have helped them." Sebastian sighed. "I know. Believe me, I know. But you're still alive and you're still flesh and blood. You can still help others." Sebastian nodded again, silent. "Hey, you can start by helping me. I need to organize my food inventory over at the restaurant." "The restaurant? It would be dangerous for me out there, wouldn't it?" Alison chuckled. "Well, yes, if we were to go above ground." She motioned for him to follow, and she lead him down to the cellar. Opening a door, she said, "This leads directly to the inventory room. In times like this, you take a few precautions." "I see." "Well, let's go!" * * * Several days later, Sebastian decided it was time he should go. "I don't want to put you at any further risk." Alison nodded. "I understand. Do you know where you'll go?" "No, not yet. But don't worry, I'll do my best to survive." Alison smiled. "You will." They spent some time preparing some supplies for his journey. Finally, when nightfall came, he stood at the back door, ready to leave. "Oh, wait a second, I have something for you," Alison said. She left the room and soon came back holding a vest. It was Sebastian's Quandolo vest, and he could see she had mended it. "Alison," he said with surprise. He put it on and looked it over. The vest was in perfect condition. "Thank you." She smiled. "You're welcome." He picked up his bag and opened the door. He looked back at her, and for a lingering moment, their eyes met. There were thoughts, ponderings, on what could possibly have been, perhaps in another time, maybe under different circumstances. Then, the moment was gone. "Goodbye, Alison, and thank you again." She gave a small wave. "Be careful, Sebastian." Sebastian nodded, and left. He stood at the top of the hill, the same hill that he had first seen the lights of Nilreb from. He had been wondering where he could go from here, but without any ideas. Then, one finally came to him. He remembered long ago, when he had heard tales of a group living somewhere in the Great Forest, fighting Robotnik. Thinking of no other alternative, he decided he should try and find them. He set out towards the Great Forest, far to the west, the Mobian moon lighting his way. One week later. Antoine saw him first, while on sentry duty. He hurriedly took out his com-link and activated it. "'Allo, Sonic? Sonic, come quickly! Zere ees somebody in ze forest!" Sonic replied and was beside Antoine only seconds later. "What's up, Ant? This isn't another one of your ghosts, I hope." "No, no, look!" Antoine pointed. Sonic looked. "Well well well, we have us a visitor. Stay here, Ant." Sebastian had been walking slowly through the forest when he almost bumped into something he could have sworn wasn't there a second ago. The something spoke. "Hi there! Who might you be?" Sebastian jumped back, ready to fight. Sonic put his hands out in front of him. "Whoa, easy there, bud! I'm not loaded." Sebastian looked at Sonic, and relaxed. "Sorry, you surprised me." Sonic chuckled. "I seem to have that effect on a lot of people. Now, who are you?" Sebastian extended his paw. "My name is Sebastian. Tell me, are you Sonic the hedgehog?" Sonic shook his paw, chuckling again. "Why, yes, I am," he said with mock-formality. But then, he looked at the wolf with a thoughtful expression. "Sebastian? Now where have I heard that name before?" "I don't think I know. I haven't met you before now." Sonic thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "Wait a minute, I remember! You knew a fox named Todd, right?" "Todd? Yes, I did! Do you know him? Is he here?" Sonic's smile faded. "Well, I did know him..." Sebastian blinked. "What happened?" Sonic sighed. "Long story. Really long. Listen, would you like to come back to Knothole with me? I know Sally would love to meet you!" "Knothole? Yes, of course! I was hoping I would find it." "Heh. Yeah well, it's not exactly a place you'd just happen to run into. We stay nice and hidden. Have to, you know, with ol' Buttnik sniffing around." Sebastian nodded. "C'mon, then, let's go." As they walked past the watchpost, Sonic shouted, "Hey, Ant, it's okay! We're gonna scoot back to Knothole." "Ah, okay. I'll be here, wi' ze eagle's eyes!" Sonic smirked. "Right, whatever. See ya, Ant!" "Sebastian? Really?" Sally studied the wolf. Sebastian chuckled. "Everybody seems to already know me, around here. And you, you really are Princess Sally?" "Well, things being what they are, I'm just Sally for now." Sebastian bowed his head slightly. "Even so, it is an honor to meet you." Sally smiled. "It is an honor for me, too, Sebastian. We've heard so much about you." Right then, there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Tolouse entered the room. "Sorry, Sally, I hope I'm not interrupting. Rotor just wanted me to tell you that he won't be able to make tonight's meeting on time. He... uh... needs to clean up his hut." Sally chuckled, imagining why. "Oh, that's okay. Tolouse, there's somebody you might want to meet. This is Sebastian." Tolouse blinked. "Sebastian?" Here we go again, Sebastian thought with a smile. Turning to Sally, he said, "Is there anybody here who doesn't know me?" "Well, Todd did talk a lot about you." "Todd, yes. Tell me, please, what happened to him?" Sally sighed, and the room fell silent for a short moment. "It's... it's a long story." "That's what Sonic said. If it's alright, I would like to hear it." Sally looked at Tolouse. "Do you want to?" "I could, I guess..." Sebastian shook his head. "I never knew about all that. Poor fox, no wonder he was always ready for a fight." Sally said, "Sebastian, if I may ask, Todd said you were travelling with others. What happened to them?" This time Sebastian sighed. "That's not quite as long of a story. Basically, we got trapped and I was the only one who escaped." "Oh. I'm sorry." "It's okay. That's kind of why I'm here. I would like to help you out fighting Robotnik, if I may. I have nothing else to do, now." He gave a small chuckle. "Well, we'll just have to see," Sally said with a smile. She looked out the window, which was showing a darkening sky. "It's about time for the meeting. Why don't you join us, Sebastian?" "Thank you," Sebastian said. "I appreciate that." "Great." Studying Sebastian's vest, she said, "I see you are a master of Quandolo..." Dr. Robotnik was sitting in his command chair, drumming his fingers. He had been doing so for some time, and Snively was beginning to wonder just what was going through his mind. Either he's really concentrating, Snively thought, or the old fool has finally blown his mind. Snively had to cover his mouth to keep from chuckling. Finally, Robotnik spoke. "Snively, tell me again why I'm not roboticizing those humans in Nilreb?" Oh no, not this again. "Because, sir, you planned to make Mobius a place where only humans would live, free from all of the other furry creatures." "Yes, yes, but I'm beginning to realize even they aren't worth saving. Do you think any of them could ever match my intellect? Do you think any of them will ever accurately comprehend my visions, my dreams of the future? And what about these reports I keep getting saying some of them are actually helping other animals?" Snively was worried. If he roboticized all the humans the way he was doing everybody else, who would be left? Snively didn't want to live in such a world. "But sir, you can't roboticize everybody! Who would be around to run the machines?" "Me, of course! And you, perhaps, unless you keep questioning me like that!!" Snively gulped. "But, but... you can't live forever!" "We will see about that. I have come this far. Do you really think that I am going to let something like death stop me?" Robotnik fell silent again, and Snively turned back around, unable to pay attention to his work. He has blown his mind, Snively thought. He wasn't chuckling anymore. Robotnik said at last, "Well Snively, I have made up my mind. You will excuse me while I go to set up my plans." He stood and walked out of the command center. Snively sighed. Sure, he hated non-human animals as much as Robotnik did, but to roboticize the humans as well? This is one time where I hope you fail, Robotnik, he thought. I don't know how, but I hope you fail. Sally was using Nicole to studying some information that had recently been hacked from Robotnik's computers when she heard a knock. "Come in." It was Sebastian. "Hello, Sally. I have an idea I want to discuss with you." "Sure, Sebastian. Here, sit down." She offered the space beside her. Sebastian did so. "I was thinking about how I could help the Freedom Fighters, and I would like to offer to train them in the martial arts." Sally thought for a moment. "That sounds like a good idea." Sebastian smiled. "Great! It's just that I---" Glancing at Nicole's screen, his voice trailed off. A word had caught his eye, "NILREB". He leaned over to try and read the rest. "May I?" "Sure," she said, moving Nicole over for him. "Is there something wrong?" Sebastian read. PLANS TO CONVERT NILREB TO MAJOR RESEARCH CENTER UNDERWAY. SEARCH AND ROBOITICIZATION OF ALL INHABITANTS TO TAKE PLACE IN FIVE DAYS. Sebastian gasped. "Nilreb! Oh, no!" "What is it?" Robotnik seemed to like calling all of his cities "major research centers", and Sally had figured this was just a plan to search another abandoned city and then begin rebuilding it. "There are people living in Nilreb. Lots of people." Sally gasped. "Really?" "Yes, but that's not all. Let me explain." Sebastian then told her about his time in Nilreb, and what Alison had told him about the city. Sally shook her head in amazement. "So there really are humans left on Mobius." "Yes, and they aren't working for Robotnik. You must believe that. Sally, we need to help them." Sally looked at the message on Nicole's screen again. "Okay, we need to act quickly then. This message is dated today, so we have five days to work with. Go find Sonic. He'll find the others. Tell him we need to have all the Freedom Fighters here for an emergency meeting. One hour later, the Freedom Fighters were all gathered in Sally's hut. Sally spoke. "Okay, please listen. We have learned that there are still humans living on Mobius, and that they are concentrated in one city, Nilreb. We have also learned that Robotnik plans to have all of them roboticized and the city turned into another Robotropolis. We have five days to make it to Nilreb and figure out how we can save them." The newest Freedom Fighter recruit, Cat, asked, "Humans? Can we trust them?" Sally nodded. "Sebastian, here, has been to Nilreb and knows one of them. Now look, I know what you may be thinking about this, but as always I expect full devotion to this mission. If any of you think that you won't be able to put aside any doubts about the humans, please leave now." Nobody left. "Okay, we leave for Nilreb tomorrow. Any questions?" Bunnie asked, "What exactly are we gonna be doing over there?" "We don't know yet, to be honest. Once we get to Nilreb, we're going to meet with a human named Alison. From there we will see exactly what we can do. We have five days to work with. Any more questions?" There were none. "Okay, in the morning, we journey to Nilreb. Thank you all." Four days to go... "Rotor, are you sure this thing will work?" "Of course it will, Sonic. I do recommend everyone keep their seatbelts fastened, however. The ride could get quite bumpy." Sonic snapped on the harnesses to the carriage, on of Rotor's latest inventions. "Everybody all nice and snug back there?" Sally's voice hinted at the nervousnous they were all feeling about what was certain to be a memorable ride. "I think so." "Okay!" Sonic took out a power ring and began to concentrate. "Let's juice!" A blinding flash, a clap of thunder, and they were off... There was a knock at the door, and she answered it. "Sebastian!" "Alison we have to tell you something. This is Sonic and Sally of the Knothole Freedom Fighters." Sally stepped up. "Nice to meet you Alison, and I wish it could be under different circumstances, but there's something you should know..." Alison sighed. "I should have known this would happen. Okay, I know who I need to call. I'll see if they can come over tonight..." "He's going to what??" All around the room, people gasped in horror. Sally nodded and displayed the message on Nicole's screen for them to see. "There is no time to second guess this, so please, listen to me. We need to come up with a plan that will not only get this city evacuated, but will make sure that there is enough time before Robotnik has a chance to find you. We need to get started on this plan tonight. Here's what I want you to do to begin with..." The populous was alerted, and everybody soon understood the gravity of what was happening. The city of Nilreb slept fitfully that night, haunted by dreams of what would happen if Robotnik succeeded in his plan. The next morning, however, they awoke with a new purpose: to do everything they could to keep that from happening. Three days to go... People were sent to explore the surrounding areas for available refuge, when the time for them came. The Freedom Fighters, together with Nilreb's computer workers, worked to gleen more information from Robotnik's computers about what he intended to do. Everybody was gathering supplies, looking for ways to use the least amount of space possible. The city was a little quieter than normal, and if the Swat-Bots were better programmed to recognize emotion, they may have been concerned. But they stood their posts, oblivious. Back in Robotropolis, Robotnik chuckled, looking over the reports saying all was normal with Nilreb. "Just three more days, Snively. I cannot wait to see the looks on their faces!" A drop of sweat rolled down Snively's cheek. "Y-yes, sir." Two days to go... Sally, Sebastian, and Alison used the information drawn from the Robotropolis computers to form a plan. Bunnie, Tolouse, and a human named Glyn oversaw the moving of supplies to a series of underground caves. A network of tunnels underneath the city served this purpose well. As Alison had said, "in times like this, you take a few precautions." Cat, Antoine, Sonic, and the humans Edward and Melissa saw to it that any questions were answered. Now was not the time for any uncertainty. One day to go... The blur of preparations were coming to an end, and the plan was being finalized. Most of Nilreb's population would be leaving the city that night, while those staying behind would attend a special "announcement" that Robotnik was planning to make at the town park. Robotnik's plan, they had found out, was to reveal his plans to roboticize the humans at this time, at which point the Swat-Bots would storm the crowd as well as all of the city. The humans had access to a small collection of explosives, and now, they would serve a purpose. At the right time, explosives planted at certain points in the park would detonate, destroying the army of Swat-Bots. Meanwhile, the Freedom Fighters and other humans hidden throughout the city would take care of the rest. If all went well, all the humans would be safely out of the city, and by the time Robotnik was able to send for more Swat-Bots, the humans would be safely hidden in the caves or beyond, ready to lead their new lives. That afternoon, Sally and Alison talked to the Freedom Fighters and the humans that were to help in the final execution of the plan. "...Okay, are there any final questions?" The room was silent. "Okay. Go home. Get some sleep if you can. Good luck to everybody tomorrow." Day Zero "Snively! Prepare my personal transport. Today is the day!" Snively sighed heavily. "Yes, sir." "Today is the day. I hope we pull this off," Alison said. "Me, too," Sally said. She pulled out her com-link and checked with the other humans and Freedom Fighters. Everybody was ready. That afternoon, Robotnik stood on the platform overlooking Nilreb's town park. Not many people bothered to show up, he thought. Fools. I only wonder why I did not go through with this sooner. "Thank you for coming out here today. As you know, for the past decade I have strived to create a perfect world out of Mobius, a world of technological perfection. Even now, however, there is still room for much improvement. Recently, I came to realize how I could make such an improvement." He paused, surveying the crowd the way he always did, eagerly anticipating the looks of surprise and shock they would have when they found out. "I have decided that in order to continue Mobius's movement towards this perfection, it would be in the best interests to..." He paused again. This was the moment. "...have all the citizens of Nilreb roboticized and the city converted to a much needed research center. Swat-Bots, begin the procedure." Robotnik looked over the crowd ready to enjoy the fear in their faces. Instead, he heard a word shouted across the park. "NOW!" Chaos resulted soon after. * * * Late that evening, Sally, Sonic, Alison, and Sebastian gathered in the basement of Alison's restaurant, or what was left of the restaurant. They felt that they could not have asked for a more text-book victory than the one they fought for that day. Within the first half hour, most of the Swat-Bots were dismantled, either destroyed in the park, or smashed to pieces using whatever the humans and the Freedom Fighters had at their disposal around the city. Robotnik, taken completely by surprise, had quickly fled. He later returned with a new army of Swat-Bots, and they tore the city apart looking for people, but by then the remaining humans had joined those already safely away from the city. Alison and the Freedom Fighters stayed behind, hiding in their respective areas, to make sure that everybody made it to safety. Now, it was time for the Freedom Fighters to go home, and for the humans to go wherever their lives took them. "So, Sebastian, are you coming back with us?" Sally asked. Sebastian and Alison looked at each other, and once again, there were ponderings of what might have been. Or maybe, what could be. "Alison...?" Sebastian started to ask. "I would love for you to!" she answered. She walked over and hugged him. "I think I'm stating to like you just a little." Sonic smirked. "Aww." Sebastian laughed, embarassed. "I think I will be going with the others, Sally." Sally smiled. "I had a feeling. Okay, off with you two. I hope we will meet again in the future." The four said their final goodbyes, and then Alison and Sebastian left. Sonic stretched and yawned. "Now let's juice back to Knothole! I'm gettin' tired of this dump!" "Okay, let me call the others." She pulled out her com-link. "Freedom Fighters, we are ready to return home. I ask that you be at the checkpoint within the next half-hour. Please confirm." One by one, the Freedom Fighters replied. Sally blinked. That wasn't everybody. She spoke into the com-link again. "Tolouse, please confirm." There was no answer. "Tolouse?" Still no answer. "This can't be right, he called right after the initial attack. Sonic, do you remember where he was positioned?" "Sure thing, Sal! Be right back!" He raced up the stairs and out into the night. Ten minutes later, Sally heard him return, walking slowly down the stairs. "So what did you...?" Sally noticed he was carrying something. She looked, and dropped her com-link. "Oh gods, no!" "I saw a busted up Swat-Bot, too. It didn't look pretty." Sally thought, He must have been taken by surprise. She shook her head, trying not to lose control. Every war had its casualties, she knew. But knowing that didn't make it any less painful. "Let's... let's get back to Knothole." Sonic nodded and turned to leave, Tolouse's body held carefully in his arms. The humans that had once occupied the city of Nilreb were soon scattered across the Northern Continent. Sebastian and Alison kept a small band of them together, and it was their goal to make it to the western coast, where it was said that the wild forest area offered a perfect haven, almost entirely secluded from Robotnik's influence. "Do you think we'll make it?" Alison asked. Sebastian looked at her and smiled. He promised himself that he would never come so close to giving up again, the way he had that rainy night outside of Nilreb. "I know we will." He offered his paw. Alison took it. "Let's go, then." Knothole mourned the loss of Tolouse, and he was buried near the Power Ring Pool, where they had set up a small memorial for those who had given their lives to the cause. Sally spoke to a gathering of the Knothole residents, saying that Tolouse would always be remembered for his devotion to the cause, and that he would be given his proper place in history when the struggle against Robotnik was finally over. Nilreb was eventually rebuilt into another of Dr. Robotnik's "major research centers," and as far as he was concerned, the humans were done for. He would never accept that that many had escaped out from under him. Coincidentally, the Freedom Fighters also decided that anybody who asked would be told that they had no knowledge of humans still living on Mobius. Should the wrong pair of ears ever ask, that would give the humans the best chance of survival. The struggle continued. --- The End. "Thus quoth the raven, nevermore."