Design the Christ Family Flag Contest

Vote your favorite by emailing Larry - [email protected] (Just click the blue text to send an email to me)

Click here to see the Christ Family Flag Vote 2000 Tally so far.



1 David B

2 Joan

3 Sydney


4 Lydia













Rules, etc:

Announcing the contest to design a family flag to hang on Dauphin Island beach houses, so family knows where they're welcome! So here it is ...your chance to draw the new CHRIST FAMILY FLAG!

The contest is open to any and all, especially to you kids, open to family or not family. I'll post all entries on a special page here on the website so we can see them all and we'll all vote for the winner in a new "guestbook" - like page that i'll create.
The winning design can be printed on fabric at a quick print shop so any kind of image is appropriate, including photos or illustrations.
There are no real rules other than just keep in mind that it should be bright and colorful so it can be seen from down the beach! Enter as many designs as you like. The shape and color is up to you...but rectangular will be easiest to print. The size of the printed flags is yet to be determined so just make your design proportionate and do a small scale version.
Whether it says Christ Family or has any slogan or text is completely up to you....its just a fun and colorful way for us to see where our family is staying. Think of a name for your flag too...(the union jack/ old glory/ le tricolour..etc)
Mail your designs done on paper to: Larry at 5005 Phinney Ave North, Apt 303, Seattle WA 98103 and I will scan them and post them online.
Email your design done on computer as a jpeg to Larry at [email protected] (Click this blue textlink to auto open a new email message to me and use the attachment command to send along your design)
Deadline is July 1.
Lets see what ya got!!
ps: Keep this email in your mail folder so you'll remember!
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