Klaatu - Hope (1977)

I will go on the record (pardon the pun) and say that Hope is one of the best concept album's ever released. It ranks right up there with Dark Side of the Moon, Day's of Future Past, and Thick as a Brick! It is nothing short of brilliant!

Hope tells the tale of a doomed world and the last survivor of the race that destroyed themselves in a global war. This survivor, The Lighthouse Keeper, determines to warn other worlds not to suffer the fate of his people. To that end, he constructs a cosmic lighthouse, and shines it's beam into space, as a beacon of hope.

This isn't just some spacey concept album, it is a modern parable for our world. Since the 1950's, man kind has sat on the brink of nuclear war, and looked into the abyss. The album Hope has someone look back out at us, to cry the warning that the, so called, super powers of the world seem determined to ignore.

Beyond the subject matter, this album is a brilliant mix of rock with classical influences. The production is nothing short of amazing in it's flawless delivery of the story. Every note, every sound effect, every tiny nuance of the matterial is dirrected at taking the listener through the barriers of time and space, into the lost world of the lighthouse keeper, and his desperate attempt to save us from a similar fate.

An album that must be experienced first hand! Get a copy of Hope, and let Klaatu take you on a trip beyond imagination.

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