Blue Rodeo - The Days In Between

There is no doubting the talent that is resident in Blue Rodeo. When many bands are burning out (Or Burned out) Jim, Greg and the boys are still going stong, and showing no sign of slowing down. They Tour constantly, interupted only briefly to record a new album, then it's back on the road again.

In a recent interview with Jim Cuddy, he quipped that "if you live in Canada, and want to see Blue Rodeo, you don't have to go anywhere. Just wait long enough, and we'll get to you." This is indicative of they're dedication to their craft and their country.

Trina Shoemaker's production is flawlees, allowing this album to shift gears with subtle ease, from rockin' you up with "Somebody Waits" to layin' you back down with "Cinema Song".

If you've never heard Blue Rodeo before, this album is a an excellent trainer. If you're already a Blue Rodeo Fan, then this album is just a treat!

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