Ron Hynes - Get Back Change

There is no denying that Ron Hynes is one of the most respected Singer/Songwriters in Canada today. But, if you doubt this, then "Get Back Change" will go a long way to confirming his status to you.

Although he is generally catigorized as a "Folk" singer, Hynes still has alot of the county boy in him that was so evident in 1993's "Cryers Paradise". Now, as then, the sound is steeped in the classic country style, giving this album a comefortable feel that seems to be lost in alot of the New Country thats making the rounds lately.

"Get Back Change" is a comfortable album to listen to in an uncomefortable world. Very much in the vain of other great Canadian songwriters like Gordon Lightfoot or Leonard Cohen, and yet within that comfort lies the darkness that can accompany the brightest light. 'The Ghost of Dana Bradley' or 'From Dublin With Love' are both powerful songs, not only in their subject matter, but in Rons unique and soulful delivery.

A bold and often powerful collection of songs, "Get Back Change" is an excellent window into the heart of a great singer songwriter, that will leave you both breathless and longing for more.

If you would like to pick up a copy of this, or any other great Newfoundland Artist CD's, (In person or online), just visit Fred's Records. They have the best selection of Newfoundland music you're likely to find, along with all your favorites!

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