Various Artists Beautiful - A Tribute to Gordon Lightfoot

For over 30 years I have listened to, and loved the Music of Gordon Lightfoot. His songs have been a cornerstone of the Canadian Musical Identity, and a source of great pleasure for the listener. I guess I'm not the only one who feels that way, as Two Canadian labels, Borealis Records and NorthernBlues, gathered together a Who's Who of Canadian Music to record a Tribute Album to "Canada�s greatest songwriter, Gordon Lightfoot".

To give you some Idea of the depth of his fan base, "Beautiful: A Tribute to Gordon Lightfoot" wasn't scheduled for release until October of this year, but fan anticipation for the CD was so great, it was released 2 months early.

Executive Produced by Colin Linden, and featuring classic Lightfoot songs performed by The Tragically Hip, Blue Rodeo, Ron Sexsmith, Cowboy Junkies, Murray McLauchlan, Jesse Winchester, Terry Tufts, Connie Kaldor, James Keelaghan, Blackie & The Rodeo Kings, Harry Manx, Quartette, Maria Muldaur and Bruce Cockburn, this CD is an Instant Keeper, and destined to become a Canadian Classic!

But it's not entirely covers. Aengus Finnan provides the final cut on the album with a bluesy original called "Lightfoot", his own personal tribute to the legendary songwriter.

This CD is a rare gift... It is a celebration of a great mans vision, shared through the talents of some of our countries greatest artists. This album is a unique perspective into songs that are part of our national consciousness, the legacy of a man who has become a legend, and an undeniable indication of the impact he has had on generations. If you are a Fan of Gordon Lightfoot, and even if you're not, you cannot help but enjoy this Album.

If you would like to pick up a copy of this, or any other great Newfoundland Artist CD's, (In person or online), just visit Fred's Records. They have the best selection of Newfoundland music you're likely to find, along with all your favourites!

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