Anneliese Cameron - Daughter of Avalon (2002)

There are some people in this world for whom beauty is not a goal in life, it is a way of life. Not the Hollywood physical brand, but beauty of the soul which is such a rare and precious gift, in an often shallow world. When first I heard this album, I was impressed with it's simple, honest beauty. 'Here,' I thought 'is an artist who knows what real beauty is, and how to express it.'

If first impressions mean anything in this world, and I believe they do, then Daughter of Avalon leaves a lasting first impression indeed. From the first strains of 'Erin Gra Mo Chroi', you know you are listening to something special. With a sound as clear and refreshing as a mountain stream, and welcome as a lovers touch, Anneliese has a voice that could melt the coldest heart, while giving life to music lent from the angels.

Beyond her voice, Anneliese is also a fine musician in the great tradition of the Irish Harper's, those wandering minstrels of old, as it says on her website, "whose arrival in any village or town always brought joy, but they also brought a certain fear. To incur the wrath of the Harper was to incur the wrath of the spirit world, so close were Harper's to the mystical world."

So beware, gentle listener. 'Daughter of Avalon" has that Mystical quality to it. Anneliese, with her voice and her harp, can bewitch you, and leave you longing for more.

If you would like to pick up a copy of this, or any other great Newfoundland Artist CD's, (In person or online), just visit Fred's Records. They have the best selection of Newfoundland music you're likely to find, along with all your favorites!

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