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This year's BCA*2000 auction held on Ebay was the second Breast Cancer Auction sponsored by the "Here's Looking At You, Gene!" club, which has some members from the CustomDolls list. The first one was held in October 1998 and raised $21,000. Breast Cancer Auction 2000 raised over $24,000 with the final total not yet available until the paper work is completed. As a club they wanted to show our support to a charity which affects both men and women. At the onset of the auction many of the club members knew someone afflicted with the disease or some members are breast cancer survivors themselves. The funds raised in this auction will benefit the National Breast Cancer Coalition (much of this information can be obtained from the Breast Cancer Auction website.) The website showing all the dolls in the auction is located at and membership information is located at


Raised $700 in 1998  for BCA.  By Alana Bennett. Repaint by Dixie
Jeane d'Arc by John Sindone

Annie Sullivan by Jim Howard 
Gene Marshall as Herself by Charles Josef

Elsie de Wolfe by Jerrold de Wolfe
Young Elizabeth by 
Charlotte Santi 

by Roxanne Maxwell Holloway

Edith Head by Bobby Taylor


Jo from Little Women by Alana Bennett & Alana's Gene Bride


Other Donations

Linda Leake-Beard 's
donation to Dolls 4 His charities, December's Delight 

 Linda Leake-Beard's Morning Dew, Ronald McDonald House charities 

Make a Wish Canadian auction, Becky Kelly's, Cassie 

Stay tuned to the CustomDolls Ezine for future charity information and doll photos!

Barbie® is a registered trademark of Mattel®, Inc. Gene® is a registered trademark of Mel Odom and Ashton Drake. Candi® is a registered trademark of Hamilton Designs. Tyler Wentworth® is a registered trademark of the Robert Tonner Doll Company. Any other dolls mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective owners. This website and those who maintain it are in no way affiliated with the any above mentioned parties. The images of the dolls displayed are photos taken by the author(s) of the article and/or the designer featured. Please do not remove pictures and/or text from this website without permission of the webmaster and/or the photographer.

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