One Night on Rura Penthe
By Scarlet

It was cold.

Leonard McCoy was exhausted -- from the journey, the march through the blizzard and the frightening events of their first day in the Klingon prison camp -- and had expected to fall asleep as soon as he lay down on the hard bunk. But he hadn't taken the cold into account. For all his knowledge and medical training, he had no previous personal experience of trying to sleep in a temperature that was turning his hands and feet into ice, making his body shiver and blocking his mind until he could think about nothing but the cold.

He closed his eyes, hoping to get some kind of rest. He would need it.

But every time he closed his eyes, he saw chancellor Gorkon dying under his hands.

* * *

James T. Kirk closed his eyes to help his aching body get some rest. Immediately, he heard the voice echoing through his mind once more:

"It is the judgment of this court that without possibility of reprieve or parole you'll be taken from this place to the dilithium mines on the penal asteroid of Rura Penthe, there to spend the rest of your natural lives."

'Not if I can help it,' he thought.

The escape was already within reach. That alien woman Martia was going to help them. But the plan included walking in the biting cold on the asteroid's surface, and he didn't know for how long. He would need all his strength -- and he had to make sure that McCoy wasn't left behind on this place they called the aliens' graveyard.

He felt a pang of compassion for the doctor, one of his best friends and six years his senior, now caught on this hell-hole. A decent soul like McCoy shouldn't be here. He would get him out of here or die trying.

He rolled over on his back and tried to think of something more pleasant. Like the strange, alien beauty of Martia, and the weight of her body on top of his. It had been a while since he'd kissed a woman, especially one with such full, succulent lips. He allowed himself to dwell on these thoughts. The escape would be dealt with tomorrow. Tomorrow he would need all his strength and then some; which meant that now, he needed to sleep, and to sleep, he needed to relax.

Besides, it kept his mind off the cold.

* * *

The cold was penetrating McCoy's limbs. This place did nothing to ease his arthritis. He heard the voice inside his head for the hundredth time:

"You'll be taken from this place to the dilithium mines on the penal asteroid of Rura Penthe, there to spend the rest of your natural lives."

'Rura Penthe,' McCoy thought. 'What a beautiful name. I can't believe it's Klingon.'

'Rura Penthe -- that sounds like a beautiful garden planet. It should be warm and welcoming, with soft grass and fragrant flowers and picturesque waterfalls. Bright coloured butterflies and singing birds and laughing women ... '

He grimaced at himself. 'You're incurable, McCoy. Any one of these days you're gonna freeze to death, or be worked to death, unless you're beaten to death first, and you're fantasizing about girls.'

'Well, Jim's even worse. He's already romancing anything that seems remotely female in this place. Sometimes I don't believe that guy.'

These thoughts were a nice diversion. Maybe they could keep his mind off the cold and their imminent death. Maybe he would even get sleepy.

Rura Penthe ... it should be the name of a beautiful, alluring woman. An Orion slave girl danced into his mind. He thought it was highly improper to be aroused by a slave girl, which made the fantasy even more appealing. He was dragging the girl into a dark alcove filled with soft red cushions when he felt his body responding.

'Whaddaya know, there's life in the old body yet.'

He remembered his youth, having fantasies like this and getting all sweaty from masturbating. Now, there was an idea. That would probably make him warm and sleepy. But how to do it in that big hall among the other prisoners and with Jim in the bunk next to his?

Well, the blankets were loose enough and his breathing might be covered up by all the snoring around him. But still, there was Jim in the bunk next to his ...

His right hand left the thinking to his brain and moved under the covers of its own volition. The Orion slave girl named Rura Penthe was trembling in his arms and whispering ...


McCoy sighed. "Yes, Jim?" he whispered back.

Kirk's voice came from the shadows in the neighboring bunk. "It's too cold to sleep in here. I have a suggestion."

"That we check into the nearest hotel instead?"

"Good idea, and I want the bath tub first. No, but if we huddle together in the same bunk, we might get warmer. Want to try?"

'I don't believe that guy,' McCoy thought for the second time that night. 'He's got some nerve ... but he's probably right.'

"I'm coming over to you, Bones. If it doesn't work, I'll just move right back." The solid presence of Kirk and his blankets invaded the doctor's bed. It was narrow, but they found out that there was indeed room enough if they were both lying on their left side. Kirk even put his arm around McCoy under the blankets.

"This way we can watch over each other, too," Kirk said.

McCoy just grunted. It was really a little warmer this way, and somehow it was comforting to feel the captain's body against his back. Now, if he could only get rid of the slave girl in his thoughts and the hardness between his legs.

* * *

A short time passed. Kirk moved a little to get into a slightly less uncomfortable position, which meant rubbing his legs against the back of McCoy's thighs. McCoy drew a deep, annoyed breath.

"Sorry, Bones -- did I wake you?"

"I'm not asleep yet."

"You think this was a bad idea?"

"No, I'm really warmer than before. It's just that ... "

McCoy wondered how much dignity it was wise to try to preserve in a Klingon prison camp, and decided his dignity was so precious that he was going to save it for later. "It's just that I can't go to sleep because I have this stubborn, rock-hard erection."

Kirk tried to come up with a polite everyday answer to that and settled for "Oh."

Lying very still, Kirk thought some more and suggested: "Do you want me to get out of here so you can ... take care of it?"

McCoy tried to elect the least embarrassing alternative, but it took him so long that Kirk interrupted his thoughts with a question: "Would you feel better if I did it, too?"

'I'm just a simple country doctor,' McCoy thought. 'When I decided to study medicine, I didn't plan to end up in a freezing Klingon prison camp, with Starfleet's horniest officer as my bunkmate.'

"I mean, that's a good way to get warm and relaxed," Kirk reasoned. "And we need our sleep. For tomorrow."

'Soon he'll be telling me it's the logical thing to do,' McCoy thought. 'No, that would be Spock's line. Which would be even stranger.'

"Bones ... would you mind a lot if I did it anyway? I could use it, you know."

McCoy grunted something that was meant to sound like 'no, go ahead' and closed his eyes. He tried to close his ears, but they wouldn't cooperate.

Kirk shifted against McCoy again as his hand began to move in the confined space between them. He was breathing slowly and deeply, close to McCoy's ear. The scantily clad slave girl vanished from the doctor's mind and was replaced with a middle-aged, unshaven starship captain and for some reason, he didn't mind. It felt strangely comforting, reassuring and just a little ... well, exciting to be next to Jim Kirk jacking himself off.

His own hand was straying again when Kirk stopped and sighed.

"Damn, this bunk is too small. I keep falling off."

They were quiet for a little while. McCoy found the situation downright surreal and decided it couldn't get much more embarrassing. A quick solution was needed and if the CO wouldn't come up with it, the CMO had to.

"Jim ... "


"Maybe ... I could give you a helping hand." McCoy swallowed. "And then maybe you could do it to me."


"Might be easier -- more comfortable," McCoy added.

He heard the Captain draw a slow, deep breath.

"No ... " he answered thoughtfully, but before McCoy could go away and die quietly of shame, he added, quickly:

"I'll do it to you and then you can do it to me."

Having settled that, and always quick to grasp an opportunity, Kirk reached for his friend's hard-on. It took him a while to find it under all the tangled blankets and layers of clothing, and McCoy almost came from the sheer excitement of Kirk's hand moving around blindly in the vicinity of his aching cock, but then Kirk found what he was searching for and McCoy had to adjust to the feeling of the other man's hand, a hand that tried to pleasure him and was quite good at it, too.

Kirk had wrapped his strong fingers around McCoy's hard shaft and was squeezing gently, moving his hand not too much and not too quickly, careful not to wake or disturb the other inmates. It wasn't an optimal technique for a quick climax, McCoy noted, so this was going to take some time, even if he was almost painfully aroused. He was on the verge of orgasm forever and couldn't decide whether to hold on to the image of the starship captain or the pretty girl, but then Kirk moved again and feeling the captain's erection touching his behind through their clothes was a sweet, forbidden sensation that pushed McCoy over the edge.

It was an orgasm of an intensity that made the doctor's feet tickle and his mouth open in a silent cry. He tried to breathe through the blankets in order not to make too much noise and almost suffocated. It was a couple of minutes before he could breathe normally again. Kirk wiped his hand on the blanket.

Without a word, the doctor started to turn around to return the favor. But Kirk stopped him, gently guiding McCoy's hand to where he wanted it. Then he put his arm around McCoy once more to steady them both on the narrow bunk.

It was actually less of a technical challenge than McCoy had feared. From this position, stroking the captain's cock was fairly easy and felt surprisingly natural, almost as if he was pleasuring himself as he had originally intended. And from the way Jim's grip on his arm tightened and his breathing quickened, it seemed to be working.

Slowly, firmly, and with precise movements McCoy brought the captain off. When he heard Kirk hold his breath and then let it out in a long, quiet sigh, he felt a tenderness for his friend that he had no name for.

They wiped themselves off on the blankets again. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to sleep in them tomorrow night.

Still in a spooning position, both men enjoyed the new warmth in their now considerably relaxed bodies.

"Bones," Kirk whispered.



McCoy simply squeezed the other man's hand. Just before falling asleep, he thought:

"If we ever get out of here, I'm gonna thank him properly."

And just before falling asleep, Kirk thought:

"When we get out of here, I may want to do this again some time. Properly."


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Series: TOS; Rating: NC-17; Codes: K/Mc, Challenge

Summary: Kirk and McCoy are trying to keep warm on Rura Penthe, not an easy feat. An answer to Jin Katkin's challenge to explore the K/Mc possibilities of "The Undiscovered Country".

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the asteroid Rura Penthe and its inhabitants, I'm just helping them to keep warm. I'm losing money, sleep, and sanity in the process.

Knowledge of the movie "The Undiscovered Country" is implied. Thanks to Jin for inspiration and beta-reading.

Do not read if easily offended, OK?

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