Chance Encounters
By T'Thrill

Series: TOS
Part: 1/
Rating: [NC-17] m/m
Codes: K/S

Summary: Kirk and Spock meet several years before Kirk takes command of the Enterprise. Today, Kirk is to report aboard the Enterprise as the new Captain. Spock reflects on their first meeting and wonders what the future will hold.

Acknowledgement: Many heartfelt thanks to my wonderful beta, Selek, who put his own story aside to tweak this story for me. His suggestions and corrections were invaluable.
Warning: This story contains adult themes and with explicit m/m sex. If you are not interested in such things, or are under eighteen years of age, please find your entertainment elsewhere.

Disclaimer: Copyright February, 2001 by T'Thrill. This story is an original work of amateur fiction based on the Star Trek universe created by and solely owned by Paramount, Viacom, and all of its entities. I make no financial gain from this work of amateur fiction what so ever.

Archive: ASCEML, COCO_SSD and BLTS provided that all header information is included. Please archive complete text only. All others, please ask first by contacting me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance.

Comments: Feedback (please see link at the end of the story) is always welcome either through the newsgroup or a private email.


Chance Encounters (Spock�s Story)

I kneel here before the ceremonial pot, my fingers steepled, positioned for meditation. Again, the ability to release the present world and find the peace that I need has failed. It is not the first time that James Kirk has separated me from my Vulcan traditions. It is not the first time that my concentration has failed me because of my thoughts of him, it does not seem that it will be the last. There are no meditative petitions that will suffice for this situation.

Captain Christopher Pike has accepted promotion to Fleet Captain and our new Captain will be reporting this very day. I have great respect for the man that has served as my commander these years, however as a Vulcan, I have no emotional attachment to one senior officer over another. My life is committed to duty and to whoever is assigned to the center seat. It is my understanding that many of the senior crew has made the decision to either resign or transfer now that Captain Pike has announced his decision. I have considered doing neither. I am now growing to regret that decision.

What will occur when we are face to face? Will he remember me right away? It may be that I have been just one of so many, that he may not remember me at all. Or so it would seem if I were to believe the ship scuttlebutt. Rumor and gossip is not something that I pay attention to, however, even I have not been immune to listening to it since the name of our new commander was announced. These humans will talk of the most intimate details among themselves, in my presence, as if I were incapable of understanding what they are discussing. In these last days, the subject of James Kirk and his reputation as both a tough taskmaster, and an indiscriminate sexual partner seem to be utmost in the thoughts, and musings, of the crew. Many seem to doubt his capabilities due to the fact that he is significantly younger than any other that has achieved the rank of Captain. I do not doubt this man�s capabilities. I have met James Kirk before. I know that he is exceptional.

It was four point seven years ago, this very date, when we had a chance encounter. The Enterprise was scheduled to go to Space Station Delta-9, and shore leave was approved to all except the refit team. As usual, I had planned to spend the nine days of free time investigating the scientific data chips that I had no time to peruse when the ship was on active status. However, at Dr. Piper�s insistence, Captain Pike ordered me off of the ship for R&R. It seemed that our meddlesome doctor failed to take into account that I am both an adult and a Vulcan. Over my objections that I did not need the stimulation of other worlds to refresh my mind and body, I was advised that I was to depart the ship and not return until the shore leave period was over.

The space station proved to be much less relaxing than burying myself in the scientific data available on the ships computers. Nevertheless, I found myself wandering aimlessly around the station, finding little that held my attention for more than a few moments at a time. I took a room at the station�s guest housing, but since the majority of the inhabitants seemed to think that relaxation consisted mainly of sleeping as little as possible and consuming as much fermented libation as their individual species could intake without causing death, quiet was proving to be an unattainable goal.

It only took one rowdy night in the establishment for me to investigate other possibilities. I discovered there was a shuttle that served Arimis, a planet less than a light-year from the station. I had read of this planet and knew it was known for its various indigenous vegetation and centers of study dedicated to the development of the plant-life into substances suitable for space transport. Also, I noted that there were a few lodgings set aside for travelers to the planet. I booked passage and left the space station that morning.

Upon my arrival on Arimis, I contacted Dr. Sutry. He was an aging Arimanian who served as the head scientist at the largest of the research complexes located on the planet. He met me at the transportation center. He made a most striking impression with his snow-white hair and his expressive, deep set, purple eyes. I had supplied him with a brief overview of my scientific qualifications and he seemed pleased to have someone with an extensive scientific background visit the center. I was most honored that he chose to personally escort me through the many different buildings and explain their operation. It was indeed interesting. I discovered from Dr. Sutry that visitors to the planet are rare, and ones interested in the projects even rarer. Most ships that passed through the sector were usually more interested in the activities that were offered on the near by space station. Here, the only forms of entertainment were long walks through the many kilometers of paths that led through the heavy growth area. The inhabitants, mostly scientists that were clustered in other research facilities scatted about the planet, were used to a quiet existence and there was little to draw others. However, the botanical gardens were open and able to be explored at will.

The tour completed, the doctor directed me toward the path that led to the cabins. He made a point of assuring me they were quite secluded and any who wished, could take advantage of them. He advised me that, of course, there was the one other person staying in the units, but they had seen very little of the gentleman since his arrival three days ago. However, it seemed obvious that the doctor believed I had previous knowledge of the one visitor already in residence. I disregarded the suspect tone in the doctor�s voice, assuming that we were having a breakdown in communications.

Dr. Sutry informed me that there was a small caf� located in the complex, a market just outside the village that provided a small sampling of foods from other worlds, or I was welcome to pick from the various edible plants and prepare my own meals. The decision was my companions and mine. Again, I chose to ignore the reference to this phantom companion. He did invite me to come to the labs at any time, that I would be most welcome, or �we� could stay off to ourselves. Also, I found it curious when the doctor emphasized there would be no interuptions, should I decide to experiment on my own.

I thanked my host for the tour and the hospitality. I lifted the bag I had brought with me and headed off in the direction of the cabins. In the walk toward the area that held the huts, I began to feel some measure of relaxation settle in. I decided I was going to assemble a rudimentary fire pot and spend a good portion of the next days exploring and meditating. I had already seen several plants that I identified as poly-sporic and was interested to see if it were possible to isolate the individual spores from each. I began to identify certain fruits that I knew were edible and I gathered a few of these as I pushed further into the heavy growth.

When I emerged into the area that held several small buildings, I was somewhat surprised that instead of primitive huts, they were modern, well maintained, bungalows. The research facility was very modern and up to date, however, by Dr. Sultry�s description, I was expecting something much more rudimentary than the village I found. There were six well-spaced cottages forming a semi-circle around a large natural pool of water. My host had advised me that there was another visitor in the village, but by looking at each cottage, they all seemed to be deserted. However, beside the one furtherest away, there was a pile of newly gathered wood. Naturally, I assumed that that was the cabin occupied by the other guest.

Since it was the one at the end, it was obvious that the other person wished to have privacy; therefore I stepped up to the porch of the one nearest the path and tried the handle. The door opened easily and I pushed slightly against the wooden door. The balance was such that the door swung opened quickly and banged against the wall behind it.

The sound shattered the quiet and, at the same time the door banged, I observed a nude male inside the cabin who turned and jumped, startled by the intrusion and the sound.

�JEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!� The man startled screamed.

�I---I am sorry for the intrusion!� I stammered. �I believed this was an available unit. I saw the wood piled in front of the last cottage and assumed that was the one occupied.� Feelings of embarrassment, and a host of other emotions flooded me. The man had obviously just left the shower, as the steamy air in the cabin and the towel in his hand indicated. I could not help but notice, that between glancing at the man, glancing away, and pointing toward the direction of the other cabin, the man wrapped the towel quickly around his waist.

�I don�t know if you have noticed, but it�s about ninety degrees Fahrenheit. I won�t be starting any fires anytime soon!� The man walked toward me and, although no longer screaming, he was still quite upset.

I began to back away, wanting to flee, mumbling something to the effect that I was sorry for the invasion, when I misjudged and stepped backward off of the edge of the porch. Suddenly I felt myself falling through the air. My pack went flying as I reached behind me to feel for the ground as it came up quickly to meet me. At the moment of impact, I felt my arm wrench sharply under me.

The man came running from the cabin. �Hey! You okay?� he called. I was unable to answer right away. �Hey, I am really sorry! Are you alright? Can you get up?� The man bolted out of the cabin and down the four steps to kneel beside me, as I lay sprawled in the dirt.

For a moment, the breath knocked out of me, I could only nod. Then when I was finally able to get my breath, I said, �I believe I stepped in error. I seem to have fallen from the landing.�

�Well, yeah! That would be my guess too!� I looked up to the face of the man and saw concern turning to amusement on the face of the young humanoid male. I also noticed the man seemed to be holding the inside of his cheek between his teeth. Either he was attempting to not laugh outright, or he had some type of facial deformity. The human began with a small snorting sound that seemed to be a suppressed laugh then quickly gave into the temptation and laughed out loud.

I struggled to get to my feet, but was now dealing with the use of only one arm. The human regained his control, and said through a smile, �Listen fella, I am sorry. But that was a beaut! Here, let me help you up.� A hand was held out to me. To facilitate my leaving as quickly as possible, I took the offered hand and rose to my feet. The man in the towel reached for my pack and handed it to me. Evidently, it was then that he noticed that I was injured.

�Oh, damn! It looks like you�re hurt. Come on inside. I have a small med-scanner that we can use on it.�

After the events of the last few minutes, I would have preferred to find a quiet refuge and take the time to collect myself. �I shall be fine. Again, I apologize for intruding on you and I will leave you to your peace.�

�Hell, the damage is done! You�ve seen me at my best!� The humor in the voice, although mingled with concern, was still evident. �Come on and lets look at that arm first.� He motioned to me to follow him into the cottage. I saw no alternative, since he was offering aid, to enable me to refuse politely. There was something quite unusual about this individual. I was used to living with humans, but this man radiated a certain aura about him that I had never encountered before. As if whatever he suggested, you felt compelled to go along with. I followed his toweled form up the steps and into the open area of the cabin.

�By the way, I�m Jim Kirk, Lieutenant, Starfleet. By the uniform, I see you are in the service, as well. What are you doing in such an isolated place?�

�My name is Lieutenant Spock. I am serving aboard the USS Enterprise. We put in at Delta-9 for refit and crew R&R. I preferred the solace and scientific possibilities of Arimis over the activities offered on the station.� As I talked, Kirk retrieved a small scanner from a Fleet-issued pack and came back to where I was standing.

�The Enterprise, huh? She�s a beauty! I�m to be picked next Wednesday for my next assignment. I, too, wanted a quieter location while I�m waiting.�

�And I have intruded on your time here. I had not considered the heat when I assumed the wood had been gathered next to the cabin on the end. Although, it was the only sign that there was anyone occupying any of the facilities.�

�Oh, the caretaker gathered that this morning. I assume for someone that they were expecting that really appreciates heat. Since I have deuced that you are Vulcan, I can only assumed it was gathered for you.�

�Logical, but in my defense, I did not know the cultural origins of the other visitor to the village.� Suddenly I found myself verbally sparing with this man, and enjoying it. Most unusual.

�Touch�! I will give you that point.� The man looked at him and smiled such a genuine smile that I found myself responding to it. Was this Kirk really so infectious that I was sitting there smiling back at him? I wanted to raise my hand to my face and see if my lips were actually curved up, but I resisted the impulse and mentally tried to restore my shields. I discovered almost immediately that that was very hard to do in Kirk�s presence.

�Ah, never mind. Here, let�s have a look at that arm. Can you slide it out of the shirt?�

I pulled the material over my arm and, with some amount of discomfort, freed it from the sleeve of the uniform top. With skill, Jim Kirk lifted my arm gently and supported it as he operated the scanner. He began at my hand and continued until he had scanned the full length of my arm, ending at my shoulder. It was a relief when he released me. There was something about the touch of this man that I found quite disturbing.

�You have an injury along the abductor pollicis brevis and some muscle tearing and superficial vessel damage to the base of the extensor carpi ulnaris. In other words, you seem to have sprained your wrist and bruised your thumb, but I think you�ll live. Just take it easy for a day or so, and you should be fine.�

�You seem quite comfortable with medical equipment. Are you a doctor?�

�Me? Absolutely not! I had a nasty virus several years ago, and it recently flared up just a bit. I have to keep a check on my blood levels and transmit the data to the Fleet Hospital in the Orion sector. Doc would only spring me to come out here alone, if I promised to bring this with me.�

�I see. I will allow time for my wrist and thumb to heal. I will now retire to another unit and allow you to get back to your own solitude.� I picked up the pack and started for the door. I had always prided myself on the ability to present myself in a positive manner, and was certain that I had done all in these last minutes to alienate this individual. It was just as well since neither of us was here to seek companionship.

�The second one down is pretty nice. It is a little larger than the others if you are needing space for any research.�

I stopped and turned back toward the unusually smooth voice that was this Jim Kirk. �Thank you, I shall reside there during my visit.�

�Hey Spock,� Jim called, �watch the steps, okay?� I have encountered those that took joy in taunting me all of my life. This man was different. There was humor, but nothing that even remotely resembled ridicule in his voice. No, there was something very different about the man standing on the porch of the cabin, still clad in only a towel.

I turned and stepped down from the landing. �Indeed, I shall aspire to negotiate them better for the remainder of my stay.�

�Good deal!� Kirk mused as he turned and walked back into his bungalow and shut the door behind him.

That afternoon, I strode along the same path that I had taken this morning. I selected some of the plant samples that had interested me, but my mind kept wandering back to the man named Kirk. I could still feel where my arm had rested in the cool human hand as he had scanned it. As hard as I tried, I could not shake the feeling that the encounter was an important one. From the stack of freshly gathered wood, I gathered some small, thick pieces that could be used in a firepot. I retired back to my cottage and set about fueling the small ceremonial vessel. After getting the wood situated in the container to my satisfaction, I added a small amount of the traditional Vulcan herb mixture I always carry and lit the pot with a striking stick. I laid out a mat in front of the pot, removed my clothing and donned the robe that carried the symbols for the different levels of meditation.

Quietly, I began to recite the traditional chant that would bring me to a level of tranquility. But, my mind was not on the task at hand. My thoughts kept straying to the man two cottages away. I tried to incorporate these feelings into my meditation, but he would not be meditated away. Had it been my imagination that the sunlight had highlighted both the streaks in the reddish blond hair and the flecks in the eyes to the same color of gold? Again, I pushed away the picture of the man that had knelt beside me as I was lying unceremoniously in the dirt. I began again, this time reaching the third level before I realized that where my arms were crossed within the sleeves of my robe. I found myself running my fingers across the area where he had touched me. As Kirk had leaned down, had I really detected the aroma of wood and lavender? It was then that I realized that my body was reacting to this sensation.

Emotions began to stir inside of me that I had begun to assume would never be awakened. My time to begin fully functioning as an adult male had past several years previously. Although I was certainly able to become aroused when I concentrated on making my body react in such a way, it was never spontaneous. I had even experimented with sexual gratification with two willing individuals, but it had seemed so unfulfilling that I decided against any further such encounters unless I was claimed by the mating fever. However, it seemed that those feelings were going to elude me, something that I was secretly grateful for. She who is my intended had shown no signs of requiring my presence and I felt no desire to go to her. But this, an unprompted erection accompanied by fleeting thoughts of sexual conduct, took me by surprise.

No, meditation was not going to be achieved this evening. I rose and folded the mat. Before I could extinguish the smoldering pot, there was a tapping sound at the door. I opened it to find the man named Kirk standing at the threshold. I nodded briefly and raised an eyebrow as if questioning his presence.

Kirk was obviously surprised by my manner of dress. He took a moment and a deep breath before saying quickly, �Mr. Spock, I know that you are here for peace and quiet, but I have realized how much I have missed having someone to talk to. I am going to the complex for dinner, but I really do not have enough experience with botany to have any lengthy conversations with the scientists there. I guess I am asking if you would like to join me?� He sounded breathy as if he had rehearsed this speech, and it was being said quickly before he forgot any parts of it.

�I would find it pleasing to join you for a meal. I will need to change if you can give me a moment.�

�Sure, take your time.�

I turned, but the man made no indication of leaving. In an attempt to show hospitality, I indicated the long padded seat in the main room and stated, �You may sit if you wish. I will only be a minute.�

�You started a fire? Isn�t it warm enough for you?� I noticed him raking the back of his thumb across the dampness that was beginning to appear above his eyebrows. Even this simple gesture seemed to cause a response within me.

�Actually, I find the climate most comfortable. It is not a fire for heat but for a meditative aid.� I took the lid and slid it over the pot extinguishing the flame.

Jim stood up and looked toward the door. �Oh, listen, I didn�t mean to interrupt you. I am sorry. We can do this another time if you like.�

�Now is satisfactory. I have completed that which I am going to accomplish for the evening.� I would certainly not reveal to him that he was the reason I was not at this moment deep into meditation.

Jim nodded, and I stepped into the next room and changed back into my uniform. Together we walked to the complex and located the caf�. It was not elegant due to the fact it was set up for the individuals that worked here more than for guests. However, the food consisted of the native fruits and vegetables and was quite delicious. Over dinner, we talked mostly of Starfleet and various assignments that each of us had been involved with. Jim talked most of the time and I listened, and watched. In every sense of the word this man was outgoing and gregarious. I felt certain that this was not a man that usually sought isolation. At a point in the middle of dinner, as the conversation lagged somewhat, I voiced this belief.

�Excuse the observation, but I find it difficult to believe that quiet settings are the normal choice of leisure that you seek.�

Jim looked up from his plate, and the grin that warmed his face was delightful. �Now why would you say that? Don�t I seem like the quiet country-boy type to you?�

�You do not. I do not doubt that you are originally from a rural background, however, I think that this is not your usual setting where you seek entertainment.�

Jim rested his arms on the table and intertwined his fingers, supporting his head with his chin propped against his thumbs. Only the glistening eyes staring at me, showed any sign of answering. And, for the first time in my life, I understood the meaning of having someone take my breath away.

Finally, as if he decided I was worthy of an explanation he said, �I have to admit that occasionally I do like to explore the activities offered at the bases, but I needed some down time for a few days.�

�I believe you mentioned that you were taking a new assignment?�

�Yeah, I�ll report to the Alexander on Wednesday.� He did not seem to exude the anticipation that I usually noted in those being sent to a new assignment.

�It is a fine ship. However, it seems as if you are not looking forward to serving aboard her.�

�It�s not the ship. It is�well�I am not sure I am ready for another tour of duty in deep space. Also, I�ve been promoted and will be serving as First Officer.�

�Are there no other options?�

�Oh, sure. I could go to the Academy as an instructor and get stuck there for years. That doesn�t appeal to me. Or, I could serve at Starfleet HQ as some pompous Admiral�s flunky, also a fate worse than death. Or, I could resign from Starfleet all together and prove to those who thought I would never be Starfleet material that they were right. There are not many options that are desirable. Although lately, running a trading ship of my own in and out of the neutral zone hasn�t sounded like such a bad idea!�

�However, it would be quite a dangerous profession.�

�And serving on a starship isn�t? If you think that, then you haven�t been serving long in the Fleet!� The glimmer in the green eyes had faded. He hesitated and continued, �Look, I�m sorry. I really shouldn�t take this out on you. My last assignment was aboard the Farragut.�

I had scanned the information that the Federation had released regarding the Farragut and the situation they had encountered with a creature dubbed a �cloud vampire.� There had been a significant loss of life in the conflict, including the Captain. �I have read the official reports regarding the entity that the Farragut encountered. It is an unusual species.�

The tone changed to one of deep emotional pain. �Yeah, unusual! It wiped out more than two hundred of the crew. It�s a dammed unusual species!�

�I am sorry. I did not mean to offend you by sounding as if I were unsympathetic. I am certain that the events were quite traumatic. I can understand how an encounter with such a being could cause you to question your decision to take another deep space assignment.� Kirk and dropped his hands to the table, but his fingers were still clutched together with such force that I could see the knuckles becoming pale. It was all I could do to resist covering the hands with my own in a show of comfort. But I had just met this man today, and was certain that such an action would be completely inappropriate. Instead, I continued speaking to him. �Lieutenant Kirk, I must assume that this is what you have worked toward. It does seem that you are younger than most that have achieved the position of First Officer, and therefore have excelled in such a way to distinguish yourself. Am I incorrect?�

He looked up at me, and I was able to study the face. This was a young man, but now it seemed that he was not so much younger than myself. He had only seemed very youthful when he was laughing. Suddenly, he seemed old beyond his years. Kirk shook his head slightly and a hint of the smile returned. �No, you are right on the money, Mr. Spock. I have a feeling that you have very valuable insights that others do not see. But here, we are a long way from that life. Please, call me Jim. Now can I ask you a question?�

�Certainly, Jim.�

�You said you�re not much for the wild times offered on D-9. I get the feeling that being here, being alone, is what you do most of the time. Is it that you do not enjoy such activities, or is it that you lack the companionship that is required to enjoy such activities?�

The depth and personal nature of the question took me by surprise. His insight was even more startling. Trying to find an answer that was not too reveling, I replied, �That type of entertainment does not interest me. I usually find it more relaxing to stay to myself. I find that I usually have very little in common with those that frequent the clubs and establishments that usually comprise a star base.� But the scrutiny from the one seated across from me was most disquieting. I somehow knew the eyes were looking beyond the shield that I keep firmly in place. I had already allowed him to see a crack in the armor where I kept my emotions tightly sealed. This man knew. �And,� I admitted, �You are correct that I do find it most difficult to establish the type of relationships necessary to fully appreciate those establishments.� The admission was a difficult one. One that I had never voiced to another being.

In this one day, over this one meal, I had opened up parts of myself that I had never shown to anyone. But I was equally certain that I was not alone. Jim had admitted certain things, that I am sure, no one else had ever heard. Somehow in this short amount of time, we had made a connection that felt so very right. It was not logical, but it was true.

Near the end of the meal, Dr. Sutry passed by our table and said, �Good evening, gentlemen.� I noticed there was a distinct look of satisfaction on the doctor�s face, almost as if he had proven a point. Also, most disturbing, my dinner companion had become quite flustered and had blushed to a deep pink hue. It was a very curious situation. Although I still did not understand Dr. Sutry�s manner, I knew Jim did, and it was obvious that he found being with me quite embarrassing. We quickly finished our meal and left the building.

We started walking back to the cluster of cabins in silence. The conversation, which had been so forthcoming, became nearly nonexistent. I was certainly displeased with this blatant emotionalism that I was unable to suppress. I stopped when we were well out of the view of the research complex and turned to him. I knew what I wanted to say, and I knew that I did not want this hurt I was feeling to be expressed. But when I began vocalizing the words, the pain I felt due to his reaction could not be suppressed. �You appear to be aware of Dr. Sutry�s assumption that we should know each other. I am at a loss as to why he would believe this, however his reactions indicate that is certainly his belief. Beyond that, the idea seems to cause you extreme discomfort. It has been pleasant talking with you, but perhaps it would be best if we went our separate ways for the remainder of our stay.�

Jim stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me, blocking any further advance I hoped to make. Such a look of determination I could not remember seeing on the face of a human before. �No,� he stated emphatically. �I am sorry that you misunderstood my reaction to Dr. Sutry. It is certainly not being with you that embarrassed me. I was sorry about the assumption he is making just because we are dining together. The fact is�he recognizes me. That is why he assumes we know each other.�

�I do not comprehend why him recognizing you, should cause you distress or embarrassment.�

Jim took a noticeably deep breath, as if he did not want to explain, but was forced to do so. He made no motion to move, but looked away as if he did not want to see my reaction as he tried to explain. �Spock, you have never been here before, but I have. How do I put this�this planet is used by some that wish to meet another individual discreetly. I�have been here before for that purpose. Since we are the only two visitors at this time, it is Dr. Sutry�s assumption that you came here to meet me.�

Suddenly the meaning of the earlier conversation with Dr. Sutry was very clear. �I now understand the doctor�s reaction. He assumes that we are�� I was unsure how to continue. I knew now what was assumed. I also knew that some part of me wished it were so.

�Spock, he assumes that we are lovers. Lovers that wish our relationship to be kept out of the meddlesome view of others. I do apologize.�

Then the obvious occurred to me. �And are you expecting a companion to meet you?�

�No,� Jim shook his head emphatically. �I really did come here for the peace and quiet. It is a great place to think things through without distractions. And I had a lot of things that I needed to consider. Not the least of which was whether or not I was staying with Starfleet.�

�And my presence has intruded on that which you sought.�

�Actually, your arrival had put a lot of things into perspective. Since meeting you this morning, and talking with you this evening, I have been able to make a decision. Starfleet is my home. It is all I ever wanted. What happened on the Farragut was tragic and whether or not I could have stopped it, I will probably never know. But I have to go on. I have to make the best of what has happened and use it to make me stronger. I know I can make a difference.�

In the years since this moment, I have always known that it was at this very time I began to see the strength this man was capable of. It was at that instant I recognized the possibilities in James Kirk. I had no doubt that the man standing before me had the capabilities required to achieve greatness. �If I have assisted you in any way to find your direction, I am most honored. However, it is a Vulcan belief that we must find our own way, and those that we encounter only serve to clarify that which we already know to be true.� I noticed the smile that flashed across his face.

I had not meant for the statement to be an amusing one. I was only attempting to place any recognition back on the man that had made the decision. �I have said something humorous?�

�No, what you say makes a lot of sense. It�s just that sometimes you remind me of a friend of mine. Leonard McCoy is a Fleet surgeon and always seems to have valuable wisdom to offer. Something tells me that the two of you together would be�interesting.� As Jim spoke, I could not tear my eyes from the man. Even now, I am at a loss to describe what it was that made him so captivating.

Smiling once again, he turned back toward the path to the cabins and I fell in step beside him. �Anyway, Spock, I am sorry about the confusion. I am afraid that Dr. Sutry is convinced that we came here to be together.�

�Now that I understand, I am not offended. What is done is done. Kaiidth.�

�You are not offended that he thinks we are lovers?� Jim�s tone had changed, grown much softer. I had no reason to assume this was the sound of desire, however, as I answered him, my tone could not be misunderstood.

�No, I am not.� I could feel the huskiness creeping into my voice. I told myself that I was acting recklessly and even worse, illogically. But that did not stop me. I could smell the aroma of the man walking beside me. I was becoming intoxicated.

Then I felt the fingers as they brushed against my wrist. My breath caught with the sensation of the cool fingers contacting me. When I made no move to pull away, the fingers began to caress my wrist and down my hand to where his touched mine. Jim could not know the intimacy of this action but his tracing my own, enflamed me.

I knew this had to stop here. If he was not feeling that which was overtaking me, he had to stop touching me. I grabbed Jim�s hand and abruptly stopped, turning him toward me. My breaths were becoming difficult and my voice had grown rough and foreign to my own ears. �If you do not wish this to progress further, we must stop now!�

�Do you want it to stop, Spock?�

�No, I do not.� Never had I thought such an admission could leave my lips with the unabashed shamelessness that this did. I was all but presenting my body to this man, and wished nothing more that it be accepted.

I felt the hand as it came up to touch the side of my face and caress down and across my cheek. The cool fingers were now tracing a path to the side of my mouth. Jim had taken a step closer to me and I could feel his breath against my lips as he said, �I haven�t been able to get you out of my mind since you burst through the door. I want to be with you, but I can�t promise�I mean after this week is over�I can�t say that��

�Jim,� I breathed, �I ask for no promises.� A flame exploded within me as this human brushed his lips against mine. I felt my body come alive as our lips met. I released the hand that I still held, and brought my fingers to Jim�s golden head. I ran my hand through the soft hair and pressed us closer as I began to taste and savor him. I felt the tongue that encouraged my lips to part and I gratefully received its warmth into my mouth. Our arms wrapped around each other and we pressed our bodies close. The need we each felt could not be mistaken as hardness pressed wantonly against responding hardness.

Jim was the first to break the embrace. �Spock,� he gasped through deep breaths. �Unless you wish to leave no doubt about us to whomever may walk by, I think we should go to the cabin.� I could only nod as we turned and quickly headed for the cottages. At that moment, he could have taken me in the middle of the compound and I would have had no resolve to resist him.

By the time we had reached the steps to Jim�s cabin, we had regained some of our composure. We paused at the bottom step. �Spock, I don�t want you to feel pressured into this by me or anything that Dr. Sutry believes. Are you sure you want to join me in my cabin this evening?�

There are few times that present themselves with the degree of certainty that I was feeling that evening. �Jim, I have never been one to be pressured to do that which is against my will. I join you because it is what I desire.�

Jim smiled a smile that seemed to illuminate everything in his presence and he reached for my hand. Together we walked up the steps and into Jim�s bungalow. It was no more than a moment after the door closed that we were back in each other�s arms, our mouths pressed together. I felt his hands on me; wandering, searching, and learning my body.

I felt the fingers as they contacted my nipple and the sensation made me draw an unexpected gasp. I had never known this was an area of sensitivity. I wanted to feel these hands against my skin. As if reading my thoughts, Jim slipped his hands underneath my uniform shirt and freed my undershirt from the confines of my trousers. The hands gripped the edge of the two layers and in one motion, pulled them over my head and dropped them to the floor. Now I stood bare-chested and the hands roamed freely over my skin. They sifted through the hair on my chest and each hand found my hardened nipples and, as he rolled them gently, I felt the heat that stirred within me. The touches that this man was giving me caused a shivering within me that I could not control. The hands ran down my abdomen and around to my back. His nails were scraping against my skin and the sensation only served to bring me to a level of arousal I had never thought possible. The hands were back around to the front and I could feel them tremble as they fumbled with the release on my trousers.

I felt my own shivering stop and I reached down and released the catch. I then reached for Jim�s shirt. He was wearing only the one layer and I quickly pulled it off of him. I needed to feel his body against me and I opened Jim�s trousers with ease. It was then that we paused and I took a step back. We were both standing naked from the waist up, our trousers flared open. Obvious erections, covered only by the thin briefs that we both wore, were spilling out of the trousers. Our bodies were flushed and breaths were hard. We were at the point of no return. This had to be taken to completion and we each knew it. Whether or not we were lovers was no longer in question.

I kicked off one boot and then the other and pushed them aside with my foot. Jim did the same. Jim grasped the waistband of his own trousers and underpants and eased the briefs over his erection and pushed the last of his clothing down and pulled them off. I mirrored his actions. Now we stood completely naked before each other. I had never felt as exposed as I did when the eyes of that man grazed over my body. Neither had I ever seen such perfection. Jim�s bronze skin glistened and the muscles underneath the broad chest rippled beneath the tightly stretched skin with each breath he drew. The nipples were darkened and drawn tight. The waist narrowed and my eyes were drawn to the swirls of golden fur surrounding the engorged organ. Moisture gathered at the tip in anticipation of what was to come.

�My God, Spock, you are beautiful!� Jim breathed.

I had been so captivated by the man, I had forgotten that Jim was also studying me. His words caused a heat to rush to my skin. �Not so beautiful as the one that stands in front of me, I think.� It was true. There could be none as beautiful as James Kirk.

�Spock, will come to the bed with me? I want to make love to you.�

�You need not ask.�

Jim took a step toward me and again captured my mouth, but he had captured much more than that. I knew that this man had also captured a large portion of my soul. Jim grasped my hand and led me to the sleeping alcove.

He sat on the bed and moved over so that I had room to sit beside him. The sight of the man seated on the bed, propped up on one elbow, his legs parted, his penis arching proudly upward as if reaching for me, caused a reaction I had not anticipated. I felt my scrotum contract and my penis jerk sharply. I looked down to see drops of clear fluid being emitted from the slit. I had never before realized that extreme arousal would cause my body to react in such a way. Jim leaned over and caught the drops on the end of his tongue. The lips captured the tip of my penis and teased more fluid from the opening. I looked down to see the golden head positioned at my groin. Jim flicked my penis with his tongue and sucked more of the pre-ejaculate from me. I wanted to press into the warm mouth but Jim released my organ and moved back to the far side of the bed.

I sat down and captured him in my arms. My hand caressed down the smooth body, touching the tight nipples, stroking across the flat abdomen, feeling the soft ripples of skin, finally contacting the soft golden curls that encircled the hard organ. I touched my fingers to the base and then ran them up the long, thick, shaft. Jim thrust into my hand. I tightened my fingers around the shaft just below the flared cap. I felt the strength of the man in my arms as Jim pushed his hips toward my hand repeatedly. Releasing the mouth, I bent and took the head of the organ in my mouth. The salty flavor was delicious. There was an aromatic scent of sexuality that exuded from the heat of his groin that once more caused my own organ to contract. I felt Jim�s hand as it went between my thighs and caressed my arousal. A thumb spread my fluid across the apex and down the sensitive underside between the ridges. I pulled more of Jim�s organ inside until I had nearly the full length sliding in and out of my mouth. Harder and harder, the intensity increased. Jim clutched at my hair with his free hand.

�Spock! Oh, GOD! I gonna cum!� Deeper, I pulled the organ inside of me. I wanted this. I wanted to savor the taste of the fluid as it released into my mouth. Faster I slid my lips up and down the organ and then I felt the first convulsions as the salty liquor exploded from the slit. Jim writhed beneath me as each convulsion squirted more of the delicious liquid. I drank deeply and relished each drop of the warm fluid being offered to me.

When the last of the ejaculate was expelled, only then did I allow the organ to slip from my lips. Jim pulled me up and laid me down on the bed. He covered me with his body and claimed my mouth, plunging his tongue inside. He pressed his softening organ against my erection and slid down my body, his tongue trailing a path as he went. Responding to the feel of the mouth capturing my hardness, I spread my legs and Jim nestled neatly between my thighs. Jim�s lips pulled me inside and I felt the flame build within my abdomen. Instinctively, I pulled my knees up and used my feet planted against the bed to thrust deeply into his mouth. Jim sucked and caressed me with his tongue, bringing me closer and closer to orgasm. Then I felt the finger as it traced my most private opening. I felt shock as the slick finger penetrated my tight, puckered, ring. Deeper the invading member went inside of me until it contacted the seat of my sexuality. Jim brushed across the center of this heat and I felt the flame leap from deep inside my abdomen and rush toward my groin. The uncontrollable contractions began from the center of my body and wave after wave crashed over me. The mouth sucked deeply, drawing each surge of hot liquid from me, the finger in my rectum caressing each swell from my body. I could only grip the sheets and thrash against the stimulus. More�more�I could not get enough of this ecstasy.

I was sure that insanity had gripped me. Slowly the contractions ceased. Jim pulled the finger from deep inside of me and released my organ. I lay on the sheets searching my mind for any thread that would pull me back from the edge of madness. Then I saw the face of the golden man hovering above me. It was the rope I needed. This was not madness, this man was my salvation. Jim kissed me and my deliverance was complete. It was there on our lips, the taste of all that had transpired between us, mixed into an emulsion of passion.

Holding tight to each other, our breathing returned to normal and Jim, lying on my shoulder, fell into a deep, sated sleep. I reached for the light control and turned it down till there was only a soft glow to the room. I could not resist allowing my hand to lightly stroke the head resting on me. In this one day, all that I had believed regarding a relationship with another being had changed. This man, this golden man, had altered the neat, logical order in which I had viewed physical relationships. I was not inexperienced; at least I was not without sexual experience.

Prior to my other two encounters, one with a female who was a fellow student at the Academy, and the other with a male trader at the base station in the Omelon sector, I had researched the proper way to act in such encounters. I knew the most common positions and could even understand some of the slang associated with such acts. On each occasion, each of my contacts had made it very clear that they were quite willing to engage in copulation. And, I could certainly will my sexual organ to become erect and even release some amount of ejaculate. However, neither had accomplished what one touch from this man had done.

With my earlier experiences, once the act was over, I was quite ready to go back to my own quarters and study scientific manuals. However, this man I wanted to continue touching. I actually enjoyed the feel of him lying against me, and wished nothing more than to go on holding Jim Kirk.

As Jim slept, I kept thinking of the evening and was amazed that I was becoming hard again. I reflected on the feel of Jim�s penis�that sounded so sterile. What were some of the terms I had heard to refer to a male sex organ�rod, manhood, cock�? Cock. That had a pleasing sound. I remembered the feel of Jim�s cock in my mouth, exploding the warm, salty, ejaculate down my throat. What was it Jim had said? He had cried out that he was going to �cum.� Oh, the sensation of cumming was delicious. The warm mouth stimulating me as the finger pressed inside, discovering that organ that no one had ever before touched, and the way that these actions complimented each other was never completely explained in any text. Lying there reliving the events, I felt a drop escape from me and trickle down the inside of my thigh. This was unlike anything I had envisioned.

Jim�s head moved as he turned to look up at me. �Mmmm�looks like someone is ready for more.� He reached down and caressed the tip of my erection and collected the fresh drops on his finger then brought the finger to his lips.

�Indeed, it surprised me as well.� The arousal had returned full force and I could hear the deepness that had returned to my voice. We touched and explored, tasted and savored each other. Jim would take me to the brink and pull me back with the expertise that only a truly experienced lover can. Jim kept taunting and stretching my tight puckered opening until I knew I needed to feel this man inside of me. I shamelessly pressed my hips toward the fingers inside of me to let Jim know I was ready.

�Spock, I want to fuck you. Will you let me inside of you?� Jim breathed with hard gasps.

�Yes, please, I need to feel you.� I could not believe that I was pleading for this man to sodomize me. Nevertheless, I rolled onto my side to allow Jim to snuggle against me.

Spooned against my back, I felt Jim�s hands separate my mounds and position his cock, slickened with the fluid we were both freely emitting, against me. I felt first the hardness, then the pressure when the head pushed inside. The tightness was not uncomfortable but it took a moment for my body to adjust to the invasion and relax. Slowly, Jim pushed deeper into me until I felt the engorged head contact my prostate. The contact steeled my own erection. Once fully encased inside of me, Jim began withdrawing and pressing back inside, each time brushing across my deeply imbedded nodule, each time bringing me to a new height of pleasure. Jim took my own hand and led it to my swollen penis. He guided my fingers around the shaft and made me stroke my own cock in time with his plunging in and out of my body. The erotic feel of me pleasuring myself while being stroked from within pushed me over the edge once more. Jim pushed his cock deep inside of me and, as I pumped the ejaculate from my own body, Jim filled me from within. The liquid flooded my insides with heat as my own ejaculate filled my hand. Jim wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his cooler lips to the back of my neck. When the organ inside of me began to soften and contract, Jim eased it from my body and we lay molded together, panting, fulfilled.

The next days were spent pleasing each other both sexually and intellectually. We had discovered that each had a fondness for chess and that each were matched in our level of tactical skill. However, Jim initiated the idea of �strip chess,� and once that factor was introduced, few games ever actually made it to the point of declaring a certain winner. Capturing your opponents piece took on a completely different meaning from any mentioned in the gaming rules. Occasionally we would go to the caf� and take advantage of the food offered there. Now that the looks that passed between us left no doubt about our relationship, Dr. Sutry was no longer an issue. Now that it was no longer a secret that James and I were sharing the same cabin, the knowing looks were gone and there was no inferences made to the relationship between us. The doctor seemed to be pleased that we had found each other and were enjoying our time on the planet. It seemed that having their guests feel at ease was very important to the Arimianinas.

There were times Jim and I would forgo the caf� and would subsist from the fruits that grew in the area. We each attempted to cook a traditional meal from our home planet, but the offerings in the market were meager at best and the results were less than impressive.

I did spend one afternoon in the botany labs. Since my host had made the offer, I felt that I needed to show an interest in the work being done here. I was able to contribute to some of the more recent research results regarding the properties of certain foods. It was information that would significantly increase the yield that could be shipped. The day spent in the compound was a pleasant one, and had I not met Jim, I would have found contentment working in the labs for these days. However, scientific experimentation was not foremost in my priorities. One day spent apart was quite enough.

Neither of us dwelled on how many days we had been on the planet, or how many before our time together would come to an end. One morning we awoke and realized our time together was over. It was time for me to report back to the Enterprise, and the Alexander would be docking that evening to pick up Jim. We each had our duties and it was unclear as to whether we would be together again. The possibility was not deeply explored. We spoke of staying in touch, but we knew that it was not realistic to try to prolong what we had found here on Arimis.

I had been the first to finish packing. Jim walked with me to the transportation center, but there was little conversation between us as we strode through the heavily wooded path. As we were waiting for the shuttle to dock, Jim turned to me. �Spock, I�m sorry that I can�t offer you more. I wish I could say we would meet again. Maybe, if we keep in touch, we can arrange a leave together�maybe.�

�Jim, I accepted the agreement of no promises. I do not wish to make you pledge that which you, neither of us, can adhere to. I am fine. I will never forget what we had for this time. I thank you for all that you have shown me.�

I felt Jim�s fingers as they trailed down my arm. Did Jim remember that this is where he had first touched me? It did not matter. I remembered, as I would remember each moment of these days spent together.

�Perhaps�someday, we will meet again.� Jim looked up. The sight almost made me weak. The sun highlighted the golden flecks in the green eyes and the streaks in the fair hair. This man was a contrast to all that I was, to all that I could be.

�There are always possibilities,� I whispered. The shuttle awaited me. I hefted my pack from the ground and turned to board the ship. When I turned back, I saw a brief glimpse of Jim as he disappeared into the heavy shrubbery.

Three days after my return to the ship, Dr. Piper ordered me to sickbay for my yearly physical. He was quite pleased with himself when he announced to me that the time away had obviously done me good. He stated with superiority that my biorhythms had never run at such peak efficiency. When he questioned me about my activities over the leave period, I chose not to share with him any of the details of my encounter. He did seem quite let down when I advised him I had spent the time on Arimis in the pursuit of scientific study. I found myself quite inexplicitly satisfied that the doctor found this to be a disappointment. I have shared with no one the details of my time on the planet in these years since. However I have thought of it often.

I noticed Jim�s name mentioned frequently in the news vids. His accomplishments seemed to appear often. Most recently I had read that James Kirk had been presented with the Medal of Honor and promoted to Captain after the catastrophic events on the Alexander. He was the youngest in the history of Starfleet to be commissioned to rank of Captain. There had been no mention of where he would be assigned, but most in the media speculated that he would spend several years stationed at Starfleet Headquarters until he was seasoned enough to be given his own command. I remembered Jim�s feelings about being in such a position, and I hoped he would find contentment wherever he was stationed.

However, the speculations had been quite wrong. The announcement was made. He was on his way to this ship. He had been given command of the Enterprise, the largest and finest ship in the fleet, and I was required to be in the shuttle bay in less than an hour to welcome him. Dr. Piper had stopped me earlier in the day. He advised me he was resigning his commission. He preferred not serving under someone that was younger than his children. Besides, he missed his family and wanted to be near them. He would be onboard just long enough for the new Captain to obtain a replacement.

I wished him well. But it was known to all that our relationship had been quite volatile over the years. Somewhere deep inside, I actually felt some measure of relief. It would be nice to have a ship�s surgeon that was not as combative, obstinate and strong willed as Dr. Piper could be. Yes, that would be very satisfactory.

The comm signal broke my concentration and I was advised that the shuttle that would bring Captain Kirk onboard, and take Captain Pike away, was preparing for docking maneuvers. I rose from the mat and slipped off my meditation robe and donned the required dress uniform. Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I am a Vulcan. I assure myself that the fa�ade that I keep tightly in place was once again restored. I exit my cabin and head for the shuttlebay. All of the senior officers are reporting, many are visually distraught over the fact that their beloved Captain is leaving. I cannot deny that having to see the man that I have served with for more than eleven years leave, is difficult. But, the knowledge that I have to come face to face with his replacement is proving to be even more challenging.

The bay doors open and the shuttle slides into the hanger. Once the signal appears indicating that pressurization is complete, we are allowed to enter. The ceremonial red carpet is rolled into place and the honor guard takes their place on either side of the shuttle door. The senior officers are assembled and, as protocol dictated, I am the first in line since I have been promoted to the position of First Officer. The door opens and a Starfleet Admiral exits the ship and greets Captain Pike. He then gestures toward the shuttle door, and standing in the threshold is the golden man that I remember so well. There is a stab that strikes me deeply in my midsection. He looks a bit older, but there was no mistaking the man I had known almost five years before. Kirk steps from the shuttle and greets Captain Pike. Pike leads the entourage past the honor guard to where the officers are waiting.

�Captain Kirk, I want to introduce you to Lieutenant Commander Spock. He has served me tirelessly as Science Officer for the time I have commanded the Enterprise, and has been assigned as your Science and First Officer. I now leave you in his capable hands.�

Kirk�s eyes turned from Captain Pike to look directly at me. Kirk nods briefly toward me, but for a moment says nothing. Then, turning back to Pike, states, �Commander Spock and I have met once before.� Then, he turned back to me, his face showing nothing of what we had been to each other, but the gleam in his eyes is unmistakable. �I do not know if you remember, Commander, it was several years ago.�

I realize there has formed within my chest and throat a lump of pure emotionalism. I am afraid that I am going to be unable to talk around it. However, I hear my voice and I know that I am succeeding in keeping any of my emotions I am feeling, hidden. �Indeed, Captain Kirk, I remember that quite well. It is agreeable to see you again.�

Then I saw a flash of humor that sparkled in the gold-flecked, green eyes. It was a look that almost causes my heart to leap from beneath my uniform. Jim continued, �If I remember correctly, Mr. Spock, you are quite the chess master. Your skill was most impressive. I hope you will be interested in joining me in a game some evening.�

�I would be most honored, Captain. I remember you being an equally challenging partner.� I see a look of gratitude that Jim flashes toward me. Evidently, there has been doubt about this meeting from him, as well. Now all was answered. We are where we wish, where we need, to be. I turned to the officers standing beside me, and continue. �Allow me introduce you to your senior staff. This is Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott�.�


Epilogue�Late that same evening, as they lay nestled together, contentment showing on both faces, Jim turned to Spock. �Did I tell you that I have requested a replacement for Dr. Piper?�

�No, you did not. We did not speak much about the ship once we entered the cabin.�

�Well, we did have a lot of catching up to do!� Jim smiled that wicked smile as he rose to hover above Spock. �Anyway, I have offered the position to Leonard McCoy and he has accepted. He will be here in three weeks.�

�This is the same physician you mentioned on Arimis.�

�Do you remember everything about those days?�

�Indeed I do.�

�So do I.� Jim leaned down and kissed him. �Anyway, he is the best the Fleet has to offer, and one of my oldest friends. We are dammed lucky to get him. It�s a step down for him to become a ship�s surgeon. He�ll only admit to being a country doctor, but he is the best in the corp.�

�He sounds like he will be a fine addition to the crew. And, I have to admit that having someone that will not try to argue every point will be refreshing.�

�Ah�Spock, I have to tell you, Dr. Piper will seem like the most agreeable man in the cosmos compared to Leonard McCoy. If he were thirty years older, they would call him cantankerous, as it is, he�s just a brilliant pain in the ass.�

Spock let out an audible groan. �Jim, am I already going to have to be cautious of your judgment?�

Jim rubbed against him seductively. �I don�t know, what about my judgment bothers you?�

Spock rolled Jim onto the bed and covered him with his body. �This is something we will discuss�but later�much later.�


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