
There is only one true religion and there is only one true way to heaven, His Name is Jesus.  Jesus is our reconciliation to God.  When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, sin separated humankind from God. Genesis 2:16, 17 & 3:1-7  The penalty for sin is hell. Luke 10:18.  We all are sinners and headed for hell without Jesus Christ.  Romans 3:23  Some say that they are good people.  But the Bible shows us for what we really are. Exodus 20:1-17.  We all have broken God's Law and we all will be rightly judged for our actions.  We all at one time or another have lied, stole, lusted, put something above God, etc.  We all deserve to go to hell for eternity, because that is the just punishment for our actions.  But God in His love sent Jesus to die in our place.  He gave His life so that we might live.  If you would like to know how to be saved, then please click here.

In heaven, everyone who is truly saved will fellowship together regardless of denomination.  The ecumenical movement bends beliefs in order to fellowship, which is wrong.  We should only fellowship with other Christians.  On the other hand, we should not separate from fellow Christians over petty doctrines.  I personally am a Baptist, but I have friends who are Presbyterians.  They are right on salvation.  I will see them in heaven.  We may not agree on how much water to use in a baptism, but we agree on salvation. 

The doctrines we need to stand firm on are the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith, because any that deny the fundamentals are no longer Christian, but a cult.  We need to stand firm on salvation, because this is the paramount doctrine.  All other doctrines are important, but not enough to keep us from working together to promote Jesus Christ.  I would rather help someone of another denomination who was right on salvation, than someone of my own who wasn't.  Below are some denominations and what they believe.  Of course, I used from a conservative true Christian viewpoint and not a liberal one.

Baptists Presbyterians
Pentecostals Calvinists

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