
Welcome to the Bil-joodusstudios website, you can find various links here have fun I guess
The blogus is now finally accessible, funny links coming soon :)


download JUI: the game hereJui the game Version BETA.148.65064
JUI: the game is a difficult platforming game developed by me and a friend
This beta version has 6 stages and memes I guess
Inside the zip you will find an html file of the game and the readme with instructions

new beta versions of my operating system (no joke)
TCHYSEOS #2010051103 TCHYSEOS #2010051103
A demo for a project I was working on
It has few applications but you can open multiple windows
This project is likely abandoned

here you can check out some more info

Games and Applications

N spellchecker N spellchecker
A slow spellcheck program
You can add vocabulairy to the porgram
As well as check multiple words and wind matching sections
With the default 10K words it can take anywhere from 80 to 8 seconds for a word
if you don't need instructions click here
Society Society
Society is a simulation of groups of people in a randomized world
Each person is induvidually simulated and can be found inside the people list
This application will require a decent pc and cannot be played on mobile
It also might crash if too much is going on at once
a society simulator, to skip instructions click here
download JUI: the gameJui the game Version BETA.148.65064
JUI: the game is a difficult platforming game developed by me and a friend
This beta version has 6 stages and memes I guess
Inside the zip you will find an html file of the game and the readme with instructions
a funny platofrming game
At os At Os
Old operating system simulator
an old operating system simulator
TCHYSEOS #2010051103 TCHYSEOS #2010051103
A demo for a project I was working on
It has few applications but you can open multiple windows
This project is likely abandoned
an operating system simulator here you can check out some more info
Contest beta Contest Beta 1.0
A gameshow simulator where several contestants repeat
You can add as many as you want
Add contestants and bring them back, put them in teams and out
Some bugs might occur, and I don't know if I will work on it anymore
a contest simulator
Deviantart randomizer DeviantArt randomizer
A randomizer that opens a random artwork on DeviantArt
You can also change the time period of this art
Do not hold me responsible for any imagery that might disturb you, it is random afterall
a randomizer that displays DeviantArt pages
Gagam GAGAM interperter
Gagam is an esoteric joke programming language inspired by brianf**k
You can find every command on the info page
an interperter for a esoteric programming language I made, to skip information click here
Hear a song I madeSong
Just plays a song, it changes every so often
Kinda inspired by TMBG's dial a song


some programs for TI calculators if you want
here are some places that don't exist!
check out my banana keep him alive
the cringe chamber
download my font if you want the full site expirience

please note: not all browsers support custom fonts such as safari
if it doesn't work i'm trying to make it work don't worry

about this terrible place

this is what i can use to verify that i am infact me, you can't use it but i can, easy as that


[email protected],bil-joodusstudios on scratch

YouTube (music channel), Reddit (not funny), Deviantart (joke) and THE INCREDIBLE OFFICIAL JUI FAN SERVER

Web Hits this is supposed to be how many people wasted their time here hopefully
Web Hits this is how many entities need bleach now
every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes
last update 22/2/2022 funny date