kudu crest in Oettle coat of arms kudu crest in Oettle coat of arms
Heraldry in South Africa

An ABC of Heraldry

Heraldry has a language all its own: a language of colour, pattern and symbolism. This section of Armoria will endeavour to introduce this language – as well as the wording used to describe it, known as blazon – as simply and graphically as possible.

the colour gold, called ‘‘or’’ the colour red, called ‘‘gules’’ the heraldic fur called vair the colour green, called ‘‘vert’’

Colours used in heraldry

The shape and style of the armorial shield

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

a classic heater-shaped shield a rectangular shield two curvaceous shield styles Nguni shield shapes used in South Africa

The language of heraldry

Heraldry in the 21st century

About Armoria itself:

arms of Germany arms of Tchad arms of Russia arms of Gabon

About Armoria

Heraldry elsewhere on the Internet:

Heraldry links



About the webmaster:

Title graphics prepared using MS Picture It!ฎ / Kudu crest drawn by David Burkart and coloured by Barrie Burr.


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