Heraldry Society of Southern Africa

Heraldry websites



General heraldry websites






Hereditary Titles


International Civic Arms


Heraldry in particular countries



Heraldry in South Africa


South African Heraldry

Arthur Radburn’s online dictionary of heraldry in South Africa


South Africa

The national coat of arms explained


England and Britain

The development of the royal arms


Civic Heraldry of England and Wales


Elizabethan Heraldry

Renaissance heraldry in England and Wales



The arms of Canada



French regional and civic arms



Family heraldry in Italy


Symbole der Republik Österreich

Symbols of the Republic of Austria (in German)


Kingdom of Hanover

The German Kingdom of Hanover (in English and German)


Russian Heraldry As It Is


Armorial Português

Arms of Portugal (in Portuguese)


Collections of armorial illustrations


Fränkische Wappenrolle

Arms from the German region of Franken (Franconia), northern Bavaria


Heraldiek in Nederland

Coats of arms in public places in the Netherlands


Coats-of-arms of South African Families

Illustrations of arms borne or claimed by families in South Africa[1]


The Cyber Journal of Heraldic Bookplates


Personal heraldry websites


Jude Grupe

Philippine heraldist Jude Grupe’s personal page


Members are invited to submit additional sites for inclusion here. Write to the webmaster.

[1] NOTE: This is not a collection of officially authorised arms, such as those necessarily registered at the Bureau of Heraldry or granted by the British Kings of Arms.

It makes extensive use of arms illustrated in C Pama’s Groot Afrikaanse Familienaamboek and other arms which lack any recognised status.

Visitors making use of the site should be aware of these shortcomings.


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