pages updated on June 25,2008

We update often--check back soon.

This page is dedicated to genealogy.  As for many families in the United States of America, our genealogy includes information on American pioneers as well as people from other counties, most notably in our case, Calabria (Italy).

We are grateful to our family for all that they have shared with us and hope that these pages help you learn about your family.  If you are related to someone on these pages, please take a moment to sign our guest book.  If you have additional information on our family, please write us at the address below.  

Use of these pages means that you have agreed to the following:  
you are welcome to use the information on our pages to help you learn about your family; 
use for publication or profit is prohibited.  

Research on the Macri, Spagnolo, Mazzaferro, Ursino, Frasca, Tipaldo, Bova, and Morelli families of Roccella Ionica, Reggio di Calabria, Italy, as well as the Longobucco, Curia, and Stella families of Longobucco, Cosenza, Italy.

Randolph.gif (98846 bytes)Randolph County, Illinois
Research on the Grah, Tindall, Dean, Barnes, Tilden, Bollinger, Hargis, Leavitt, Barker, Uhles, McCarty, Pillars, Gaston, and Cragon families.  Includes places other than this county.  Please contact me directly for any inquiries, as the Randolph County pages have been taken off line for now for privacy.

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      This is a Genealogy Site

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macri-genealogy at sbcglobal.net
Angie Macri
Little Rock, Arkansas

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Agreement of Use
You are welcome to use the information on these pages to help you learn about your family; 
use for publication or profit is prohibited.

25 June 2008


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