About Me
So, you've decided that you actually WANT to learn a little bit more about me. Oh, how I pity you... Sereously though. My name is Sarah, and I first became interested in Anastasia when I over heard my father explaining the movie to my mother on the way back from a star gazing expidition. The story sounded weird and mysterious, like a movie, not real life. So, I decided to do a little research. The first book I found was "TSAR: The lost world of Nicholas and Alexandra," and I haven't stopped reading since! My friends think I'm crazy, and they always try to avoid me when they see me with a Romanov book.
Other Things:
Well, my favorite TV shows are ER and CSI. ER is another obsession, and I won't get into that right now! My favorite plays are
Sunset Boulevard and Jesus Christ Superstar, Though I love all A. L. Webber plays! I love to read and write stories. I also like to watch ice skating on tv, which bothers my sister beyond belief. I like to eat Pizza Rolls, Pizza in general, Chicken Noodle soup, Doritos and Saltine Crackers (???) I also am obsessed w/ Cherry Coke and am know to some as the Cherry Coke Goddess. I like the movies Shining Through, The Little Mermaid, Chicken Run, and Sleeping Beauty.
I'm not sure what else to say, so e-mail me at [email protected] if you have anything to say. I LOVE e-mail!

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