My North Country Antenna Project
It comes to you with just about everything you need, minus the PVC pipe. It's not really a beginner's project, but if you take your time and follow the instructions, you'll have a very nice working active antenna.

The preamp is low noise, and the gain is very adequate.

The nice thing is that it is not a "proximate-type" active antenna, that is, the receiving element can (should) be remoted - outside if possible, but definately away from household noise.
Above and right: The preamplifier PC board and power inserter (bias-tee). Note the nice die-cast RF proof enclosure.
Left and below: Various stages of assembly. Note that I did not use a PVC pipe and wire for the element as NC recommends, but rather a brass brazing rod (1/8"), threaded and coupled (6-32) with a threaded standoff.
The final assembly was put together with silicone grease in all the couplings, then #6 sheet metal screwed together in 3 places (120 degrees apart) around the couplings. That will allow for furure mods. The hole for adjusting the preamp gain is closed with a Heyco 1/4 inch hole plug.
The antenna was finally mounted several yards from the house on a length of TV mast with two worm gear radiator clamps.
The antenna performs about as well as a moderately long (30-60 foot) end fed wire antenna ... at my location in Southern Connecticut.
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