Small guide for PPP network setup on MiSTer and Minimig.

In this guide ill be using MiamiDX 1.0, my TCPStack of choice way back.

First we will setup the "modem" in the hardware tab, in this case the internal "nullmodem".
Click new and select "Serial", and fill in the information as in the picture below:

Click the "Modem settings" and select nullmodem!

Second we will go to the dialer tab, we wont be setting up any phone numbers
just call it nodial, check the picture below:

Third we will go to the interfaces tab, here we will connect the "modem" to the dialer.
Click "New", and select "PPP-dial out", Internet and press ok
Press ok on the popups if it looks good, change settings to match the picture below:

Fourth, now we will add dns servers, go to the "database" tab, find "DNS Servers" in the gadget at the top, add googles dns servers as in the picture:

In the menu, Save settings as default.
Go to the "General" tab, press the button "Online" Congratulations you have all the Internets!