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Shooting Star

This is a passing pattern for four jugglers A, B, C and D. They stand at four points of a five pointed star. The fifth point, between D and A, is the gap. B starts with no clubs, everyone else has 3. A, C and D juggle a four count with a fast start, with C passing to A, A passing to D and D passing to B.

When B has 3 clubs he starts passing to the gap. At the same time C passes his last club and runs  into the gap just in time to catch B's first pass.

Now B is passing to C and C is no longer passing to A. Also the gap has moved between B and D.

When C has 3 clubs he starts passing to the gap. At the same time A passes his last club and runs  into the gap.

Now C is passing to A and A is no longer passing to D. Also the gap has moved between B and C.
D will be the next one to run into the gap, and then B. After B has moved the pattern will be back at the beginning, except everyone's moved around two spaces.
You can spice things up by juggling two count instead of four count. An alternative way to spice up the pattern is for B to start with one (or two) club(s), then each juggler runs into the gap when they have one (or two) club(s).

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