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ambulant diagram

Movable Feast

This is a pattern for five or more jugglers. Each juggler passes to every other juggler including himself. Also everyone moves around as they juggle! It can be juggled on any count, purists would say it should be done on a three count. Here's how the six person movable feast works:
For the first pass A passes with F, B passes with E and C passes with D, Then everyone moves around one place in a clockwise direction:

On the next pass A passes with E, B passes with D and C and F do selfs, Then everyone moves around one place in a clockwise direction:

Now A passes with D, B passes with C and E passes with F, Then everyone moves around one place in a clockwise direction:

This diagram is just like the first one, except all the jugglers have moved around.
With any even number of jugglers the pattern will be like the six person version. On every other pass there is one juggler at either end of the pattern doing a self.