Anne Frank Diary Reference : Anne Frank Blog

28 Jan 2006
Poignant Puppetry

Buddy skating I love puppets. The Center for Puppetry Arts has been staging a poignant production of Anne returning to us, looking back at her time in the annexe and deportation. Anne Frank: Within and Without sounds really well done and is doing very well. New York Times article and several pictures. It is in Atlanta, GA. It is for ages 12 and up and ends tomorrow.
    Some of the puppets are really poseable dolls, some are marionettes. There are two women playing the returned Anne looking back and handling the dolls. They have dolls of all the people in the annexe, a replica of the annexe, dreamlike scenes, fantasy scenes. For instance there are scenes where Anne falls asleep in the chestnut tree (right) and her fantasy of skating with her cousin Buddy (left).
falling asleep in the chestnut tree

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