In Conversation with





October 2007


A little background:


Xeltrei are a duo from Sweden

And consists of Erica on piano and David

(Of Library Tapes)  on piano, field recordings,

And computer.


On their page they simply describe themselves

As "lo-fi piano music made with love." – and which it

Is certainly as what is says it is – the full mood off it is

Very, very different as it doesn’t contain any real elements

Of classical music a fact perhaps best summed by a review

I read about them on their page which said ‘ Piano

Is only half the story, of course. . The various found sounds and

Effects, add to the atmosphere. These manipulations enhance

The feeling that this is a lo-fi recording affected by incidental

Noise. The real success of  "Litotes" is that it draws the

Listener into this simulated space with its sonic quirks.

It is extremely easy to become lost in thought listening

To this album, placing yourself inside the sound and

Remembering your own versions of the personal moments

Reflected in the music.

There is a lot I could add here but from a personal angle

There is certainly that has a un-settling affect that goes

Well beyond classical music and is a natural signing for

Make Music Mine in the sense of it explores life through

A reality that is unsettling but strangely cheerful.


For more information on ‘Xeltrei’ – please go to

Their page on which can be found at


Thanks to David and Eva for the interview.


I will certainly be checking out the album shortly.


I recommend you do too.




Andrew N


Setting Sun:

How are things and what’s happening at the moment

Xeltrei: (david)

Not much is happening with xeltrei at the moment.

We did release the album a couple of months
ago and we're both really busy with other things right

now. erica has a lot of school work and I'm
busy with other musical projects, mainly

Library tapes.

Setting Sun:

Firstly anyhow, is a little bit of background for
people who don’t know you. . Can you tell

us a little bit about the history of ‘Xeltrei’ for example
what started you off or as I like to say sometimes
who fired the starting pistol

Xeltrei: (david)

It was all really spontaneous. we just recorded a bunch of

stuff for fun and i really liked how it sounded and we had

enough stuff to actually do an album with so i sent it to kentaro

at symbolic interaction and he loved it.

Setting Sun:

Music wise, what are your influences and what are
you listening to at the moment?

Xeltrei: (Erica)

I've been listening to Marissa Nadler a lot recently.



Lately i've been listening to Efterklang, Colleen and

various stuff with Peter Broderick.

Setting Sun:

Do you play gigs? If so, how do they compare to
your recordings? Is their one you prefer or if you
don’t – do you have any idea how you would

approach it?

Xeltrei: (David)

We don't play live with Xeltrei yet. maybe in the

future though.

It would most likely be the two of us at the piano

and also using a laptop.

Setting Sun:

I have being really enjoying your songs on, but I think my favourite so far

has being ‘Litotes’ – can you tell us a little bit

more about this song?


Xeltrei: (David)

I'm happy you like it. i'm going to sound boring,

but there's not too much to tell really as i like to

leave it up to the listeners to interpret the songs

in any ways they like.

Setting Sun:


What’s the inspiration behind your name

‘Xeltrei’ out of interest too?

Xeltrei: (David)

Xeltrei is really just a word we made up that we

thought sounded good.

Setting Sun:


I know you currently have an album out on
Make Music Mine at the moment
(One of my favourite labels certainly) , but

do you have any more music plans besides

that lined up? Perhaps a gig or two or

another release?

Xeltrei: (David)

I will release a mini-album with library tapes on

Make mine music on the 12th of November.

There will also be a library tapes ep on the Swedish

 label kning disk, and hopefully that will be out
before the end of the year. besides that, i have an album

out with a project called forestflies on
a label called vu-us that's based in belgium.


As for gigs, i will tour from mid- November to

early December with library tapes in Belgium,

France, Spain and Portugal

Setting Sun:

Where are you both from? What’s the music

Scene like where you are from? Have you being

to any  good concerts recently?

Xeltrei: (David)

We're both born in gävle, sweden. a pretty small

town 2 hours north of stockholm. there's a couple of

interesting bands around here but it's not too much stuff

going on sadly.

We're going to stockholm in a couple of days to see

efterklang and peter broderick so that should
be great.

Setting Sun:


What would you be your dream job if you were

not a musician?

Xeltrei: (Erica)

I'm not sure, i'm still trying really hard to figure out what

my dreams are. but it would be pretty sweet if i could be

a photographer or a writer, or maybe a doctor. i'm also really

interested in computers programming and animation...


Maybe a photographer or a painter.

Setting Sun:


What would you like to be doing when you are 60?
Xeltrei: (Erica) 


Well since i don't really know what I want to be doing

right now, i really don't know what I'd want to be doing

when I'm 60.


Be alive and happy.

Setting Sun:

Lastly, what will you be doing when you

are 60?

Xeltrei: (Erica) 

60 isn't that old, if i ever get a career i'd probably

still be working on that.


Working with something I'm interested in. it's too long

away to actually be able to say what that is
at the moment. but something creative for sure.

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