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In Conversation with 'World's End'


In Conversation with


‘Worlds End’


December 2007


A little background:


One of the beauties with ‘Setting Sun’ is often the fact using

The interview you can interview acts from all of the world,

And certainly over the 4 or so years I have being doing

I have interviewed acts from all over the world but to my

Knowledge I don’t think at least so far anyhow I have ever

Interviewed any act at least from Japan.


‘Worlds End’ according to their notes on

‘Consists of a at most times, three man playing and

Composing instrumental, cinematic music. They have

Also performing and arranging their digital &

Analogy mixed music for other artists.‘


Certainly from listening to their music, there is a real

Mood that I think goes beyond just being music

Rather as I would like to simply a mood, but a place

That I certainly full of layers that made it beautiful to

Listen and also at the same time almost quite unsettling.


Thanks to ‘Worlds End’ for the interview.


More on them can be found at their website

Which is


‘Worlds End’ describe their website as ‘ since we

Are hoping the website above to be a particular

Space for every listener to be able to use their

own lens called feelings, the website consists of

Only instrumentals to avoid words that spacify the

Worlds and feelings. It would be so delighted if

The website colours your day.’




Andy N



Setting Sun:

How are things and what’s happening at the



Worlds End:

Currently, we are focusing on writing and arranging

New songs.

Setting Sun:

Next, can you tell us a little bit about your music – what

Started you off etc or as I like to say sometimes, who fired

The starting pistol?

Worlds End:

It would be the Japanese artist called “Mr. Children”.

They motivated me to start fiddling around with

My guitar.

Setting Sun:

Next, can you tell you a little bit music wise, what are your

Influences and who you are listening to at the moment?


Worlds End:

My tunes are influenced by U2, Radiohead, Oasis,

Aqualung and of course, Mr. Children as I mentioned

In Question 2.

Setting Sun:

Do you play concerts? If so, how do they differ to

your recordings? Is their one you prefer over

the other?


Worlds End:

Unfortunately, gigging takes up a lot of our time.
It sure is fun to have gigs, but we enjoy arranging and

creating more than that. So at the moment, we do gigs

and try to find extra time to make new material when

we can .We have had many gigs before, and the some

of the set lists are on our website. We once rearranged

one of our songs in a live collaboration with a rapper.

However, I still prefer the original recorded sets.

Setting Sun:

I have being enjoying your songs on,

but the one that I think I have enjoyed the most out

of has being is simply titled ‘til the end’? Can you tell

us a little bit more about this song?

Worlds End:

Thanks. I wanted to write something that is

relative to us as humans.

This tune doesn't really have a main melody.

All our other songs have one but not this song.
The base has been cut off in every 16th bar, and

the tunes have been layered over each other.


Towards the end, it was composed by piling melodies

and sounds that were created by 5 guitars, a bass, and

a synthesizer. I wanted to express that we all are

changed by other people, and every little thing that

occurs between others makes the present you.

I believe that music itself is something relative, but

recently I see lots of the Japanese artists of my age

have forgotten about it, (or maybe they are not

even aware of the fact.), and I cannot help having

big doubts myself about its importance.

Also, the title states that we can keep changing and

improving ourselves “till the end”. It also always

reminds me and encourages me not to give it up

“till the end”.

Setting Sun:

What is the inspiration behind your name

World’s End too out of interest?


Worlds End:

It's kind of hard to explain, (and this is gonna be

long!) but, basically “World's End” represents

somewhere in “the end of the world“ that I saw

right after I wrote this particular song.

I once thought about quitting music, since I

just could not write any songs at all at that

time. Then I gave myself a last chance to write

just one last song - if I could create a song that

could satisfy me, then I would try music again,

and if not, I was really going to quit. I focused

on writing a song, I didn't do anything except

write kept creating piles of tunes, and arranged

them day and night for weeks.

And yes, I made it, (which goes 8min.!) and I could

imagine this beautiful but so peaceful place while

I was listening to the song. I had never seen the

scenery, and I had no clue where that place would

be, but I thought it must still exist somewhere the

end of the world. So I named the band “World's end”

to remember the feeling and to remind me about my

decision to keep creating music.

And I am hoping that people who listen to us can

see or feel the scenery while listening to our songs.

Setting Sun:

What plans do you have next, music wise? Do you

have any recordings or gigs planned at the moment?

Worlds End:

No, We are not planning to have any gigs at the

moment. We are focusing on the recording and

creating tunes so that we won't miss any new songs.

Setting Sun:

Where are you from out of interest? What’s the

music scene like were you are from? Have you

being to any good concerts recently?


Worlds End:

Personally, I prefer alternative, and ambient


I always check what's up in the UK scene,

and it has been something that I am aiming for.

I definitely would like to go to the UK before

long and would like to collaborate with

UK artists.

I don't really go to gigs in Japan (since it

sucks most of time), but I went to an Aqualung

concert in Tokyo in June this year. I also

went to the U2 concert that was held in November

last year in Tokyo.

Their concert left me speechless. The Edge

especially (guitarist from U2) blew my mind.

Setting Sun:


What do you do when you are not being a



Worlds End:

Just work part-time.

Setting Sun:

Anyway, a few light hearted questions to finish

off with, firstly what would you like to be doing

when you are 60?

Worlds End:

I wanna be able to create music that totally

satisfies me.

Setting Sun:

Lastly, what do you think you will be

doing when you are 60?

Worlds End:

I'll probably still be a musician if I can continue

to be successful otherwise I might be creating

fireworks(fabulous ones!) in Japan.




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