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Call me Antonionioni. But I'm not going to start a very long novel about whales. No, I am merely someone who dashes out a sonnet every day by way of a diary. I also write other bits and pieces now and then, and whatever I do goes on my website.

My real name is Tony. Some call me Anthony. Some call me other names. I call them names back. Why be shy, life's too short. It's not about money, it's about self-respect. And don't bullshit. Unless it's my kind of bullshit. You don't know what that is? Then read my poems. You don't want to? Well I won't read yours then. Quid pro quo.

I've tried writing novels and come up with some ideas but have so far been unable to see it through to the end. Maybe one day. I've also tried my hand at playwriting and comedy, and even music. I may return to these fields in the future.

I work in Manchester for the people who tax your petrol. Now you really won't read my poems. But hey, even gravediggers play a useful role, as do worms and microbes. So let's be fair about this. Read them!"

Antoniononi’s website is :


Sonnet 686 - A flatful of dust

Sonnet 682 - In the pink

Body & Soul

Slam and Slam

Identities (one, two and three)

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