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As well as being involved in lots of original work, working as a

Member of Hicc me and my comrades in my variety bands

(M.A.N., D.I.H., W@, Seven Ages, Sleeplessness etc)

Have all undertaken a variety of remix work for artists.


Artists we have remixed so far have included


Aether Flux

Bela Emerson


Matt Elliott / Third Eye Foundation

Earworm Records


Our work of course differs in remixes but like we often like to look for

Something unusual in each remix we do and look to create something

Different from them, in effect creating a new track often but using

Samples from the original track in Question.


Some examples of our remix work can be found through


I have also an online portfolio which contains examples of each

Commissioned remix., which can be accessed by interested parties

To hear some of our skills.


Please contact me for further details here on

As we are always keen to under-take new commissions.

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