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Aspiring to greatness

Aspiring to greatness.


Some choose to write by candlelight

and some compose straight on the screen.

Whichever way to you seems right,

that is the way it's always been.


In days of yore you chose your quill,

made sure the ink was close to hand

Before your parchment you could fill,

then sprinkle it with silver sand.



A pencil is my chosen tool

I scribble quickly on my pad

and then transfer it as a rule

to my computer: I am glad


to see it appear on the screen.

Neatly displayed in black and white

the font I use shows crisp and clean

Then I will edit and put right


whatever errors I have made.

Correct the meter and the rhyme.

The final draft is then displayed

. Re editing does not waste time.



It is a task you must not shirk.

Though I'm afraid that many do

and thus do not present their work.

as perfectly as they ought to.



It is entirely up to you

to show that you are willing to

do everything that you can do

to prove you're fit to join the few.


Whose poetry will still be read.

Like the great poets of the past

In years to come when you are dead.

Whose golden words were meant to last.



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