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In Conversation with Mercurine:

Mar 2005

A little background:

Sometimes when you interview bands on the scale like I do
On “Setting Sun” – sometimes without meaning to, you can
Build up really good friendships often without meaning to.

This has happened with a number of artists interviewed on
“Setting Sun” like with Thrill Racer (who I am hoping will
Prove able to record more new music soon), Caroline Martin
(Whom I will probably be interviewing again for “Setting Sun”
In relation to her new album and of course, Mera, lead singer
From the excellent “Mercurine”.

Flicking back to the earlier interview with “Mercurine” in 2003,
I said at the time I first got into Mercurine by chance after
Stumbling onto their page I think on and after
Listening to one or two of their tracks was so impressed by
Their almost 80’s synth influenced Goth music,
I dropped them a line and ended up speaking to Mera,
Their lead singer and the original interview came from that.

Fast-forward almost two years and here we are with their second
Album “Waiting for another Fall” which is as major a change in
Their sound as I would have believed possible partly I guess in
Because of the use of a live drummer which has allowed
Both Mera and Bryon the opportunity to really amp up their
Sound and make it a heck of a lot darker and looser too.

So I guess it was only natural for “Setting Sun”, I guess when
Faced with such a different second album to approach them again for a second interview.

Thanks again as always to Mera for all of her time and
trouble With this album and this interview! Here’s to the
third album!

Contact details for Mercurine can be found on their
Official website -

And also my album review for their second album can be
Found on my blogspot website

Regards and Love

Andy N xx

Setting Sun: How has tricks been since the last time
We spoke and what’s happening at the moment?

Oh – the last year was spent primarily in the studio.
Whether the focus was on a gear upgrade or recording,
Most of 2004 was spent making improvements to the
Mercurine style and sound. That, and there was some down
Time where nothing really happened to speak of – just the
Regular life-stuff.

Setting Sun: It is great to see you have returned with a
New album “Waiting for another fall”… Can you tell us a
Little bit about this new album etc…

Musically, this album is more cohesive than our first one.
All the songs stem from a powerful emotional core.
Though the title might lead people to think it’s a record
About autumn leaves, in fact it refers to a feeling of melancholy;
A feeling that disappointment might be lurking just around the
Next corner. Love and sadness rolled into one.

Setting Sun: What has proved particularly cool in the new
Album has been the increased use of live drumming as without
Taking anything away from previous recordings, it seems to
Have progressed the sound. Was this a conscious decision as
I seem to remember in some ways you were perhaps a little
Disappointed with some aspects off “Music is Chemical”.

We wanted to have live drums on the tracks when we
Recorded Music Is Chemical, but it didn’t work out. We were
Being cautious because it was our first professionally recorded
Release, and didn’t want to add time and expense into the already
Monumental project. With this new album we took everything we
Learned from our first recording experience, added to that our
Experience working in our own studio, and followed our instincts.

We wanted to record, engineer and produce this release entirely
Ourselves in order to get exactly what we wanted from the music –
Something that we both felt was lost in the first release. So we set up
The best rig we could and recorded the very talented drummer
Ken Mundy.

Setting Sun: I also remember from my interview with Mera from
Last time in 03, Mercurine were only just beginning to develop
As a live group - How does your live approach differ nowadays as
Listening to your new album, it would hint to me it has certainly

We’re constantly trying to upgrade our live gear for efficiency and
Perfect our sound. Our live approach, like our studio work, changes
As we get comfortable doing certain things and experiment
With new ideas.

Setting Sun: It is also interesting to notice on the third track
On the album “August in Hell”, that the track is certainly partly
Based around a sample featuring vocals by James Bewley and
Erin Bradley… What is the story behind this track?

We sampled a flash animation! Specifically we sampled some
Dialog from an animation on
Which has been a long-standing favourite source of amusement and
In-jokes for us. This seemed to be groundbreaking as far as getting
Sample clearance rights, as it seems no one has ever sampled this
Type of thing before (at least, no one bothered to ask permission
For doing it). I won’t even go into the long drawn out saga that
Followed our pursuit of proper clearance, but it did result in a
New friendship.

Setting Sun:
I also enjoyed the way you linked some tracks into the other in
Particular on the two finale tracks, “Strangetimeslove” and
“Another Ending”. What led you to experimenting with this?
Idea? (Very successfully I must add)

It felt right.

Setting Sun:
Lastly, what’s next for you both? Do you have any dates (gigs) in
Mind to promote the CD / perhaps a single to release?

We’ve had some CD Release parties all through February in
Various cities in the US, but no live performances to really kick
Off the new album. This was largely because the release date kept
Getting pushed further and further back, so we couldn’t set up a
Show date as readily as we could a CD giveaway hosted by a club
Or radio DJ. We do have a rather important show coming up in late
April at Convergence 11, a large annual gothic gathering which will be
Held in San Diego this year.

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