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Many fingers Questions:
In Conversation With “Manyfingers”

A little background:
To say this interview has taken a while in coming together would be a 
I first met Chris Cole who is Manyfingers perform at a Matt Elliott
(Ex Third Eye Foundation) gig last year. I can honestly remember
Being spell blown by Manyfingers as well as Matt’s set (of which
Chris supported Matt during the set). Here was a guy
Who played a variety of instruments during his solo set, often?
Playing a song with a single instrument and then looping himself
Before then bringing another instrument into the mixture. 
To say it was incredible would be an understatement. I can
Remember talking to Matt during and after the gig and he told
Me at the time Chris had a demo tape out, but no record contract
As of yet. 
I got in contact with Chris through a different source, and
Discovered him to be a very nice guy indeed. 
It took a while of discussing things to get the interview
Sorted out, which got delayed by Chris travelling to Japan
And parts of Europe with Movietone and also Matt Elliott,
During which point a self-titled album came out on Moteer 
Records, but which was worth it as it explored the almost
Neo-classical style of the set, but seemed to take
It further, in places sounding incredibly simple but
Complex in the same breathe. 
But anyway, Chris doesn’t have a website at
The moment (I will suggest it to him) but he can be 
Contacted on
(He’s a nice guy).
Cheers for everything, Chris. We got there
Eventually didn’t we?????
Andy N xxx
Setting Sun: How are things and what’s happening at the 
Pretty Good! This is probably been the first moment in the last year 
That I have had the chance to sit down and do this interview! Even 
Now I’m thinking about the deadlines I’ve got for other mixes that 
Have got to be done by yesterday! 
It’s good to be home though.. I’ve been away for about 6 months 
Over the last year touring around Europe with Manyfingers, Matt Elliott 
(Playing cello and drums), Movietone (cello, piano and melodica) and 
Drumming for Crescent (just standing in as the original drummer, Jasper 
Larsen has moved abroad). Also, just recently got back from a short tour 
Around Japan with Movietone, which was amazing! We were touring with a 
Band called Maher Shalal Hash Baz.. One of the best live bands I’ve ever 
All these experiences have been unforgettable and I’ve had the chance to 
Meet some really kind and supportive people.. But I’m savouring being in 
One place for more than a couple of weeks at the moment.. Nothing more 
Planned as of yet until January next year when Matt’s new album is due to be 
Released; apart from the occasional gig over the summer I really want to 
Concentrate on recording my new album.
Setting Sun: Now I have read a little about the creation of Manyfingers myself, 
But as I always say, clearly there are people in the world who will have never 
Heard off you, so the benefit of those – do you want to introduce yourself, 
Explain to us who fired the starting pistol etc…
To be honest I never expected the album to even be released.  Got Matt 
Elliott to thank for that.. Whilst visiting Bristol a while back I played him 
Some ideas that I’d been toying around with but never got round to finishing. 
He liked the tracks and convinced me to get them done.  
They would have ended up in the bin along with about a hundred other 
Songs I got bored with if he hadn’t intervened.
Although I play in quite a few bands such as Movietone, Crescent, 
Matt Elliott and Soeza my solo recordings started off long before that.. 
I started playing drums about 10 years ago and very quickly got fed 
Up with just being asked to put beats over other people’s music…… 
Since then I’ve picked up a few instruments which I play on a trial and 
Error basis and have worked on putting together my own music.  
I started off using a cassette 4-track, which I finally parted company with 
A couple of years ago.. for better or worse I can’t play any of the hundreds 
Of cassettes I’ve got in a box under my bed!  
I then upgraded to an Atari with a sampler and am now trying to get my 
Head around using a Mac...up until now only one other of my tracks has 
Been released.. “Just want someone to know this is me” (Chris Cole) 
Which came out on a daintydeathy records compilation and also a 
Peteri’mflying (French label) compilation...
Setting Sun:  What are your influences and what are you listening
To at the moment?
I really love a lot of repetitive/layered pieces by Phillip Glass and the 
Album “music for 18 musicians” by Steve Reich, but I think the most 
Inspiring record I’ve heard has been “Das Buche Der Klange” by Hans 
Otte.. Solo piano compositions that it’s impossible not to weep along to...
As to what I’m listening to at the moment.. All of the Herman dune 
Albums, the new Directorsound album, Blues Du Jour by Maher Shalal 
Hash Baz, Prefuse 73, Encre, Remote Viewer, Hymie’s Basement...I’m 
Trying hard to resist buying anymore until I’ve listened through to all 
The records I already have... there’s some things I’ve got that I can’t 
Even remember buying..
Setting Sun: Now I know you are a busy man, with I know your musical 
CV alone showing (to my knowledge) current stints with both 
Movietone, Crescent and also work with Matt Elliott 
(Ex Third Eye Foundation). How does your approach to work 
Differ from working from all of these different bands / projects 
To your work in Manyfingers.
For Manyfingers I’m my own worst enemy...working by yourself can 
Be both a blessing and a curse! I miss feedback and the sharing of ideas 
That comes with being a part of a group..  Left to my own devices I very 
Often get extremely frustrated having poured hours, days, and weeks into 
Ideas that just end up beings pulled apart and inevitably discarded.   But, 
On the flipside, it’s extremely heart-warming to hear when people like the 
Tracks because, unlike in a band where every member puts a part of themselves 
In the music, everything on a Manyfingers record is my own and is extremely 
Setting Sun: How do you feel your live work compares to your
More studio based work? Is their one you prefer the
With regards to the album, which has just been released, I don’t know if 
There is much comparison to be honest. As I said previously, I wasn’t even 
Expecting the record to come out let alone having to prepare a live set.
The recordings on the album were basically me trying to come to grips 
With the equipment I had available to me.  I could have bought a laptop, 
Sat on stage and pressed play to give the audience the tracks as they sound 
On the album but I’m sick to death of seeing people do that.  I find it not 
Only irritating but also insulting to the people who have paid money to go 
And see a gig.  There is the argument that all the sounds are manipulated live...
But it’s still fucking boring to watch someone sat behind a computer for an 
The new material I have written comes very much from the live shows 
Where everything (piano, guitar, philacorda, drums, cello..Etc) is 
Constructed on stage with various looping pedals, and I aim to keep 
The recording of these pieces to as live a feel as possible.  For this reason 
I’m reluctant to go to a professional studio and would prefer to record in 
Different places around Bristol.
Setting Sun: What’s the origin of the name “Many Fingers”? When
I saw you support Matt Elliott last year in Manchester, 
My interpretation of your name of “Manyfingers” came from 
Your sound itself, where you used Manyfingers to keep looping 
Yourself, which itself was amazing.
A friend gave me the idea for the name when she was talking of a Native 
American Indian family she knew who had a son called manyfingers.. I 
Really loved the name and as I play all the instruments on the album (apart 
From some trumpet parts by my friend Vic Le Billon) it seemed quite apt...
Setting Sun: I know you are busy with Movietone and Crescent,
And I seem to recall hearing you have worked on new material / 
Have been touring with Matt Elliott, but among this busy schedule 
Do you have any more plans for Manyfingers?
Now that touring is out of the way I’m looking to concentrate on 
Putting together a new album over the summer.. A lot of the material 
Will be tracks from the live set and I hope to record them in a similar 
Manner.. But we’ll see! 
I want to leave things as open as possible in case I want to do a 
Laptop set!  I’d also like to do a few shows around the UK.. But I’m 
Really trying to convince Craig and Andrew from Remote Viewer 
(Who have put out my album on their label “Moteer”) to tour with me..
Setting Sun: Probably my favourite track off the current album
Is “In a dead man’s shoes” probably through the use of
Spanish Guitar which merges beautifully with the
Accordion. What’s the story behind that track?
No real story behind any of the tracks on the album, except for Elise, 
Which is about a friend who died not long ago.  Apart from this one piece 
None of the tracks have a preconceived idea or feelings I’m deliberately 
Trying to portray.. Each song was developed on a trial and error basis as 
To what worked and what didn’t.. Although I’d be lying if I said that 
My personal feelings at the time had nothing to do with it...
I think I prefer to leave people to make up their own minds as to what 
Feelings, if any, the songs evoke..
Setting Sun: A couple of slightly lighter questions to finish off with… 
Firstly, if you were not a Rock and Roll star, what would be your 
Dream job?
I’m a rock and roll star????!!!!!
Setting Sun: Lastly, something light to finish off with…
(Nicked from a pal’s Zine almost) “Imagine you were ship wrecked 
On a desert Island and could have (Clearly have second sight here – lol) 
The choice of having 5 records or Cds with you with a stereo of
Course – what would be your desert Island Discs?
1.      Pavement - crooked rain crooked rain
2.      John Fahey - death chants, breakdowns and military waltzes
3.      Pixies - Surfer Rosa
4.      Phillip glass – glassworks
5.      Prefuse 73 - One Word Extinguisher


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