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In Conversation with Holly Lerski


In Conversation with Holly Lerski

(from Holly Lerski and “Angeliou”)


November 2004


A little background:


There is quite a story behind this interview….


I first met Holly during this year’s “In the City” (Manchester’s annual music festival which is designed to showcase new and up and coming artists) at the end of a incredibly hectic but interesting night where I saw the wonderful Rodgrio Y Gabriela (who were interviewed recently for “Setting Sun) and the dreamy “Film School” (who I am hoping to interview soon for “Setting Sun) ontop of one or two other who were very uninspiring shall we say.


It was my friend Phill’s suggestion at the end of that night we go and see Holly, who the press notes described as a spirital cousin to Jeff Buckley.


Well, as a lot of people who know me, Jeff Buckley to me is god with music and his only album “Grace” without doubt is one of my favourite all time albums without doubt, so somebody described as a spirital cousin to Jeff Buckley is somebody I knew immediately I must go and see.


Sadly, as we discovered when we arrived at the venue, the gig had been cancelled and nobody had bothered informing Holly.


I spent a fair bit of time talking to Holly on that night, while listening to her self released “Greetings from LA”, and while certainly seeing the Jeff Buckley connection through the Cohen cover of “Hallelujah”, in places Holly’s music made me think of a more poppy version of Mazzy Starr in places, which is fine with me as I love Mazzy Starr too! And all in all, an ideal choice for a interview with Setting Sun.


So I took Holly’s details and somewhat later than either of us planned (long story) this is what we have here…


A special thank you to Holly for this revealing and interesting interview.


For more information on her please go to her website which is:


Thanks again for everything and I hope the new album goes well..


Andy n xxx



Setting Sun: 

How’s tricks and what’s happening at the moment?



Well we've spent the last few months settling down in Manchester working on the new record. Jo (my guitarist) and I moved to Manchester in August as half the band are here, plus our rehearsal studio. Our drummer converted her basement this year - it's our little hideaway.


Setting Sun:
Can you now introduce yourself to us, I know I’ve been aware of you for a little while now but as I always say, clearly there are people who ain’t, so can you tell us all a little bit about yourself, who fired the starting pistol etc, etc?



I'm Holly Lerski, born in a big city, lived there a while, grew up in the countryside. My greatest loves then were art and music. Played in bands, went to art school, graduated to dole queue, joined a band called the Rainbyrds, then left it to I start my own band called Angelou back in 1997 with Jo, an old school friend of mine. (We'd hung out & played guitar together when we were at High School. We had a punk band, were listening to stuff like Bauhaus & The was the early 80's...).


By the early 90's I'd got to the point I wanted to sing my own songs. In fact I realised I really loved to sing. And my tastes had mellowed a bit by then, I was getting into stuff like Kristen Hersh, Mazzy Star, Dead Can Dance - and then I discovered Jeff Buckley and the world just, well, buckled. He was the first person I heard making music like the kind of music I was beginning to glimpse with my own stuff. It kind of gave me the green light to begin.


So we began, but it still took me a year to get into a studio, and then we ended up recording a version of 'Hallelujah'. It ended up as our first release in '97 and came out a week after he died, totally unintentionally. It was such shitty luck really. When Jeff died, it's a cliche, but I really felt like a light went out in my life. And there we were with our first release which should have been this pinnicle moment for us, scheduled for months, and it comes out a week after he dies. Just made me sad, but that's how it was. Within weeks we went straight off on tour with Eddi Reader then into the studio to make the first album.


Setting Sun:
I know some of the answer to this next question already (and will be asking more later on) but what are your influences and what are you listening to at the moment?



Right at the moment I'm listening to Elliott Smith's 'From a basement on the hill'. I've always loved Elliott. I don't know, so many things influence me. All kinds of music - I'm not a muso snob. For me if it moves me, whether it's musically or lyrically, has an emotional depth to it, is gut wrenching in a 'Wings of Desire' kind of way, then I love it. That's what it was with Jeff. I was writing these odd songs, with strange structures and chords, a lot of them were coming from dreams, I couldn't really understand them, and then I heard him and it made sense. Bjork's another person with that feel to it. She writes like a painter - that's how I used to write. I'd forgotten that till recently and that's what I'm going back to now.


Setting Sun:

What are your gigs like? How do they compare to your studio recordings? Is their one you prefer over the other?



The full band gigs are nothing like the full band recordings - that's impossible for the kind of music we make. Live we never use samples or MIDI, it's all about playing. But Jo & I have always done our little 'unplugged' spots on record and at gigs, and those are pretty similar. We've always tried to capture the live chemistry on record, and I think we've done pretty well. So when we do play them live, although it's obviously not the same every time, it's still got the same vibe.

Setting Sun:

What’s the inspiration for your band “Angeliou? out of interest also?


Maya Angelou. I wrote this song caled 'Automatic Miracles' and a line came out about a caged bird, and I was like 'where's that come from?' I knew it was a book title or something. Eventually I found out, I read the book, then the rest of them and fell in love with her writing. So it was a kind of homage. But also I just liked the name.

Setting Sun:

Can you tell us a little bit about your current self released album “Greetings from LA”  what inspired you with the idea of including a post card from Jeff Buckley on the front cover of the album?



'Greetings from N.Y.' is the first release on my new label 'Mangrove Recordings', since we were 'released' from our shackles with Sanctuary Records. It's been a long battle, but we're finally free and so I wanted the first release to be a retrospective. And the reason I used Jeff's postcard to me, aside from it meaning a lot to me, I also wanted to say something like 'and this is where Anglelou all started'.


Setting Sun:

I was also really touched to hear your cover version of Cohen’s ”Hallelujah”, which I know also was covered to magical effect by Jeff Buckley on the current release. Considering I know it took on Jeff’s version it took take upon take to get this completed and it eventually ended up with Andy Wallace, the producer having to mix together a variety of takes together how did it compare for you having to tackle such a emotional song like this?



I have to say I was really surprised when I heard that about Jeff's version because it sounds seamless. With our version, we'd gone in the studio to record 3 'unplugged' songs of mine, and Jo and I had been playing around with our own version of Hallelujah for a few weeks so we thought we'd put 'Hallelujah' down too. So it was a couple of hours in the studio, we did the electrics together I think but I did the vocal afterwards in one take. Just switched the lights off and sang my heart out. I listen to it now and think oh I wish I could have resung that bit, but it is what it is. That's the beauty of making records - once you've released it that's the definitive version. You can't go back and repaint it.

Setting Sun:

Probably my favourite self penned song of yours from the current album “Greetings” is Everyone’s Lonely which is despite its quite poppy tune in places seems to carry a somewhat darker tone to me, what’s the story behind that song?



We were in Barcelona on tour, had just played a gig and were out looking for a late bar and there was this fiesta of Joan of Arc erupting around us. It's like bonfire night, only they set off fireworks in the road - we were literally hopping over rockets as they whizzed past us on the road. Totally bizarre and crazy. Anyway, I think I must have been feeling particularly homesick, so it was just about that really. How lonely it can feel when you're having all these amazing experiences on your own, and you want to share them with someone.


Setting Sun:

What’s next for you all? Do you have any more gigs planned / more releases planned (seen to recall don’t have you a album on the way?)?



Next thing is the next record! We've been working on it for so long now. Last year we released our third record 'Life is Beautiful' with Sanctuary, and they just did nothing with it, so ever since then I've spent half the time trying to salvage it, the other half writing and recording the new one. To be honest I got so tired of the industry last year there was a point when I thought maybe we should just gig and not bother releasing records anymore. Compared to Europe, the UK industry is so small and clique, it just seemed a farce. But I'm over that now, we've got our records back and we're moving on.


Setting Sun: 

I know you are currently based in Manchester at the moment, but judging from all of the travelling you are doing unless you are a sailor like me, you are not originally from here. Where are you from originally? Have you seen any good gigs etc recently?



Most of my life I've spent in Norfolk - although since I was 21 I've been travelling around the UK & Europe. I used to have old motorbikes before I toured in bands, and we used to travel around the country a lot. And my wunderlust still hasn't left...

Setting Sun:

Anyway, to wind down with slightly - here are a few more slightly lighted questions to wind down with; firstly if you were not a rock and roll star, what would be your dream job?



Well if we're talking totally indulgant jobs, rather than saving the world kind of jobs, the first thing I wanted to ever be was a geologist - as a toddler I used to sit on the kerb and collect stones, so maybe a miner digging for gold or gems. It's not about wealth, it's more about digging for hidden things. Treasure. Bit like fishing - you never know what mysteries are down there in the depths. (I'm a Scorpio, think it's something to do with Pluto!?)

Nowadays I would be a painter or sculptor, in Paris or New York. I like making things.

Or an astronaut (I'd like to see the earth from the moon.)

A travel writer, travelling the silk trail.

A pearl diver.

A mermaid?!

A revolutionary in Cuba.

I wouldn't mind my own god I could go on and on. Anything adventurous, creative but meaningful beyond me. I'd get bored otherwise.

Setting Sun:

Lastly, something light to finish off with (borrowed from a pal’s Zine almost) Imagine you were ship wrecked On a desert Island and could have (Clearly have second sight here - lol) The choice of having 5 records or Cds with you with a stereo of
Course - what would be your desert Island Discs



Only 5, that is so unfair!!! Ok, these are the ones I THINK I wouldn't eventually grow tired of.

1. J. B. 'Grace' (obviously. )

2. Bjork 'Vespertine' (something delicate)

3. Beatles 'White Album' (do doubles count? ha ha;-)

4. Chet Baker Sings (sigh)

5. Stevie Wonder - 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered'. (Good Saturday morning record)


Phew - did it!

Hope it's not too long....let me know if you need anything else. The sailor thing sounds must tell me more! Good luck with the novel - ta ra then

Holly xx


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