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Orinoco Flow by Gary Morris

Orinoco Flow



It’s happened again,

Just when I thought I’d grown out of it.

One minute a smile,

Next a frown,

And before you know it

A full blown wail.


‘Oh woe is me…”

Not the exact words,

But you get my point.

Not quite Shakespeare

But emotion is a strange thing,

It appears when you least expect it –

A bit like suddenly crying at the Muppet Christmas Movie.


Sensations appearing out of nowhere,

Slapping you several times

Just to let you know they are there,

And leaving you with red eyes

And a moist face.


Now I’m drifting down to Orinoco

In a rubber raft,

Trying to paddle the rapids upstream.

Stalled between two worlds;

Land and water,

Life and death.

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