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In Conversation with Amy Marie Keller

In Conversation with


Amy Marie Keller

June 2006



A little background:



I honestly cannot remember how

I discovered the wistful music of

Linden (which I am sure if near

New York or New Jersey, USA)

‘s Amy Marie Keller.


I know it is through through

And through somebody else’s page

Perhaps my friend, Jen Dan who

Runs Stratosphere or maybe long term

Setting Sun favourites Mercurine

But sadly I cannot honestly remember.


Either way, it is immaterial.


As soon as I heard ‘Sub Rosa’ I was

Hooked and it tickles me also that my

71 year old father loved it (and this

is a guy who only listens to traditional

classical music and Scottish bagpipe

music) – Sub Rosa as Amy Marie

herself explains in this interview is

a particularly interesting song but

when I first heard it – the pipes

blew me away honestly almost



Impressed, I got hold of some

More of her songs which were

Just as beautiful in a Tori Amos

Meets Suzanne Vega sort of way

Certainly, but with a out of worldness

That is possibly Enya (ish) which

Is probably way my father loved it.


Either way, I loved it and contact

Amy Marie and she agreed to the

Interview and the rest is history

As I like to say.


Amy informs she has her own

CD available for purchase and

You can check out some of her mp3’s



Thanks again to Amy Marie for the interview

And I am well looking forward to hearing the CD








Setting Sun:


How are things and what's happening at the moment?


Amy Marie:


Things are caffeinated. They need to be around here...

I have six rescue kitties and I'm finishing my PhD

Dissertation in Human-Machine interaction plus

Finishing the CD.


Setting Sun:


Can you next tell us a little bit about what got you

Started in music, who fired the starting pistol be it for

A better word?


Amy Marie:


I grew up being babysat next to keyboards. My

Grandma had a big old Hammond and my great

Grandmother had an old upright piano.


I'd amuse myself from about age 2 on up copying

Things I heard, and then writing my own stuff as

Well. My relatives would come along and give

Me little hints but I've never had any formal piano



Setting Sun:


What are your influences and what have you been

Listening to recently?


Amy Marie:


My Dad brought me up listening to Joan Baez,

Buffy Saint Marie, Peter, Paul, and Mary,

And John Lennon.


He's part Native American so I was also brought to

A bunch of Native events while growing up, so

I always have a bit of a drum backbeat in my head.


Recently, I've been listening to some stuff my friends

Have recorded. I listen to Suzanne Vega and

Tori Amos the most.


Setting Sun:


Probably my favourite song from yours is

'.Sub Rosa' partly because of the pipes (?) you

Can hear fade in the track almost from the beginning

Which give the track a almost wistful feel - Can you

Tell us a little bit more about this song and

Where the inspiration from that

Came from?


Amy Marie:


Well, this is a song about the mystery at Rennes le

Chateaux in South of France. It's a story that

Has finally hit the mass market with the Da Vinci

Code, But I wrote this song in 2002.


I wrote it because I happen to be tied, on both sides

Of my family, to the old families in question.


A funny tidbit about me- I actually have a title,

"Lady," which I think is hysterical.


The orchestrated version of the song was actually

Recorded for the Da Vinci Code movie and

Then never used because my agent decided to

Screw me over.


I fired him and then he actually had the balls

To send me a myspace request!


I denied it of course.


Setting Sun:


Seem to recall from looking at your site that you

Do play gigs, how do these compare to your

Recordings etc? Is their one you prefer over the other?


Amy Marie:


They're both fun for different reasons. Studio time is

Trippy and creative, but live, you're tapping the

Source and the rush is like nothing else.


Setting Sun:


Anyway, a few lighter questions for you to finish off

With, what plans (music wise) do you have next?

Do you have any more recordings planned / gigs etc?


Amy Marie:


I'm putting the finishing touches on my CD and

Taking preorders.


Anyone interested should contact me via for details.


I'm trying to play out a lot now. I want to

Play out more than I am, so anyone who wants

To book me, just contact me and I'd be glad to



Setting Sun:


Where are you from? What is the music scene like

Where you live? Have you seen any good gigs recently?


Amy Marie:


I live in Linden, a refinery town. There is no

Music scene here. So I hike on over to

Jack Hardy's place in the Village.


Suzanne Vega introduced me to Jack.

He's an amazing artist who I'd recommend

Checking out.


Setting Sun:


What would you like to be doing when you are 60?


Amy Marie:


Singing, of course!


Setting Sun:


What will you be doing when you are 60?


Amy Marie:


Singing, I hope! :)


Setting Sun:


Lastly, something light to finish off

(Borrowed from a pal's zine almost) Imagine you

Were ship wrecked on a desert Island and could have

(Clearly have second sight here lol) the choice of having

5 records or Cd's with you with a stereo of course- what

Would be your desert Island discs?


Amy Marie:


Suzanne Vega's first album


The Beekeeper by Tori Amos


Tori Amos's Boston Bootleg CD


Something with the Pachoelbel Kanon on it


Loreena McKennitt's "The Mask and the Mirror"




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