Eric's Rating System

The category pretty much tells it all. Is the game fun or is it a bore? Did I enjoy it or did I feel it was a chore? That is mostly what this category represents. This category tells you the main part of a video game, is it fun. There is no point playing a game if it isn't fun.

19-20 Addictive.
17-18.5 Very, Very Fun.
15-17 Fun.
13-14.5 Fun at times.
10.5-12.5 Average.
0-10 Not fun at all.

Story is the reason why your character is doing what they are doing. Does the story make you want to keep playing? Do you care what happens to the characters? Can you wait to see what will happen next? That is what story is about.

9-10 Hollywood Caliber.
8-9 Very engaging.
7-8 Engaging.
6-7 Has it's moments.
5-6 Has very few interesting moments.
0-5 There is no story or it is very poor.

Innovation is if the game features elements that have not been seen in other games. Does it feature elements that will help create better games in the future? Does it borrow too much from games that have come before it?
9-10 Innovating the game industry.
8-9 Has very innovative features.
7-8 Has some new features that they do well.
6-7 Doesn't add anything new but does everything well.
5-6 Doesn't add anything new and it contains problems.
0-5 Not innovative at all. Borrows too much and does none of it well.

Control is how easy it is to move the character around in the game. Do the characters move smoothly and follow your directions? Do the characters feel like they are moving in jelly? Do the characters feel like they are doing absolutely the opposite of what you tell them too?

9-10 Controls Perfectly.
8-9 Controls well most of the time.
7-8 Controls well half the time.
6-7 Controls well very little.
5-6 Never contols well.
0-5 The programmers must have wanted the character to do the exact opposite of what you tell them to do.

The title tells it all. Does the game look gorgeous or horrendous? Is it a wonder to look at or does it make you cringe? Does it push the limits or does it look like it is several years old?

9-10 Life like graphics.
8-9 Very colorful and well done graphics.
7-8 Nice touches but nothing extraordinary.
6-7 Graphics are average. Nothing sticks out at all.
5-6 Graphics are poor. They are some of the worst this generation.
0-5 The graphics look like they are from a previous generation.

Sound incorporates sound effects, character voices, and the background music. Is the music something that is a joy to listen to or is is painful? Do the sound effects sound like you are there or not? Are the character voices of a high caliber or of a low caliber?

9-10 It sound like you are there.
8-9 Nice sound that is a joy to listen to.
7-8 Nice sound at times.
6-7 Nothing extrodinary or horrible. Does not stand out at all.
5-6 Bad sound that is annoying at times.
0-5 The sound is so bad you might want to throw the disc out the window because it is so annoying.

Replay Value
Replay value incorporates length of the game and if you would like to play the game over and over again. Is the game so long you think you will never finish it or so short the game ends as soon as it begins? Would you want to play the game again or do you never want to see it again?

9-10 You will never want to stop playing this game. Once you finish the game you will play it again.
8-9 Once you finish the game you will want to play it again.
7-8 Once you finish the game you might want to play it again.
6-7 Once you finish the game you probably will not want to play it again.
5-6 Once you finish the game you will not want to play it again.
0-5 The game is so painful to play the first time you would be crazy to play it again.

Challenge is a rating of if the game is not too easy or not too hard. Games do not have a good challenge factor if they are too easy or too hard. Can you breeze through the game or do you get to a point in the game where you throw your controller? If the game invokes either of these they do not have a good challenge.

9-10 The game is never too hard or too easy.
8-9 The game usually creates a good challenge with a few times where it is too easy or too hard.
7-8 The game maintains a good challenge at times but also can be very easy or very hard.
6-7 The game never holds a constant challenge level.
5-6 The game is too hard or easy all the time.
0-5 The game is so easy that you could win with a hand tied behind your back, or it is so fustrating you will be constantly throwing your controller.

Not all games have multiplayer, so this category only applies to the games that have it. To have multiplayer the game has to have a playable aspect. Is the multiplayer a fun distraction or is it pointless?

9-10 Multiplayer that you never want to quit. You and your friends will be playing for months.
8-9 Good elements that are fun for a month.
7-8 The elements could hold you for a week or two.
6-7 The elements are fun for a couple times.
5-6 The elements are not fun at all.
0-5 The online part of the game should never have been made.

Tilt is applied to any game that does not have multiplayer. Tilt is added so there is a total of 100 points. Tilt points can be added for humor or because the game is so fun it goes past a 20.

This is the most important part of the entire review. It incorporates all the other ratings for grand total rating. If a game receives a rating above 80% it is a good game. If a game did not do well in an individual category it can still do very well in overall. Overall incorporates all the aspects of a game that make it enjoyable.

95%+ Must Buy, Game of the Year canidate.
90%-95% Must buy for most people.
85%-90% Very good game, most people will enjoy it.
80%-85% Good game that might not be for everyone.
75%-80% Above average game that I would recommend to fans of the genre.
70%-75% Average, Does not do anything spectacular.
65%-70% Has bugs or is not very fun but still is playable.
60%-65% I would not reccomend unless you are a big fan of the genre or of the material.
50%-60% Below Average, This game has no qualities that make it worth playing.
30%-50% Horrible, you should advoid this game.
0%-30% One of the worst games ever made. Avoid for your own safety from its horribleness.

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