Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Review By: Eric Mortensen

System: Xbox, PC
Genre: RPG
Developer: Bioware
Publisher: Lucas Arts
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: 7/15/2003
Very very enjoyable game, great innovation, great control, good graphics, excellent sound replay value and challenge, best story in a video game, biggest twist ever in a video game story, as close to perfect as possible. Nothing


Fun: 20 out of 20

  KOTOR is one of the most enjoyable games I have ever played. It is a perfect blend of story and turn based action. The story engages you to begin to play the game and the gameplay makes it so you can't put it down. The gameplay is new and is a perfect blend between real time and turn based strategy. There are sidequests galore, and there is always something fun to do. There are mini-games that are fun and change the pace of the game. The best part of the game is that you can act like you want to and that determines how the story will turn out. Also you can play the game twice being good one time and evil the other time.

Innovation: 10 out of 10

  KOTOR is one of the most innovative games ever. The battle system is a new mix of turn based and real time strategy. The battles play out in real time but can be paused at any time to plan out a strategy. The battle system is like a glorified rock, paper, scissors game. And it works fine. The most innovative thing about the game is the conversation system. Your actions determine if you are a good or bad jedi. Your decisions also make a difference in the story. In no other game have decisions made a difference in the game.

Control: 9.5 out of 10

  KOTOR's controls work perfectly once you get used to them. It takes a while to get used to the battle system and figure out what buttons do what.  Magic is a little hard to do quickly during an intense battle. The controls are responsive and react immediately.

Graphics: 9 out of 10

  KOTOR graphics are amazing. The cutscenes look like they could be from a movie. The worlds are beautiful and highly detailed. There are lush jungles, barren deserts, and so many other locations. The character are very well detailed. One problem is the people you meet on your journey look alot alike. The biggest problem is at times there are glitches. During battles your character will sometimes get stuck and animations a jumpy at times. Overall the graphics are great but there are some problems during combat.

Sound: 10 out of 10

  The sound of KOTOR is excellent. The hum of lightsabers, blaster fire, and explosions sound like they are right out of a Star Wars movie. The voice overs are well done. The characters sound believable and seem right for the game. The voice overs bring character to your companions. Overall the sound seems like it was taken from a movie.

Replay value: 10 out of 10

  KOTOR has great replay value. First of all the game takes at least 40 hours to complete. What makes it even better is the story is great. The first time you play the game you can play it as evil or good. The story is different if you play it as good or evil. If you want to get the other side of the story you should play the game again and play as the opposite as you were before. If you play through it twice that makes at least 80 hour of gameplay.

Challenge: 10 out of 10

  KOTOR is a very challenging game. KOTOR is not the hardest game I have ever played but that is good because it does not get fustrating. Some battles are difficult and you will lose several times but you don't get mad and angry. The challenge in the game is not to difficult but not to easy that it is easy to beat. When you win you feel accomplishment that you beat the game.

Multiplayer: No multiplayer available

Story: 10 out of 10

  The story of KOTOR is very engaging. It fits perfectly into the Star Wars Universe. It begins with the character you create on a ship that is under attack. The sith are attacking because they are after a jedi called Bastilla who is on the ship. Bastilla is a powerful jedi who can turn the tide of the war between the jedi and sith. your ship crashes on a planet and you are knocked unconscience. You are saved by a man named Carth who was on the ship with you. As your journey begins you begin to question your past. Eventually you find out your true reason you were on the quest and become a jedi. Towards the middle of the game the story has a big twist. Will you be able to save the universe or will you be responsible for it's fall.

Tilt: 10 out of 10

What else can I possibly say about this game? It does everything so well. If you own an xbox and don't own or plan to buy this game you are crazy. I don't think it is possible for anyone not to enjoy this game. This game has already won many awards and I would give it many more awards. This might be the best game I have ever played. There is no way in the world this game does not deserve a 10 tilt. If you don't own the game go out and buy it right now.

Overall: 98.5 out of 100

  KOTOR is a amazing game. It is fun, innovative, has great graphics and sound, and has amazing replay value. It is one of the best games I have ever played. It is revolutionary and I think it will shape the game industry. The story is great that it could become another Star Wars movie. This game is almost perfect with only a few bugs. I would recommend this game to anyone. The only reason you shouldn't own this game is if you don't own a PC or Xbox. I loved this game and can't wait for the sequel. By the way the sequel ships in December 2004.


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