Doom related links:

The following are my favourite Doom links. There you'll find more levels, add-ons and info related to this great game by id software.

id software
Homepage of the creators of Doom. Probably only info you'll find here is how to buy a copy of the game. :)
Home of TeamTNT the guys who brought us Final Doom. Lots of cool WADs here as well as the BOOM engine, an enhanced Doom engine with new linedefs and many other features.
Doom Legacy
Doom Legacy is another Doom port based on Doom sources released by id software. Adds mouse support, extended video modes and other as well. Now supports also BOOM features. Definitely worth a download.
Yet another Doom engine, ZDoom features extended video modes, jumping, mouselook and supports BOOM features. It also features Hexen-style scripting and editing, thus allowing a new and incredible Doom experience.
For info related to the world of Doom and to get a regular look at what WADs are being released check this page and while you're there check out the other stuff as well.
EDGE stands for Enhanced Doom Gaming Engine and it's one of the new most promising Doom related projects. Check out this very powerful engine and don't miss the demo levels available as well.
DeHackEd is probably the most famous Doom exe file editor. If you'd like to mess with Doom executable check this page, but beware: exe hacking may have bad effects on the game...

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