Here is a brand new section of my homepage. Actually it hosts the conversions to Midi format of all the music files from the games "Wolfenstein 3D" and "Corridor 7: Alien Invasion". If you've been always looking for the music from these games here it is now. Please let me know if the conversions sound good enough: I've spent quite some time trying to make them sound best, so if you have some constructive suggestions please let me know. To check out the conversions enter the "Game Music Convesions" section and access the files of the game you are interested in.

About half a year has passed since my last update to this news section and not much has changed in terms of updating the page itself. All work with Doom and OFP add-ons is still at the same level I've left it unfortunately. Spare time to work on them is few, but I'm wondering if the problem is more an issue of "loss of creativity"... I still hope to complete the "City Of Dis" PWad someday, maybe next summer...

This page is not as "dead" as you may think by looking at this substantial lack of updates. Unfortunately I'm quite busy and I don't have as much spare time as I did before to dedicate to this page. I'm still working on the "City Of Dis" PWad for ZDoom and it will be really released even if I don't have any idea on when it will be ready. As for "Operation Flashpoint" everything has been put on... "stand-by" and I don't know if and when I'll go back to work and finish the announced missions.
I hope to be able to post some good news soon and in the meanwhile enjoy the other stuff I've released! ;-)

While Origin still has not uncovered any news regarding their great game Wing Commander I decided to do a small restyling of my Wing Commander section. Basically I introduced a table structure in the page which hosts two "Floating Frames". The frames are used to access informations about my favourite fighters, weapons and characters of the WC saga.

I've already said in a news post below that the announced PWAD "City Of Dis" would take a while before it is released. Now you may like to hear that I'm working on it and that I'm releasing as a kind of "preview" one of the maps that will be part of the City Of Dis hub. This map works fine also as a stand-alone level so I'm releasing it; it's called "Flames Of Revenge". If you'd like to download it head to the Doom section. You'll be able to download it also from the Doom Community Archives soon (ftp://3darchives.in-span.net/pub/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/b79flames.zip).

After some requests for cooperative missions I decided to create coop-play aimed versions of two of my Single Play missions. They can be considered a sort of test before I decide to work on some coop only missions. The coop versions of "Second Chance" and "Airborne Assault" can be downloaded through the appropriante links in the OFP section.

I turned back to editing POWs Rescue to remove a bug that prevented the mission the end and also did a few small changes. A new version of Second Chance is released as well: this one features ehnacements, a couple of fixes and Outro cutscenes for both good and bad ending. You can download these files from the OFP page as usual.

As I stated in the previous news post I've been working on two more OFP missions. The first is now ready for you to download (head for the OFP section and download Airborne Assault) while the second still needs some more work to be ready; however this won't take very much. For a change the new mission is an Infantry mission set on Everon, rather than a Black Ops mission.

As you will probably guess I'm working mostly on OFP rather than Doom in these days. A new OFP Black Ops mission is here and two more missions are on the way. Hope you will like this new effort. :) To download POWs Rescue go to the OFP section by clicking the OFP banner below.

After what seems years I finished the so long ago mentioned "Incursor" mission for OPF. It's (again) a Black Ops mission that takes place on Everon. Actually this mission took so long to design because I changed it a bit from how it looked before; while the mission objective is similar the original one was changed. I'm planning another couple of missions, but I'm not sure how they should look like except they are an helicopter mission and another Black Ops mission. "Stay tuned" if you wish to know more about these new missions. BTW: you can download Incursor from the OFP section; click the OFP banner below to access it.

I finally added the so long talked about OFP section. The page is very simple and simply contains a list with a description of all the custom OFP missions I released so far and of those missions I'm working on. Check the link below where the OFP banner is placed if you're interested

My new PWAD file for ZDoom is finally ready. You can download it by accessing the DOOM section then choosing the Let The Die II link; from that page you'll be able to see a few screenshots and download the file as well. Enjoy!

As I hoped Second Chance my other OFP mission was reviewd and assigned a 6/10. Not bad all in all because the review helped me to develop an idea of what elements I should concentrate more when editing an OFP mission. Here's the link for the reviews of my missions if you're interested:
Second Chance review at OFP Command HQ.
Bad Night In Everon review at OFP Command HQ.

From the OPF front no big news. The new OFP section for the page is in development, but I doubt it will see the light soon. As for new missions "Incursor" is almost ready, but it still needs and intro, outros and testing. The release will take quite some time because I felt the need to break for a while from OFP editing in favor of Doom editing. Infact a new ZDoom WAD is in sight: it's not ready yet, but I hope to release it soon (probably in the next weeks). It's called "Let Them Die II" and it's not exactly a follow up as the name suggest, but a remake of an older work of mine called LET_DIE.WAD. The map looks cool in my opinion, better than "House Of Pain 2" and "Mountain of Purgatory". For anyone waiting for "City Of Dis" I'm sorry to say you'll have to wait more: I still have not a good idea of how the map should look like in details... I found it a bit difficult to project a city-like map (e.g. DOOM E3M6 or DOOM2 MAP15). When "Let Them II" will be ready I'll post the news and some screenshot as well.

If you are looking for my previous OFP missions:
- OFP "Baad Night In Everon" mission.
This one received a 5/10 vote from the OFP Command HQ site; not bad given the fact that was the first mission I ever submitted for review. Read the review.
- OFP "Seccond Chance" mission.
This missions is still pending review. I hope to get at least 6/10... I always thought 2nd Chance was batter than BNIE... :)

Probably someone might complain that the Wing Commander section of my page sure needs some update, however there's not much to do about it. Part of this fact is that I don't have anything to add to update the section and part of the "guilt" is Origin's because it looks like there will be not a new WC game in sight for much, much time. Time ago I read an interview to Mark Day (producer of WCP if I remember well) where he commented and revealed what was the planned, basic plot for the follow-ups of the first WCP chapter. With that kind of news around I doubt there will be any WCP2... :( So, no new WC, no new updates unfortunately...

Still no OFP section, I know I'll have to work on it, but I don't have much time for that. However here is my second mission. Again it's a Black Ops mission, only this time it's set on Everon and it's called "Bad Night In Everon". The file can be downloaded here. If you haven't already done so, pls download my previous mission "Second Chance" here and try it out.

It's been already many months since I announced on the ZDoom Forum I've been working on a new ZDoom map called City Of Dis. I'm afraid to report that the project has not progressed much since then, I'm still stuck at the first phases of the editing. Looks like I've been struck by a loss of "Doom" creativity so it will take a while before I release a new Doom map. Probably it will take some time, but City Of Dis will be released sooner or later, in the meanwhile "Keep on Dooming!". ;)

Recently I got into Operation Flashpoint mission editing. "Second Chance", my first mission for this game is now ready and available here on my site. An Operation Flashpoint section will be added as soon as I decide how it should look like :) In the meanwhile if you're interested you can download my mission here.

The news of the day is that I added a "News" section which you're reading right now. Each time I'll do a substantial update of the page or add a new file for Doom or something entirely new I'll post it in this space. So if you want to know what's up around here this is the place to check out. Enjoy!

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