GMS Reunion News.

Updated: 07/14/2001

Los Angeles, California, USA - October 2002

From: "Roger Storey" <[email protected]>

Date: Feb 3, 2002.

Fellow Goats and Helenites,

Owing to the poor response from around the globe, we have regrettably, decided to pull the plug on the reunion. Understandably, in these harsh economic times, one must do right by one's self. Our sincere apologies to those committed.

I have taken the liberty to inform you as early as possible, so you may make other arrangements for your vacation plans this year. Perhaps another place, another time and under better circumstances, who knows?

Roger D.


Your Hosting Committee.

Audrey Hipper - (St. Helens)



Dipak Roy - (Goethals)



Roger Storey - (Goethals)



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