The Genealogy Pages.

Sooner or later most of us decide to begin the great "Quest" in search of our roots. Perhaps It is the occasional question from our children or grand children that spur us on. When we eventually leave for the "Great beyond" will our children be left asking that one inescapable question … "if only we had asked our parents when they were around" ???

This page contains links to various sites you can visit to help you on your search. In time we shall perhaps be able to leave behind a reasonably decent history of our ancestry. Good luck !

[Genealogy Psalm][I Can't Remember]

Rootsweb :The Internets oldest & biggest Genealogy Site.

Cathy Day's site: Family History in India, Pakistan, Burma etc.

Sharon's site: The India Research Directory.

Cyndi Howell's List: Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet.

Australian site: Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc.

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