Welcome to my dolphin page! If you are looking for information about dolphins and sea creatures then you would be best checking out the links below because those people have whole websites devoted to dolphins and know a lot more than I do! Maybe one day I'll add some information of my own!

Dolphin Links

ball Rockingham Dolphins ball Dolphins
ball AquaThought Foundation ball The Divine Dolphin
ball Bottlenose Dolphins: Sea World ball Dolphin Intelligence
ball The Dolphin Research Center ball Cetacea: Whales, dolphins and porpoises
ball Wild Animal Watch: Dolphins ball Hong Kong Dolphin Watch
ball David's Whale and Dolphin Watch ball Whales and Dolphins
ball The Oceania Project ball Irish Dolphins
ball Dolphins: The Oracles of the Sea ball Mandurah Dolphins
ball Discovery Cove ball Save The Dolphins
ball Bottlenose Dolphin ball Themes: Dolphin
ball Creature Feature: Dolphins ball Dolphin Encounter: New Zealand
ball Dolphins: Wikipedia ball Project Delphis

Here I have a collection of dolphin stories, sightings and other things that I feel like sharing to you all. Just something a bit different from the norm! I have called it the D-files!

Dolphin file #1: The beginning.

The D-files have been opened! In order to keep this page going without losing it's essence, the D-files have been created. It is just a collection of any dolphin sightings, or dolphin related things that I feel like sharing!

Dolphin file #2: Before March

I went shopping in Perth recently and found a new ocean shop! It is filled with marine knick-knacks and ornaments - anything you can think of! The only problem is that it costs heaps to buy anything. I bought a dolphin pencil and a dolphin book mark. They cost $2 each. I really wanted this gorgeous fish photo frame but it cost $35. I'm back at university which means I am broke. I'm going to save up for that fish frame though :)

***Note: Gosh, it's amazing how $35 seemed like a lot back then. I never did get that fish frame, lol!

My friend arrived home from a cruise. She went swimming with dolphins in the South Pacific Islands region. She had a wonderful time!! As a Christmas present, she gave me a dolphin figurine that she got from Vanuatu. How exotic! It's very beautiful!! I received some gorgeous dolphin presents for Christmas. Mum and Dad bought me a pair of dolphin slippers - they are furry and have fins and a tail and everything! They gave me a dolphin tapestry which has about 5 dolphins swimming through a coral reef on it. They gave me lots of other things too!! I am so spoilt!

Dolphin file #3: My Birthday May

I had the most wonderful birthday! Ah, my friends and family are so good to me! Two of my friends gave me the most wonderful dolphin quilt! They got it on their holiday in Bali. It has a huge blue dolphin jumping out of the water, with lots of dolphins in the background. In the distance you can see the mountains of Bali. It was handmade and painted in all shades of blue and purple. It's so beautiful! They also gave me a photo mosiac of a dolphin. It's hard to describe. It is a picture of a dolphin that is made up of tiny photographs. The different colours and shades of the photos make up the picture of the dolphin. The photos (when you look closely) are of all things to do with the ocean - sailboats, coral, fish, turtles, the beach. It's amazing! Thanks so much chickies!

My grandparents bought me a gorgeous 9 carat gold chain with a double dolphin pendant. It's beautiful! My brother bought me a car crystal that has blue beads, two crystals and a silver dolphin on it! I put it in my car straight away! I'm so lucky!

Dolphin file #4: Dolphin Heroes! July Oh looky! A star!

This is an article from the May issue of J-17 magazine.
"Stowaways Elkin Sandoval,17, and Washington Caiceda, 16, snuck aboard a ship in Colombia only to be discovered later in the hold by the angry crew. The girls thought their luck had run out when they were cast into shark-infested water by the sailors. But help was at hand (or should that be flipper?) when a group of dolphins made a protective circle around them as they swam to shore. "We could see the sharks trying to get us," said Elkin, "but the dolphins butted them away with their beaks." Hurrah! "
page 29, J-17 magazine, May 1999.

Dolphin file #5: Playful Dolphins November

I went to the beach on Tuesday for a swim with a friend and we saw some dolphins playing in the ocean! They weren't just swimming around but actually jumping out of the water and splashing. One looked like it was still young because it was a lot smaller than the others. There were four of them playing and were so close that we could hear them blowing out of their blowholes. We were momentarily distracted when we saw a stingray coming at us - we got out of that water real quick then!

Dolphin file #6: Summation - July 2006

All the d-files above were written in the late 90's. I still think dolphins are amazing creatures however I am not mad about spending all my cash on buying dolphin related knick-knacks any more. I must be growing up, lol. I have a voucher to swim with the Rockingham dolphins, which I am saving until the summer. I'm really looking forward to swimming with the dolphins then.

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