Hi! Thanks for visiting Kate's bee hive! The hive is always active with so many special bees flying around. A few bees have kindly decided to let you adopt them as long as you look after them. You can take home a special bee today and learn a little bit of information about these bees. You can find the adoption form at the bottom of the page!

You can also see how many bees have been adopted. Visit Beehive Buddies to see.


Buzzy is a normal bee in the hive. He collects pollen from all different flowers to make honey. He is the most common bee and spends all his days working.

Bella is a less common bee in the hive. She will only collect pollen from red, pink and purple roses. She makes rose flavoured honey and helps look after the baby bees in the hive.


Betty is also a normal bee in the hive. Like Buzzy, Betty collects pollen from all types of flowers and she makes bees wax that is used to make the cells in the bee hive.

Billy is a rare type of bee, he will only collect pollen from Bluebelle flowers. He is also a messenger for the Queen bee and the fairies in the nearby forest.


Clive is a fun bee! He collects pollen from roses. He is the bee champion of hide and seek. He organises any games of hide and seek when the hive has a holiday.

Zoey is a lovely bee! She is the Queen bees personal assistant. When Zoey isn't serving the Queen, she is playing in the garden collecting pollen from buttercup flowers.


Dijon spends his time collecting pollen from daisies. If he has the time he visits the special field of rare blue daisies to collect pollen for magic daisy honey.

Jenny loves all types of roses and looks after them to make sure they grow beautifully. When she is not with the roses, she follows the animals near the beehive (especially the wild horses) to chat to them!


Everyone in the beehive loves Becky because she loves everyone in the beehive! Becky always helps bees that are sad or in trouble and makes them feel better! She organises the bees to help the pixies make daisy chains whenever it is a pixie holiday!

Kate hides in the forest and looks for the special wild orchids to collect pollen for the best honey in the world! Back at the hive she organises bee birthday parties and ensures every bee has fun!

You can adopt one of these bees for your website! Please save the bee that you wish to adopt now!

Adoption Papers

What is your nickname?

Which bee are you adopting? (You can name it whatever you want when you take your bee home)
Buzzy Bella Betty Billy Clive Zoey
Dijon Jenny Becky Kate

Now you need to take your bee home! Just right click your mouse over the bee you have adopted and choose "Save as" from the menu. Save your bee to your own server and you can put it on your page!

Please don't forget to link your bee back to http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/6296 so other people can adopt a bee too!

You will be teleported back to the main page. Woohoo! Thank you!!

Kates virtual pet adoptions are listed at:
Bearjests Cyberpet Search Engine

Disclaimer: Yes, I know that drones are the only male bees in a beehive and they do not collect pollen or anything else but I am not going for reality here am I? :P

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