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The Balestracci Pages!
Inside you'll find what I hope will be interesting enough for you to revisit from time to time.  Below is a bit about what's here...and I'll be updating the journal and other pages and adding new things as events and holidays occur, so bookmark our site and please return for a future visit!
The Welcome Page is our welcome to you and a brief bit about us to get to know me and mine better.
The More About Us page is just that!  Just a bit more about us...what we are like and what we like to do!
My Journal page is a running journal of what's been going on.  Nothing too naughty, just a place to rest some of my thoughts and tell what's happening.  I've been gone from here a while (a year!) and the reason for it can be found here...entries will be deleted as time goes by.  Check back often--you never know what will be here!
The Photo Garden is a family and friends photo album.  Newer, more up-to-date photos will be put in as I change out some of the older ones.  If you are a return visitor, thanks for your patience if you see the same ones for a while! 
are, however, welcome to pay for our film developing at anytime to hurry this process along for us!  ;-)   It would be most appreciated!
The Paintings I Do page was a place to show off my kind of decorative painting -- One Stroke painting, created by artist Donna Dewberry!  But since I've gone on to make another site as my painting portfolio, this page has been replaced with the link to my new site... Country Expressions ~My Paint Palette~.  Enjoy!

To go with the other pages, I have my Favorite Quotes, Favorite Links, the Awards Page, Awards Page 2, and the pages My Girls and My Girls 2, which are for my daughters.  Also, check out some of my Internet Friends and see who has their own homepage to visit.  And in addition to the Memorial page, which currently leads to one each for my grandmother and mother, there's my hubby Stuart's Fishing Trip page I made for him.


Well, I'm back again but no new updates.  In case you stick around and have a look, realize I know this site has really taken a beating next to my painting site and my newer jewelry site.  This was my very first website, but sadly since making it, my business websites have simply taken priority over this one.  You can still drop me a line though'!

I'm back again.  No new updates yet but working on it!

Added a new journal entry to update for the last year I've been gone.
Currently adding links that lead to my new painting site at Homestead, to replace my painting pages here.  Deleted my poetry page a while back...sorry!

New pictures in the photo garden!  Updated the journal!  Got pictures put into an online magazine!  Go read about it!


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This homepage created by Alicia, 9/99.
Any changes or additions last added:  07/31/04
Graphics by Amreta
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws