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I have spent the last two years looking for a chat room that is dedicated to the art of Bonsai.  As I'm sure most of you know,there aren't many! So, I decided to set up my own.  I hope you all like the chat program I picked. I looked at many before deciding on this one.  And I'm still not really happy with it ... but it works. Let me know what you think by signing my guestbook.
Now, There may not always be someone there, but if you stay and wait a little while, usually someone pops in from another chat room.  Before you know it, you'll be teaching others, who never even heard of Bonsai, all about it. 

If you have some pictures or stories you would like to share, Please, email them to me and I will post them.  I have spent the last few weeks looking for the cable for my digital camera, so I can post some of my own pictures... but with no luck.  Looks like I'll have to break down and buy a new one

Everyone seems to want me to put up a schedule. Well, since I can't always be here at a certain time... I  doubt any one else can too... but... I will try to be here between:
2pm-4pm Monday-Friday (Eastern Standard Time), 
11am-1pm on Saturdays (Eastern Standard Time
and 3pm-5pm on Sundays (Eastern Standard Time). 
Now I could be in a little earlier or later... depending on my day... But I will try to be here at those times.  Unfortunately I also have several other sites, related to several different topics (Most for work), So it's tough, But I'll try my best.  If you email me, and tell me what date and time You would like to schedule a chat session, I will post it here for others to see.

To get into the chat room, just enter your name and then hit join. You don't need a password. It may take a few moments to connect... but it will. Just be patient.
I recently found another chat room, (HavChat link found on the bottom of the chat room page). It too, is exclusivley Bonsai, and with your help, hopefully we can make these successful, and always busy :-) 

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