The aftermath of the take down of an Iranian mise laying ship by an unidentified SEAL and Special Boat Team.

This was a Iranian mine laying ship caught in the act of laying mines in the Persian Gulf.

Another view of the Mine laying ship, the Special boat team along with the SEALs later sank it after taking all Iranians prisoner.

Here are the SEALs preparing to depart for the Iranian ship, Think they got enough big guns on that thing?

They are off to intercept!

This Iranian (guarded by a Special boat team member) got a little excited so they pulled his shirt over his head.

The SEALs with their prisoners. The prisoner in the stretcher was wounded during the take down.

Excitement being lead off the boat.

Getting in line with the rest of the prisoners to board a larger US Navy ship for transport to be turned over to the United Nations.

Here is the Photographer of the Pictures you just saw on duty in the Persian Gulf.

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