Howard Porter on JLA & 'Howard Stuff'

How did you land JLA? Did you have to lobby for it, or was it just offered to you?

It was a 15-round bare knuckle fight. I was victorious in the 13th round landing a quick blow to the temple of my opponent rendering him unconscious. Thus the penciling chores on JLA had been awarded to me!

Are you guys friends, or are you in a position where you tolerate each other cuz you're stuck on the same project?

We're good friends who tolerate each other. I had worked with John "World's Greatest Inker" Dell before JLA and become good friends with him.

How difficult is it to work on a team book as opposed to a solo character's book, and which do you prefer?

It is much more labor intensive having to draw 7 characters vs. 1 character. It limits me in experimenting with my layouts. When I was on The Ray I could just go crazy. However, how could you complain working on these characters - I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Is it difficult not to concentrate on a single character on the's say...Superman?

Not when each character is equally exciting in his or her own way. It is hard to play favorites when they are all so cool.

How much input do you have into the storyline on a book like JLA, as opposed to a lesser known commodity?

I suppose I could have some input if I asked. But I wouldn't want to get in Grant's [Morrison] way because he is such a talented writer. I wouldn't want to change anything he is doing.

Who is your favorite JLAer so far?

Again, they're all awesome characters. I feel most comfortable drawing Martian Manhunter; I dig his cape and massive brow.

Is it more difficult to work on a book with a creator as big as Grant Morrison or with a writer who is trying to make a name for themselves??

I haven't worked with any writers who are just starting out. I was always the rookie, so I didn't feel any more pressure than any other time.

If/when any spin-offs of a series you're working on crop up, do you get first shot at them, or do they usually get offered to another artist?

I hope they'll keep me as the regular penciler on JLA. So I hope any spin-offs would go to someone else.

Do you have any plans for a creator owned book anytime in the future? It's all the rage these days.

Actually, yes. Ruben and I have been throwing around ideas for a couple of years now. That would probably be the next step after JLA.

How nerve-racking was it to see all of the hype build and build over JLA prior to it's release? Were you nervous at all, or did you just not pay attention to it?

I tried not to pay attention to it but it was impossible to do that. Nervous isn't the word to describe what I was feeling.....well actually it is the perfect word!

Are you comfortable in the hot seat? There are a lot of expectations to be met.

No, I'm not comfortable. However, it is really pushing me to produce the best work I can. I realize how important this book is to the fans. They want to see the best portrayal of the best team.

What characters haven't you worked on yet that you'd really like to, and what would you like to do with/to them? What creators?

I've had the good luck to work on just about every DC character between Underworld [Unleashed] and JLA. I would like to work on some of the JLA characters in their solo adventures, like Flash, Batman and Superman.

If Kenner made "Total Justice-- The Creators" and each of you were blessed with your own action figures, what would your special features/accesories and actions be?

I would have eight arms and hands with a pencil in each hand. I'd be able to draw 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Oh yeah, don't forget the Kung Fu Grip.

What do you think is the main problem with the comic book industry today, and how could it be corrected?

YIPES! I don't know.

Any chance you could give us a bit of a teaser as to what we can expect to see in the coming months of JLA?

Green Arrow, "The Key", New Gods, JSA and Wild C.A.T.s.

Milwaukee's Best, Budweiser, Sam Adams or Guinness?

Yes, all of the above.

I hear you're a fan of Lobo. Would you ever push to have him become a member of the team?

Any chance to draw the Main Man would be fine by me. It would be interesting to see him and Aquaman compare hooks.

Do you find yourselves doing more work than you would usually do on a book, because of the grand scale of JLA?

Yes. With all of the characters and the great stories, I don't want to skimp on anything. I want to make each page my best.

A la Mallrats, do you think Lois Lane will be able to handle Clark Kent's child during pregnancy? Kevin Smith thinks not.

Do we know it's Clark Kent's baby for sure? In the sonogram, it sure resembles Lex Luthor (same hairline).

Any last comments or thoughts regarding the series?

I feel very honored to be part of this project. It is the kind of book I had hoped to work on when I got into comics. The scripts are more exciting with each issue and I am having a blast drawing it. I hope people enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy working on it. 'nuff said.

Interview by Eitan Shapiro
and acknowledgements to Stephen Gerding & 4-Color Review

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