Amanda and Kyle's reunion gets a Thumbs Up From the April 13th Soap Opera Digest:

     Up! and Down!

Best Of Show Or Worse For Wear? Digest Hands Out Blue Ribbons And Booby Prizes

A Reunion To Remember

     A big high-five to MELROSE PLACE. After months of miscommunication and despair, Kyle and Amanda reunited. Hallelujah! Their suffering (and ours) is finally at an end.
     From the outset, this plot had more holes in it than Swiss cheese. Kyle mistakenly thought he was sterile because the lab technician gave Peter the test results of another guy named McBride. Instead of asking for a recount (so to speak), a guilt-ridden Kyle hid the "truth" from his baby-craving wife, got hooked on drugs and ended up in rehab. When Amanda became pregnant, Kyle thought Peter was the dad. The guys got into a fight, and Amanda went flying out a window and miscarried.
     Well, the couple's poignant reunion made up for all that. While Kyle was waiting for a flight to Boston, ready to put L.A. behind him for good, Amanda was learning about the test snafu. Could she find him before he took off? The race with the clock was on. A breathless Amanda arrived in the nick of time, rushed up to her hubby and blurted out the truth in a classic soap moment. Bewilderment, shock, relief, elation - Kyle experienced it all as the truth sank in. Then they shared an "I never want to let you go" embrace. Reunited, and it feels so good. Sigh. Kyle's so smitten by the love bug that he even wants to build their dream house with his bare hands. Double sigh.
     Dare we hope that one MP couple can happily ride off into the sunset before the show fades to black in May?

One couple will happily ride off into the sunset. But it won't be Amanda and Kyle.

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