Article eleven:
Freedom -- Is there such a thing?

I have noticed in discussion with my colleagues, that freedom has no precise definition. Prophet Noble Drew Ali lists the five pillars of Islamism to be Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice. I hope this brief discussion can clarify the concept.

Some see freedom as being, paraphrasing Martin Luther King, "freedom is the ability to travel, work, and live in ones’ own nation so long as they are able and stay within the law." Others take Elijah Muhammad’s view, "You are not free until you own your own livelihood." I see that both of these definitions have merit. The ability to travel, Work (if able and qualified), live where one chooses (and is able to afford), and the ability to own one’s own livelihood are all types of freedom that need not be taken too lightly. The ability to travel allows your mind to grow as you see the varied cultures and traditions around you.

However, I do not feel freedom is the ability to destroy your own culture. We are taught in the Moorish Science Temple that we are free only when we: follow our ancient forefathers’ traditions; follow the concepts of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; and do not amalgamate with those of the "Pale-skin European mentality."

Love allows you to understand your own shortcomings and those of your fellowman. Truth, which never changes, is what we should speak. Peace, which comes from love and understanding (plus Truth when it is spoken), will allow us a time of contemplation. When all of these are followed, you are only beginning to be free. First you must: study yourself and then accept who you are. These are two practices that will tell you how to satisfy your five senses without going beyond the limits set by Allah. They will also tell you self-applied name-tags (Negro, black, colored, coon, shine, white, honkey, Latino, spic, brown, red, jungle bunny, etc.) are only ways to further divide ourselves.

A divided people cannot be free. We are all members of the human race and we each have a nationality and birthrights and we cannot forsake this. Within each nation are smaller tribes and ethnic groups and Imperialists have sought to divide the Asiatics from each other along these lines. These smaller, well defined ethnic groups, are but part of a whole. If these groups do not support the common good of all Asiatics, we will remain disgraced, bleached bones in a valley of despair, never to be resurrected back to a life in tune with the dictates of our Creator, our Father God -- Allah. This means, we must support our schools, our businesses, and keep our neighborhoods safe and clean for this and future generations. Remember the whole is only as strong as its component parts.

When we realize these concepts and no longer divide ourselves along lines of color and race, then our quest toward a definition of freedom can better be plotted. No longer divided, no longer seeing each other as stereotypes and now seeing each other as people of principles, culture, and nations, we can set out on path towards our goal.

Freedom, when all the above pre-determinates are set in place, needs to be limited in order for it to continue to exist. Certain freedoms, however, must first be guaranteed: 1) Freedom of the press. This would set limits under which government and individuals would care to act publicly.; 2)Freedom of speech and artistic expression. This allows those unwilling to print their opinions an outlet of expression. Often, obscenity laws are an impediment to these freedoms. As long as no one is hurt, mentally or physically, these laws are useless. In fact, they quickly turn into book burning laws.; 3) Freedom of religion. This fundamental freedom is being eaten away today by those acting in our best interest to insure we don’t belong to their favorite cult target group.; 4) Freedom of production. As long as there is a market for goods and they present no harm to the consumer, why limit this freedom. Workers rights should be considered separately from this issue, however.; and, 5) Freedom of consumption. Limits set should only be those that ensure the individual is receiving the good or service they purchased. Within these five freedoms and laws governing our personal health, welfare, and livelihood in place, our path towards freedom starts. Or does it?

I say no. We are not free because we have no one to depend upon in hard times or to thank in good times. That is the National God. All nations have such a God. Europeans have theirs that was created for their earthly salvation, but Asiatics also have theirs. He is a god that has always existed and always will. He is omniscient and omnipotent and is the only true god. He is Allah. In earlier times propaganda of this ideal was not necessary as all people passed down this idea of a National God to their descendants. Slavery, colonialism, missionarianism, and imperialism all sought to have a National God that favored the Imperialists and Colonizers and put the subjected peoples in their place. That time was declared out with the coming of Prophet Noble Drew Ali and his call, "Come all ye Asiatics!" He called us to learn our true faith (Islam), our origins, and our National God (Allah).

This is a discussion that can never end. Hopefully, InshaAllah, I will continue this dialogue on the concept of "Freedom" in a later article. The reader who wishes to know more of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s concepts and teachings can Email this writer at [email protected] for more information and books you can order on Islam in America and the Moorish Science Temple.

This paper was originally written by Muhammed Abdullah al-Ahari (A/K/A Hakim Muhsin Abdul Ali El on January 11, 1986 for a technical writing class at Chicago’s East West University. It has been revised twice -- once on February 1, 1986 and a second time on March 10, 1997. The writer has plans to write short paper on the concepts of Love, Truth, Peace, and Freedom and combine these with the above papers for an introductory pamphlet on "Moorish Revolutionary Concepts and Nation Rebuilding".

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