Alfonso VI, 1030-1109, Spanish king of Leon (1065-1109) and Castile (1072-1109). He inherited Leon from his father, Ferdinand I. Defeated by his brother Sancho II of Castile, he fled to the court of Al-Mamun, Moorish ruler of Toledo. After Sancho’s assassination (1072) he succeeded to the throne of Castile and took Galicia from his brother García (1073), thus becoming the most powerful Christian ruler in Spain. He encouraged Christians in Moslem lands to migrate north. He raided Moslem territory and penetrated as far as Tarifa. After the conquest of strategic Toledo (1085), he took many other cities and reached the line of the Tagus. Aroused by his advance, Abbad III and his Moslem allies called to their aid the Almoravide Yusuf ibn Tashufin, who defeated Alfonso in 1086. Again the Spanish lost in 1108; Alfonso’s only son died in the battle. Alfonso’s reign gave a great crusading impulse to the reconquest of Spain and was notable for the exploits of the Cid. His court at Toledo became the center of cultural relations between Moslem and Christian Spain, while French influence also grew strong through his many French followers. At this time the Cluniac reform was introduced into Spain. Alfonso was succeeded by his daughter Urraca. [The Illustrated Columbia Encyclopedia, 1969]


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